Status: Always in progress...

For Them

The Letter

We’ve been over this a thousand times, every single day it seems. I’m starting to wonder if you really would take notice if I made some sort of change.

I know things are difficult but when have they ever been easy with us?

It’s been seven years since you took me out for the dinner that didn’t happen quite the way you wanted. It still makes me smile when I think about it.

I wonder where we went, do you?

I’ll still be waiting for you after every live, after every interview. I’m not being clingy really… I just love you too much.

But… I hate that there’s a “but” right now because it’s something that says things are about to change. I was so afraid of what you’d say when I told you—do you think me a coward for writing a letter instead of giving you the news face to face?

I’ve enclosed something that will explain this whole letter, maybe it will mean something good for us, maybe not. You’re the only part of my life I’m never sure of.

I love you... as hard as it was to say that, I do love you.