Status: I'll update whenever I feel the need to do so

Letters That Were Never Sent

Letter #3

September 4, 2011 10:18 pm

Dear Cody,

Wow, wow, wow! You know how to get 'em, don't you? You just know exactly what to do to make girls like you. Like, we didn't even have a thing and yet I feel angry or jealous whenever you talk to another girl. I hate that you can make me do that. You just think you're the greatest, don't you? Well I really would like to know you're story. How did you get to be this player sort of guy? What made you this way? What do you do that makes me so interested in you? You're like every girl's dream over text message beause 1) You make them feel cared about but 2) You can also joke around and have fun with them. But you don't want me, no, you just want all the girls to like you. You don't actually want to have a relationship with them or anything like that. I can't believe I actually thought we could be something. How stupid could I be? Well, I guess I should thank you for teaching me not to be so willing to talk to a guy before I know them. But you, you're the mistake I almost made. And I'm glad for that almost, except for the fact that it wasn't my decision not to text you. If it was up to me you'd be texting me. Truthfully, if it was up to me lots of guys would be texting me. But that's beside the point. The point is I'm not going to want to like you. At all. You'll just be nothing to me. Nothing. So go ask girls for pictures, and tell girls that they're smoking hot, and go make every girl out there fall for you. Just don't text me, because I won't be answering. Not to you anyway.

Geez, you irk me you player.
