Status: Title change :) Hope you don't mind >.<

Snapdragons By His Grave

Taylie Scott has just killed a seventeen year old boy.
Driving home from a midnight party so drunk that she forgot how many fingers she had, she hit Cayman James, a total nobody, with her father’s car. She cleaned it up as best she could, and acted like nothing happened. No one had seen her.
Cayman was a loser. Taylie thought that no one would notice that he was gone. But Cayman’s death caused a huge ruckus in their town. Taylie’s guilt begins to take a toll on her.
Taylie wants to be popular, and she wants people to know her everywhere she goes, but not as the girl who killed Cayman James, who’s slowly becoming the town hero.
Cayman will haunt Taylie in more ways than one. She soon finds that Cayman’s spirit is not at rest, and is still lurking on Earth. At first, she avoids him, thinking he’s out for revenge.
But she slowly finds herself falling in love with him. The only thing is, Cayman doesn’t know that Taylie is the one who killed him.
Taylie loves Cayman…but can she keep him, and her secret?
  1. Journalists Suck.
    Newspaper clippings
  2. The Beginning Starts With The End
    ...the end of a party, and of a life. (Mild sexual content)
  3. Keep it on the DL
    Lewis is a crappy advisor.
  4. The Hangover
  5. A More-Than-Manic Monday
    Back to school without Cayman
  6. Cayman
  7. Caught
  8. A Little Chat
  9. Maybe Being Haunted Isn't So Bad
  10. Only in Death
  11. Home