The Confidence Trick

Jason's Broke

"What the hell, man?! You spent the last of the money on cigarettes and booze, what are we supposed to do now?"

Brown eyes lazily looked up, not processing what was yelled until he stopped and ran it through his mind again. His friend, and roommate, slammed his keys on the counter, coming over to join him in the living room. The couch next to him shifted, the smell of body odor, smoke, and rotting food becoming much more potent and unbearable. He had been sitting in his own filth for too long, wallowing in self-pity. Running a hand angrily through his thick hair, his friend sighed, not knowing what to do or what else he could say. Anything that came to his mind he had said before, and repeating it wasn't going to make it better or change what had happened. Avoiding his friend's icy gaze, Jason remained silent, lips sealed.

"Look, Jason, I know that you think it's your fault, but it's not. You did the best you could with the situation given to you. You cared for your sister better than your parents! I hate to say this, but it's about time that you get on with your life. Acting like this is not going to help anything, or bring her back... it's getting a little frustrating. Money is short as it is." Drew's voice almost spat out, his blunt attitude hitting Jason where it hurt.

Flinching, Jason glared and slowly stood. Snatching up the six pack of beer as he strode to his room slamming the door behind him. He grabbed his hair in frustration, nearly separating the hairs from their follicles. He turned around unsure of what to do with himself. Plopping down on his bed, he let his head fall in his hands.

"Dammit, why did this have to happen?" he thought aloud.

Wrenching his face up and letting his head fall onto his pillow, he stared blankly at the wall. Bailey was everything to him, the only person that really depended on him. She was the only one that needed him. His little sister. Now, she was gone. Returned back to that hell of a home. How the hell was he supposed to feel about her being taken right from his grasp? She depended on "Mom" and "Dad" now, people that weren't him. Parents that didn't give a shit. Taking a swig of beer, he sighed, trying to eradicate the incessant thoughts. Andrew was right, and he knew that he should get his act together.

The only way that he would ever get her back was to get himself back on his feet and keep the money pouring in. He had a huge debt to pay, at it wouldn't get any easier. Jason stood, a new goal in site. He set down his beer shrugging of his jacket. He started the shower and climbed in. Hot sticky steam hung low in the bathroom as he scrubbed away days worth of grime. Things needed to change, and a shower was as good a start as any.

* * *

Andrew was lounging on the couch when Jason ambled out of his room. He glanced up to see him heading for the door of their apartment. The guilt of his outburst earlier was eating at him.

"Jason!" he yelled before he'd completely crossed over the threshold.

Jason poked his head back in. "Hmm?" he replied.

Andrew sighed slightly hating the feeling of apology on his lips. "Look, I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't mean what I said, I'm just so fucking stressed right now."

Jason nodded, "Don't worry about it man, you were right, about everything. I need to get over it. I'm going to handle some things. "

Andrew felt taken aback; he thought he was right. He shook his head clearing his thoughts. "Oh, okay man," he said reluctantly, " don't do anything stupid, okay?"

Jason scoffed a familiar smirk returning to his lips, "Whatever Drew." He shut the door behind him leaving Andrew to stagnate in his words. 'What could he possibly have to handle?' Andrew could only wonder.

* * *
He needed more time. He'd lost his job. He didn't have the money. Plain and simple. Cut and dry. It was stupid of him to go to that loan shark. The bank wouldn't give him a loan. A twenty-two year old with horrible credit, currently working a minimum wage job that barely put food on the table. So at the time a loan shark was the only way to get his sister out of his parents house, and into his apartment living with him. It wasn't as if his parents abused them, but it wasn't as if they cared for them. They locked themselves in their rooms, or left the house for sometimes weeks on end. He had to make sure Bailey had food. He had to make sure she had clothes. He had to make sure she was loved. He basically was her parent. So as soon as he could move out he was looking for a way to bring her, after all, who'd miss her there? No one there. He didn't have enough to care for her so he found a loan shark through some guys he knew. Once he had the money things were good. Drew joined the two to help pay rent. Things went smoothly until one night he and Drew were having a party. He was drunk and Bailey wasn't in his sight. He didn't know the police where called to complain about a noise disturbance. When the police arrived they found Bailey and deemed the living situation hazardous to her well-being. The court ruled that she'd have to stay with her legal guardians. The shitheads known as mom and dad. He was making the drive out to Manchester from London, about a four hour drive. Out to the man who had made everything possible, the man who ruined his life. His name was Tino, or so he called himself. He didn't check his credit score, or his history. He didn't ask for collateral. All he needed was the money returned with interest. Jason didn't think it'd be a problem to pay him back. It was only $1,500, nothing extreme. Just enough to get he and Baily started. He didn't think interest rates would be too bad. In reality, he didn't think at all. And now with the extremely high interest rate, he didn't have the cash to pay off the slowly growing debt he'd have to deal with.

He parked a few blocks away from Tino's home walking the rest of the way. It was a precaution most money lenders and drug dealers took. Despite movies, loan sharks didn't stay in popular clubs or mansions with naked women prancing around. Most of them lived in pretty average homes. He walked up to the front door knocking three times. He waited awkwardly his nerves putting him on edge. After what seemed like a life time, a tall man opened the door, his hair braided back in tight corn rolls.

"I've come to speak with Tino." Jason said.

They man nodded inviting Jason in. He followed him into the living room where Tino and a bunch of others where watching football. Tino turned slightly picking up on Jason's presence.

"Jason! Long time eh? How's the money treating ya?" he said, his British accent coating each syllable.

"That's what I came to talk to you about." The room suddenly grew quiet, Tino's smile faltering slightly.

He swallowed his fear and spewed the words he knew he came to say. No point in beating around the bush. "I need more time." he said firmly. Tino stared him straight in the eyes, a glint of something new in his brown orbs. He stood his ground not wanting to show any weakness.

"You are demanding more time?" Tino asked suprisingly still calm.

"I lost my job, I don't-" Tino cut him off before he had the chance to speak.

He was right in his face, so close he could see the pores in his skin. "I want my money. I want it by the end of next week." he seethed in Jason's ear.

He swallowed the fear quickly rising in his throat. "And if I don't get it," he trailed off motioning for the guys watching football to join them in the foyer, "Your going to wish you never heard my name!" he spat signaling for his men to pounce.

Jason fought the urge to beg for mercy and fought back with every ounce of strength he had. But it didn't seem to be enough. He managed to landed a punch in one guys chest. Trying to jump back as they swarmed him. His brain rattled as a fist smashed into his temple knocking him too the ground. Kicks and jabs continued to beat his body as he gasped for air in pain underneath the barrage of attacks. He felt lowered to begging but he didn't even have the breath to yell. After what felt like a life time, the beating finally stopped.

"Get his ass out off here!" Tino yelled all traces of previous happiness gone.

The men snatched Jason up roughly dragging him to the front door. Once open, they threw him into the lawn. He laid their in pain fighting back the urge to scream in anger. He pulled his body up weakly pain shooting though him. He left the yard limping off to find his car with only one thing on his mind.

"Shit, I'm so screwed."
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I hope you liked it ^.^