Like Home

I had some funny thoughts about us last night, you know.


How are things in Japan? I know I can just call you or shoot you an email... but I thought it might be nice to get a letter for once. Was I right? Did you smile when you saw the mail? I sure hope you did. I miss that smile of yours, a lot.

I had some funny thoughts about us last night, you know. I tried to write them down into lyrics. I thought it might be nice to have a song to sing for you when you come back, but nothing I wrote came out right. Then I tried to write a poem, and damn, if you read it, you’d probably just laugh. Kyung did, when he read it over my shoulder. He said he had no idea I was such a ‘closet romanticist.’ I don’t think I’m ever going to hear the end of it.

So I thought I’d just write to you, tell you what I couldn’t put into lyrics. I’ll probably sound like a huge sap, and even this probably won’t come out right... but it’s worth a shot right? Especially if this somehow puts a smile on your face. That’s all I really want, for you to smile.

We’re like the sun and the moon, you and me. They can’t get any further apart. I don’t think we can, either. Or maybe the sun and the moon can move away from each other? If that was possible, it’d probably happen millions of years in the future, right? I can’t picture that happening, though. Just like I can’t picture us drifting apart. I don’t want to picture you and I losing our closeness. You can’t have the moon without the sun, after all.

There’s another thing. They can’t get any closer, either. Even though it might look like there’s a vast distance between them, they’re already as close as can be. Just like I don’t think we can get any closer. You can’t become closer with someone who you already know inside and out, right? How do you get to know someone better when you know him more than you know yourself?

I figure you’d be the moon. You’re a little mysterious, a little bit out of reach. When people look at you, you’re always shining. But I know you’re not all smiles all the time — God, I wish you were; your smiles are beautiful, you know. You have a hidden side, a darker one; just like the moon has it’s dark side. And most importantly, when it’s dark, you’re there to help me out.

I think we’re a little bit like night and day, too. Completely different, but still one and the same. You’d be night. The night is haunting. The night is quiet and calm. But at the same time... the night is wild. The night is when everyone comes out to play. I think that describes you pretty well, right? You’re quiet, but mischievous and playful. Not to mention the fact that you haunt my thoughts.

And that leaves me to be the sun and the day. I’m not really sure why, to be honest. In fact, I see you as being the sun and the day, too. You’re bright and happy and always there, just like the sun. Like the long awaited daybreak after a sleepless night, you’re a welcomed saviour. My saviour.

I’d say that we’re a bit like angels and demons, too. Or maybe... you’re just like an angel. I don’t think there’s a single demon-like quality about you. (Except for that one time during freshman year when you locked me out of the dorm wearing nothing but a towel. Remember that? I thought you were the devil incarnate.) You’re sweet and beautiful. You’re filled with goodness and light and you’re constantly guiding me. You’re like a gift from above, one I’ll always be thankful for. You really are an angel. My angel.

You’re like home, too. I know I always tell you that you’re the only person I can ever be completely comfortable around, but it’s true. You’re safe and warm and you feel like home. You are home, and I wouldn’t trade the feelings I get when I’m around you for the world.

Man, this was... really cheesy, wasn’t it? Sorry. You’re probably laughing your ass off at how dumb I sound, aren’t you? Oh well. I guess, as long as I got you to smile with this, that’s all that matters. That was pretty much the point of this letter, I think. That, and to tell you that I love you. I love you so damned much, Yukwon. Always remember that.

♥ Minhyuk