Status: Currently Working On, Slow Updates, Soon To End

Love Is An Art

The Girl in the Plaid Skirt and the Fight of a Lifetime

Mom never acts like that. Normally she would fly off the handles at small things, I’m blaming her attitude on the whole pregnancy thing. Honestly, this day couldn't take a turn for the worse. But then again, my life can never give me a break. When I turned the corner to head towards the library, my heart shattered. Take a guess at what I saw. Go ahead, guess? Oh yeah, I forgot you suck at the guessing game. I saw slutty Jessica touching Casey. And not in a 'OMG ur soooo funny!' type way. It was a 'Let's do it right here' type way.
“What the hell do you think you're doing?” I asked pushing her away from him.
“I'm sorry, but I'm in the middle of something.” She said pushing me back. She swished her obviously fake blond hair and turned back to Casey. I grabbed her arm and pulled her away from him.
“Um, I'm sorry to burst your slut bubble, but you don't lay a single finger on my boyfriend.” I said moving in front of Casey, preventing her from getting any closer to him.
“Oh, so that rumor is true? Casey didn't say anything about you two dating.” She chuckled. I looked a Casey and he looked away like nothing was happening.
“Listen you bitch.” I said walking closer to her. “Don't you ever touch my boyfriend again. If I see you near him, I'll pull your fake ass hair out. Got me?”
“Fine.” she said walking away. “Oh, and Jude. I'll remember to tell Liam that you said 'Hi' OK?” she laughed.
“I HATE YOU, YOU BITCH!” I yelled after her. I was still holding out anger about her taking Liam from me, and now trying to take Casey from me. Casey? Oh yeah, I'm mad at him right now. I turned to look for him, but he was already gone. Nothing a little phone call couldn't fix.
I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my contacts. Casey's name was the 9th number so this wouldn't take long. I hit the 'Call Now' option and waited for him to pick up.
“Hello?” he said on the other end of the line.
“Where the hell did you go?” I asked continuing my walk to the library.
“Yeah, I'm not gonna tell you that.” He laughed.
“You know what? If you don't tell me now, I'll kill you when I find you.”
“I think you might even kill me now. I'm just gonna hide from you until you've calmed down.”
“You doing this is only going to piss me off even more.” I said starting to whisper as I entered the library. There was an abandoned conference room that Lizzie and I used to study. She was sitting at the table with her laptop, headphones in and music playing loud. She paused it and took her headphones out when she saw me walk in.
“Listen Judy, I'll come find you when I think you've calmed down.”
“You know what, don't come find me. I'm done Casey, OK? Just stay away from me.”
“Jude, you can't mean that. You know how much I love you.” He said sounding like was starting to panic. I closed the door and sat on the table.
“It's too bad I mean it. I'm done with you Casey Brand.” I said crossing my legs and trowing my backpack on the floor.
“Jude, please don't do this. Let's just talk this out, alright?” He was sounding desperate.
“No. I'm sick of this Casey. Apparently you don't respect me enough to tell slutty Jessica to keep her nasty whore hands off you.” Lizzie gave me a look of shock and disgust. I gave her a hush motion.
“It was all a misunderstanding. Jude, I am begging you. Please don't leave me.”
“I'm done with you and your excuses.” I said hanging up and throwing my phone at a wall. I looked at Lizzie for a second and immediately started crying.
“It's OK Jude. I'm here for you.” she said hugging me. I cried like that for about a half hour.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Lizzie asked. I shook my head no and she dropped it. She was able to cheer me up a little then we studied until dinner time.
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Sorry this chapter is so short. It's an attention span thing.