And All Things Will End

"Look straight ahead." Snap. "Turn to your left." Snap. "Turn to your right." Snap.

That was all Erika Valentine heard as she stood in front of the camera in the Huntington Beach Police Department. She'd been arrested. Arrested for protecting herself.


A word from the author: Although this is a work of fiction, this story deals with something that is very real. Something I myself have been through. I'm not entirely sure why this story came to me and I began writing it, but it did. I'm also not entirely sure how long it's going to be. It's definitely out of my comfort zone and I hope you find it worth reading.

Disclaimer: Erika Valentine is an original character that I created, therefore making her mine. I do not own M. Shadows or any member of Avenged Sevenfold, their significant others, or any member of their entourage.