Status: Always in progress...

For Them

Just Nerves

Night seemed to stretch on until morning, it had been like that for almost a week now.She couldn’t sleep, could barely function. Yasu was nervous.

She couldn’t help it, the wedding was two weeks away… No, less than that. A week? No, even less than that. One look at her calendar had her head spinning. Tomorrow. She was getting married tomorrow afternoon. That thought alone was enough to send her running out of her office and into the bathroom. The contents of her stomach greeted cold porcelain for the second time in two days, what the hell was wrong with her? Yasu had never been this nervous of a person but the idea of walking down the aisle had her half hysterical. To top it off, Camui was staying with his parents tonight—at their insistence. Something about it being tradition and some such bullshit.

“They have never liked me…” She thought about her soon to be in laws and shivered a little. She had never been so intimidated in her life—which was such crap. Who were those two to look down their noses at her? Maybe it had something to do with the fact her son was marrying her almost five years after this “coupling”, Yasu didn’t know but it was pissing her off and making her ill in the process. This wasn’t going to work, not this way.

Yasu rinsed out her mouth and grabbed her phone, dialing by heart, waiting for the sound of either voicemail or newly risen grogginess. What she got was a fully awake if somewhat wilted about the edges Camui. “You can’t sleep either?”

“I’m nervous.”

“Why would you be nervous koi?”

“Because your parents scare the hell out of me, that’s reason enough in my book.”

She listened to him laugh a little, enjoying the comfortable tone. Camui’s laugh was rich, almost like it was filling you full of whatever was amusing him. It made her heart ease just a little, he had a knack for making her calm—even if it was just a little bit.

“I can’t really say I blame you right now, my father has been lecturing me on marriage and fatherhood all day. It’s a little frightening to be honest.”

Yasu was a little quiet when she asked him why it was so scary.

“Don’t worry koi, his version is basically fire and brimstone. Considering he raised me, I can’t really complain. I guess I was a bit of a terror,” he laughed again. It was softer this time, more of a chuckle than laugh, but it didn’t matter. His laughter was like a drug to her. Or maybe she was just totally smitten.

“Are you nervous?”

“I keep thinking I’ll wake up and find out this is all a really good dream. You’re not a dream, are you?”

It was her turn to laugh a little, “No Camui, the last time I checked we weren’t in the Matrix.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

“Can you sleep?”

“Maybe if you stay on the phone with me we can both sleep.”

“Lay down and get comfortable, we might be here a while.”

“All night babe.”


Short hours turned shorter as they flew past, the couple barely sleeping but feeling okay. Today was the day, the big day, the ‘holy shit, I’m married’ day.

Yasu was in her beautiful Kambriel creation, they had been nice enough to speed up the ordering and making process to make sure she was an aisle ready bride. Even Yasu had to admit, she looked amazing. Ren was with his father and the other menfolk, getting ready in tuxes and yukata—the sight of Little Ren in his yukata had made her smile and meant Ren was about a thousand times more comfortable. That was a bonus in any mother’s book. She spared a thought for her groom to be, would he be wearing a tux or something more traditional? It didn’t matter, the only thing they had coordinated on was color and pattern, she had no idea and she really did not care. They could’ve been getting married in a courthouse in jeans and she could not have cared less—yet she still paced like a caged tiger...

Or a nervous panda. Either or really.


Her head was swimming… She wasn’t the same as she was a few hours before. She was Camui Suzume, but still Yasu the temperamental artist. Yet different…

She wasn’t just a mother, she was a wife now as well. It was so weird but really amazing at the same time.

Yasu just wanted to have a moment to herself, even if it was accompanied by the newly ringed man in her life. Part of her was ready to leave this party and just have time alone with the newest addition to her family. Chance granted her a little opportunity, she took it and brought him back and away from the others.

“So…” Of all times not to be able to say anything.

“I want to leave too, this isn’t our party anymore.” Yasu hugged this man close, still trying to get used to the idea that he was hers—he had never belonged to anyone but himself. She wasn’t sure if it was nice, unsettling, or if she should be drunk off the power of it all.

She decided she would just have to wait and see how married life worked for them.