Status: Two more parts and it's done!

Inlove with her

Part One

At the age of fifteen she would do anything to please my older brother ; if some random day Kevin would decide to jump of from a cliff she would do it , if he decided to skip school she would definitely do it again , and since we were kids this would happen all over again , so it wasn’t a surprise that when Kevin wanted to experienced mature things he would ask her , my best friend , my girl , to do it with him….and again she said yes in a heart beat .

You can say that is none of my business to want to know what was going on with their lives but my inner curiosity killed me , after all we were good friends , pinky promise and all , and that night I heard every little sound coming out their mouths…I even cried for her .

“I-I’m not sure about this K-Kevin” she stuttered while my brother was straddling her hips.
I could see the figures from the lock…she was sweaty , that kind of sweat that comes out of you when you’re nervous . “But I love you baby…” says Kevin placing a kiss on her neck and from that moment I knew what was going to happen next…clothes were awfully forgotten on the floor and in a minute they become one .
When he entered her , I could see her tears staining her pale cheeks , one , two , three , four thrusts , God Kevin , how long does it take you? I don’t take that long . “Please. Kev.Stop” she tries to say between breaths , my older brother still attacking her body “I’m so close…” he pants with an almost animalistic rhythm “Kevin!” and they kiss and that’s when I’m sure both have reached their climax …I just watched my brother and my best friend having sex , another achievement in my life .

The next days I was determinate to hate Kevin but when I see them cuddling and kissing every time they think we’re not looking I realized that was true love…something that I have never felt .

“I’m sorry Nicholas this is too much to handle” says my father looking at my fifth detention card …I got five times caught drinking , smoking and groping at the school’s gym . It wasn’t anything new to my parents , looking for his boys in detention wasn‘t a new thing to do , but still five times in one month seems too much . “This is not fair!…K-Kevin smokes too and nobody says anything!” I shout , Joe frowns , I try to look for some support in my brother but I can‘t, after all Kevin is Joe’s hero .
“This is not about your brother…this is about you youngman!”
“You’re moving to your grandma’s house , we can’t handle a toddler , Kevin’s girlfriend pregnant and you acting like this!” says my mom .
“Then why don’t you send Kevin to grandma’s , I’m not the fucking one who got and underaged pregnant!”
“Go pack now…that’s my final word” and that’s what I do , I run upstairs and make sure that every step I take I make sounds , horrible sounds , I know that Kevin has a headache and I want him to know that he’s the one to fucking blame on this , the reason of my unhappiness the cuts on my wrists and why I smoke and why I’m forced to move away from here .

Kevin , the girl of my dream and their fucking baby that’s due in any moment .

Fourteen years later she still writes me everyday , she tells me about her dreams and the way she hates Kevin for being so overprotective , I laugh because clearly some things haven’t changed.

“You know we can’t tell daddy about this” she says grabbing her schoolbag from the floor . My bedroom is dark and when she turns around I can perfectly see her hazel eyes . “Your hair is different” I say while she kiss me deeply and full on the mouth .

Her mouth is all pouty -just how I like it - her porcelain soft skin makes me go crazy when I touch her , her voice is from like an angel , the way she sways her hips shouldn’t be allowed for someone of her age , the way she screams my name every time she’s underneath me is different from any woman I have been with , her breasts are full , and don’t even get me started with her legs…
But her hair -long curly brown hair- is like mine and that’s when it hits me .

“Mhmm…you don’t like it?” she asks once we pull apart for so much needed air . “I do , I like it when is all straight “ I said running my finger through it , her natural tight curls long forgotten , so much like her “I might even dye it to blonde…” she says giving me a peck on the lips “Nick?” I spaced out for a moment she’s the most beautiful girl in the world , she has her father’s eyes and that’s why I’m willing to break her heart…theirs hearts… If only they were brown .

“I’m sorry…please don’t do that” I beg (she does anything to please me) because if she does there will be no longer that part that I love from her so much , her straight brown hair .

And I’m inlove with her because she’s the closest I could ever be from the love of my life .
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There's two other parts. Hope you liked it!