Status: Just a few chapters left : )

You Idiot! You Weren't Supposed To Come Back!


“GET OUT!” I screeched like a flippin demon as I slammed my door.

“Maxxi, will you PLEASE just listen to me for a sec!” He begged on the other side.

“NO! And stop calling me Maxxi!” He didn’t have the right anymore. Not after his stupid man whore self did what I hoped would never happen but knew would. Proves how dumb I am for not trusting my instincts.

“God damn it Maxxalena! Please! It wasn’t what it looked like, I swear to you!” he lied.

“Oh please, it never is, is it? Just leave me alone!” I ran to my radio and turned it on full blast, drowning out the idiot on the other side of my door’s pleas. I heard a little more banging against the door until something slid down and landed on the floor. I went to my closet, got some pjs and jumped in bed, falling into a deep sleep from the night’s stupid events.

*Yawn* I woke up to the Georgia sun brightly shining through my balcony window. I groaned as I looked at my clock, 9:07 A.M. Yuck. I pulled my door open and a sleeping dude fell with it.

“Ouch...what the hell?” He stopped himself when he realized he was outside my bedroom door. Obviously, he fell asleep here last night.

“Maxxi! Oh my god, I’m so sorry! But if you would please, just give me 2 minutes to explain, I promise you won’t regret it.” He gave me a puppy dog look, not one I fell for but I gave him a look that meant he could continue.

“2 minutes. Go.” I stated looking bored.

“Okay, she came onto me. I swear, she just grabbed me and shoved her tongue down my throat. I almost thought it was you, but your kisses are much better. That’s when I realized it wasn’t you and I pushed her away.” He breathed.

“I see. I appreciate the whole ‘your kisses are better’ part. But it doesn’t change the fact that I SAW you kissing back, as in your hands groping her whole dang body and everything. I’m not stupid, and I’m definitely not blind. You didn’t pull away at all, you idiot. I was there for like a full minute.” I stated with a glare. He thinks he can lie about it, I saw the whole thing. And that boy did NOT pull away.

“Ok, you’re right-“I know this, I always am when it comes to me and this moron. “-But I apologized like 100 times and I’ll apologize however many more you want, just please, please forgive me Maxx. Come on.”

I admired how much he tried, I really did. But I didn’t understand why, this guy could charm any girl he wanted with just a smile. Hell, it worked on ME, yet he’s at my bedroom door, asking me to take him back after he made out with some random hoe at my friend Kayla’s birthday party last night. What I really don’t understand is, why?

“Okay Lucas. Of all the girls you could date, you pick me. After me turning you down what? 7 times, you keep trying. I say yes, and we date for 5 months, then I find you kissing some chick 2 months into it. My stupid self forgives you, and you do it again a month later. I figure ‘one last chance, then it’s done.’ And of course, you blow it last night. Practically having sex with some random hooker, only you have clothes on. And now, you’re asking me to take you back. Right?” I had to summarize all this, to get it through my head and his.
Lucas’s face showed some guilt and regret, but silently agreed with a “right.”

“Ok, so obviously stating all that. I think you should just leave and not look back. Go find a girl who makes you feel ‘special’ for 5 minutes.” I stated, using the phrase he used on me when we first started dating, and continued, “And just forget all about me, I’m sure you won’t have any trouble with that. You’ve done it about 4 times now.” I smiled. It was a genuine yet sarcastic smile too. I honestly was looking forward to dumping Lucas. In the beginning, he was really sweet and he did care. But eventually, he became sort of a pig, and I got sick of it.

“Please don’t leave me Maxx, you know I love you.” He frowned, grabbing my hands.

“No, Luc, I really don’t. Please don’t make this any harder, just go. Ok?” I said as I slowly pulled my hands back to my sides.

His face was a mixture of sadness and shock. Mostly shock. It’s like he thought I wouldn’t finally dump him after all the crap he’s done. I opened the front door and nodded my head toward it, giving him the hint to leave.

He started to walk out the door but didn’t leave before saying;
“I really am sorry Maxx. For everything.” Lucas kissed me gently on the cheek; I let him linger there for a second. I mean, he was leaving after all. I could give him this little thing. He smiled sadly and finally left. I sighed; not sadly, but in content. I went back upstairs and got ready for the day. I wore some plaid shorts that reached to the top of my knees and a purple V-neck shirt to match. I put on some blue converse and left my hair in its naturally long waves.

As I walked downstairs, I saw my older brother Alex in the kitchen making pancakes.

“Since when do you cook breakfast?” I smiled as I hopped in the bar stool behind the counter.

“Since I felt like it.” He smirked while handing me the syrup bottle and a plateful of pancakes. Surprisingly, not burnt.

“Mhmm…so this doesn’t have anything to do with the fact you got lucky last night?” I smirked back as his jaw dropped in shock.

“How did you know?!” Right after he finished his sentence, his girlfriend of 7 months, Kayla, who is very awesome. I see nothing wrong with her…except that she’s dating my brother, gross. But anyway, she walked in and kissed Alex on the cheek, causing him to smile and hand her the pancakes. She sat down next to me and I realized she was only wearing Alex’s t-shirt.

“Well, besides that-“I raised my eyebrows to Kayla’s lack of clothing, reacting in her blush, “she came in glowing, and you got that ‘I just got screwed’ smirk on your face. Oh and let’s not forget the ‘Oh god, Alex, harder, HARDER!!’ Yeah, I heard that nastiness all the way down in the basement.”

“Oh lord, that is sooo embarrassing.” Kayla hid her face in her hand but I could tell she was laughing at herself.

“Don’t worry Kay, it’s cool. Just please, wait til I leave the house next time. My virgin ears are too innocent for that.” I smiled as she chuckled and thanked me. Alex was just giving me an ‘are you stupid’ type of look.

“What?” I questioned giving him the same look back.

“Virgin ears my ass. I hear you and Haley talk about worse than that all the time.” He stated with raised eyebrows.

“So? Just cause we talk about it don’t mean I’m comfortable actually HEARing it, thank you very much.”

“Well, ya heard it so get over it. Oh, you’re welcome very much.” He smirked at me.

“Shut up. Where’s mom?” I hadn’t even realized she wasn’t here when I woke up and threw Lucas out of the house. Oh crap, I wonder if Alex heard anything.

“She stayed the night with Michael last night…ew.” Alex faked a shudder. We both knew what he meant. Whenever mom stays the night somewhere…you know what’s gonna happen.

“I thought his name was Matt.” Another thing about my mom, she was quite the player. She’d date guys up until she thought things got too serious. Too serious mainly means the ‘L-word’. Love scares the crap out of my mother. She had Alex 2 years before me with the man I’m supposed to call dad. They were happy in the beginning but then shit hit the fan. They fought all the time and broke up constantly. They always got back together; I like to think it was because they thought of Alex. One day, they were...ahem, ‘making up’ and ta da. Baby me appeared in my mother’s tummy. Maybe I was just a really hideous baby and it scared my dad but apparently, 4 days after my birth, he bailed.

I never understood why but I figured I must’ve been a really bad mistake if it resulted in my dad ditching his own family. Oh well, his loss. Cause this family’s pretty awesome without him. But anyway, my mom’s problems with keeping a man affected me in more ways than one. I don’t believe in love…at all. I actually hate love. Soul mates, love at first sight, destined to be with someone, all of that mushy crap, I don’t understand at all and I honestly don’t want to. I don’t understand the point in love anyway.

It’s not that I don’t believe in family love. I love my mom, Alex, and even Kayla with all my heart and I completely understand that love. But love with just 2 people, like Alex and Kayla-the best couple in the world, I just don’t get it.

“Nope, Matt was last week.” Alex chuckled as he sat down with his breakfast next to Kayla.
“Man, doesn’t that bother you guys at all? You’re mom, whose like 40, is out screwing a bunch of dudes. The thought of my mom doing that would probably give me a heart attack.” Kayla said. She didn’t mean to sound harsh, I understood what she meant. And I agreed completely.

“It used to. But now that I’m older I get why she does it. Yeah, it’s gross as crap, but I’m used to it now.” I stated. Alex nodded in agreement. Speak of the devil, I heard the door open and close quietly.

“Sup mom. How was the new boy toy?” I smirked as she walked in wearing the same clothes as yesterday and her hair a mess.

“He’s good, thank you. I think I could actually stick with this one for a couple weeks. He doesn’t give off that ‘serious’ vibe.” She smiled as she grabbed a slice of bacon from the pan on the stove. I grimaced as she waved it in my face. She knew I hated bacon.

She laughed and said, “Well I gotta get to work so I’m going to get ready and I’ll see you guys later.” She started to walk up the stairs but stopped suddenly.

“Maxx, some boy called for you. Said you didn’t answer your cell. He wanted to know if you were coming to the skate park later on. And he said to call him back or he’ll come to your house with eggs.” She smiled and finished walking up the steps. I almost asked who it was but when she said eggs I knew it was Collin. I ran down to the basement where my phone sat on its charger and sure enough, I had a missed call from Collin, Chaz, and a text from Haley. I called Collin back, figuring him and Chaz would be together already. It rang twice before he picked up.

“Yo woman! Why didn’t you answer your phone?” I heard Collin yell, I could tell he was smiling.

“Yo dude! Cause it’s like 10 in the morning, what weirdo calls my mom’s cell when he wants to talk to me anyway?” I smirked.

“Touché.” He laughed. “Anyway, you coming to the skate park later?” I could hear Chaz in the background yelling, “Yes she is!”

I laughed and asked, “When? And whose all gonna be there?”

“Well, the awesome me, retard Chaz, stupid Ryan, girly Haley, and silly you! Oh! We’re all gonna meet there at 2, so be ready when Haley comes to get you!” he laughed out loud at his nicknames while I laughed when Chaz yelled “HEY!”

“Okay well I guess I could make it. I’ll see you guys in a little bit.”

“Bye Maxxers! We love you!!!!” Collin and Chaz both yelled into the phone at the same time.

“Yuck! You guys know I hate that name! Love you idiots too, good bye!” I hung up and looked down at myself. I was still in my pajamas and it was hitting 11. I jumped in the shower, taking my time and letting the warm water soak me up.
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First chapter. Comments would be absolutely appreciated : ) oh, I'm not exactly the biggest Justin Bieber fan so if I miss any information or just mess something up, feel free to call me out on it, just hopefully not too mean : ) thanks!