

Fireworks have always captivated me. I wait in anticipation for the first shell to be shot off.

The clapping bomb to comes my way, resonating through my whole body.

I am fascinated the explosion of color and light.

I love looking around and seeing the colors illuminating the faces of other onlookers.

The mesmerizing patterns of light fill my mind, even with my eyes closed.

The smoke and smell wash over me as the sky above lights up, the smokes makes a haze that blurs all the lines.

I hear whistling and popping all around, and as the finale comes I feel so much more alive and the shock waves reverberate through my body and soul.

I let my senses take over, becoming overwhelmed by the chemical reaction happening before me.

I lay back on the ground letting my whole body take it in.
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145 words.
People are setting fireworks off in my neighborhood like CRAZY!