Status: Always in progress...

For Them

Maybe this time

Yasu was dreaming.

Dreaming of a very beautiful man (in more ways than one) doing very beautiful things to her.

The way his fingers traced over her tattoo made her shiver, moaning softly as his lips followed. Legs entwined and arms tangled and held tightly as bodies warmed and moved together. It was paradise, something to savor—granted she would like him to get to it just a touch quicker.

“Koibito… Yasu, wake up.” Little words brought her out of the dream rather unwillingly… but the reward was more than great. It hadn’t been a dream.

“I want you awake for this,” Camui’s lips graced her own while he pressed them closer. So very close to what they wanted. He smiled softly down at her, leaning in that inch to kiss her again as he pushed so slowly into her.

This was the first time for them in a long time. Yasu hadn’t had sex since…. Well, since she got pregnant. For Camui, she knew it was a much shorter span. Did that bother her? Honestly, a little but they weren’t together and now, they were. Yasu just hoped they weren’t entering into that vicious cycle of sex, food, and fucking, because there was no way that would happen with a four year old running around.

It was good that he didn’t mind her clinging to him, as much as she wanted this and as ready as she could be it still pinched a little bit. She told him to keep going, the fine tremble she felt go up his spine let her know that he couldn’t stop. Yasu didn’t want him to, she was just sorry they couldn’t be louder. She wanted to cry out his name, moan, whimper, and tell him exactly what he was doing to her but that wasn’t going to happen this time.

Camui pushed her legs up, still keeping that slow wonderful pace that was bound to drive her mad. It went on and on in what seemed like an endless daze of pleasured affection. They were both so close to that one shining moment of fullness…

Just a little more…



“Mommy... daddy…. I don’t feel well.”

The pair of them nearly had a heart attack. When the hell had he snuck in?? How much had Little Ren seen?! Also, WHY couldn’t he have waited another sixty seconds?

Camui looked at Yasu, his way of asking what the hell to do. Clearly, he wasn’t aware of the rule that stated parents weren’t allowed to enjoy lovemaking until their child/children were old enough for sleepovers and sleep away camp. This might take some adjustment on his part.


A few hours, a doctor’s visit, miso soup, and two prescriptions later, they were finally back home. The two consenting adults in the house were on edge. It almost hurt they were so ready to find a closet for the next fifteen minutes.

Did that happen? No.

Score two for the cockblocking stomach virus that Ren had picked up at school. Nil for the parent’s libidos.

Then again, such is life for the parent’s of a four year old who loved to be outside and play with his friends—no matter how sick they may be.


Yasu was cuddled on the couch with the father of her child. It was well past two in the morning yet Ren had been up making trips to the bathroom—with mommy and daddy’s help of course. The three of them were exhausted, Ren was dead to the world with his fever broken. Said parents were cuddled on the couch, not really paying attention to anything, utterly exhausted.

Camui had done Yasu proud, his first time dealing with a child’s sickness had been a success. He hadn’t freaked out, or thrown a fit, or looked to her to hold his hand through the whole process. Camui had just handled it the way she had, like a parent with a sick child who knew the doctor’s knew way more about the situation than they did.

“You did good today Camui,” Yasu cuddled harder on him, trying to stay warm. Any doctor’s office made her cold, no matter how briefly she was in there—this is where he could score a few more brownie points. Keep the woman happy, you stay happy.

“I was terrified the entire time.”

“You hid it well.” Yasu was nearly off in dream land, she was exhausted. Then she heard a bombshell.

“Will you marry me?”