Status: I'll update whenever I feel the need to do so

Letters That Were Never Sent

Letter #1

June 20, 2011 4:35 pm

Dear Jordan,

What do you want from me? If you think that I'm just going to fall to your feet and beg you to ask me out, you've got another thing coming.I hate how with you, it's always what you have going on. You don't care! You never did! You just can't get a girlfriend, so you think that because you're older I'm going to fall in your arms. You don't know anything about me. I don't need you. Once again I'm your second or third or whatever! You didn't get her and you couldn't get any other high school girls to fall for you. So you pick me? Yea, well I'm done with you. Please stop looking desperate. Stop texting me. I meant what I said.

Desperate isn't attractive.
