Status: active and excited for comments.

If We Don't Die Today

With Korse's words from the last mission still ringing in her head - "Your brother is alive" - she can't sleep at night or think of anything else. Atomic won't rest until she knows if it's the truth or not, and something deep inside her tells her that Korse wasn't playing games.

Now, with the help of the ringleader Party Poison, the prankster Fun Ghoul, the wise Jet Star, the emotionless Kobra Kid, and her additional friends Galaxy Escape, Bulletproof Liberation, Ritalin Revolver, and little Grace, she's ready to do whatever it takes to find out if her brother is still alive and if she can save him.

But with a new destructive, malicious, and sadistic clone creation of Better Living Industries, danger and horror lurk behind every dying tree in the scorching desert that the Killjoys call home.