Status: Just a few chapters left : )

You Idiot! You Weren't Supposed To Come Back!


I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face. Yesterday left me satisfied yet very exhausted, making my sleep amazing. Even though I had to go to the mall and get dresses, it was definitely worth it to hear I get to go to all those sweet famous people events. And the end of the night wasn’t too bad either. Me and Justin had a fun ride home and even took a walk down memory lane.

I didn’t notice until now but when I started thinking of Justin, my stomach fluttered. I looked down at it with a confused face and poked it. Maybe it would growl to tell me it was hungry. Nothing. Maybe I had a stomach ache? Nope, don’t think so. Well that’s weird. I ignored the flutter feeling and looked towards my clock. 11:47, I guess I slept in. I checked my phone for any messages and got nothing from the guys or Haley and my room felt insanely hot, so I ran to the bathroom to take a nice cold shower.

When I got out, I didn’t feel like having my hair feel all heavy and thick, since it was still really hot, so I decided to straighten it. Even though it took me about an hour, I got the job done and it looked pretty good. My originally curly hair that almost hit my waist was now looking longer from the straightener, making my hair almost touch my butt and I let my bangs on the right side of my face just hang there.

I changed back into my pajamas and didn’t brush my teeth since it was almost 1:30 and I wanted some lunch. I ran up the stairs to see a note on the inside of my bedroom door from my mom.

'Hey babe. When I get home from work I’m bringing a guy who’s staying for dinner. So I want you and Alex to help each other and cook a decent meal. He’s bringing Kayla with him so if you wanna invite any of your friends, it’s fine. Love you, be good.


Wow, mom’s bringing a guy home. Never thought I’d see the day where she gets serious.

Oh wait.

'P.S. the guy coming over isn’t something serious, so relax. He just wants to meet you guys before we do anything. Yeah, I know it’s gross and you didn’t wanna hear it but oh well. Love you again. See ya tonight.'

I shuddered. Yuck mom, just…yuck.

I opened my door and walked through the house to the kitchen to make something to eat. After settling on a PB and J, I put some chips on my plate and grabbed a can of Dr. Pepper before walking to the living room and turning on the TV.

I flipped through the channels until I smiled and stopped on the movie Just Friends, it was hilarious. When I finished my sandwich, I went back downstairs to get my phone and text everyone to see if they wanted to come over for dinner later on. As I was waiting for a reply, I went back upstairs and turned the TV to MTV. The music videos were on and soon came Better with the Lights Off by New Boyz and Chris Brown. I loved that song so naturally; I stood up and started dancing to it.

At first I was just joking around, jumping up and down and acting crazy. But then I actually started to dance. I don’t know how I looked to anyone else but to me, I feel like I do pretty okay. Dancing seems natural and easy to me, I used to take hip hop classes and my cousin Jordan always taught me how to do the cool stunts like standing on my head and all the flips. It was cool.

“And you always say you can never dance. Liiiies.” Haley came in the room with a smirk on her face. I jumped up on the couch and grabbed a pillow, yeah not my best choice but it was the first thing I could grab to defend myself.

“Good god Haley, you scared me! You’re like a frikkin ninja or something!” I tried to relax my breathing as I dropped the pillow and Haley laughed at me.

“My bad. But please, for future reference; don’t grab a pillow when someone surprise attacks you. It doesn’t do much damage.” She smirked and I smirked back, picking up the pillow again. She raised her eyebrows and shook her head. “Nuh uh, no way! Don’t even try-

“I interrupted her by hitting her upside the head with the pillow.

Her hair flipped dramatically to one side and she turned back to me with her hand on her cheek and a hurt expression, like I just slapped her. I rolled my eyes and hit her again when I realized she only stalled to get the other couch pillow. Our pillow fight went on for about a minute before she yelled TRUCE in my ear.

“Ouch, my ear! And yay, I win.” I grinned as I got off the floor to put the pillow back. I looked back at Haley and realized something.

“Hey, what’re you doing here anyways?”

“You texted and asked if I wanted to come for dinner. I texted back ‘yeah, would it be cool if I just came over now?’ and you never texted back so I just drove over.” She said. I shrugged and nodded, lying back against the couch.

“So yeah, why don’t you join the dance team girl? You’d make it waaay better and you’re perfect for it!” Haley smiled encouragingly while I gave her an are-you-stupid kind of look.

“Dude, did you forget who the captain is? And how slutty she makes the team dance considering she has no actual dancing talent? I wouldn’t be able to get on the team and even if I could, I wouldn’t want to knowing I’d have to dance like those hookers.” I spat out.

The dance team at our school starts right before homecoming week in the middle of September and ends before Thanksgiving break in November and the captain of the team made that dance squad disgusting up until the end of the season. Haley seemed to realize what I meant and she grimaced.

“Oh yeah, I forgot about Slutty Sammy being the captain, god I hate that girl.” She glared at nothing as she thought of Samantha, the biggest hoe in our entire high school. I hated her even more then Haley did and Samantha hated us just as much.

“Me too. And I’m sorry Hales, but I’m really not willing to put up with her and her disgusting choreography for 2 and a half months.” I smiled apologetically at her even though she knew I wouldn’t dance on the team anyway. I had horrible stage fright and the biggest part of the dance team was to perform at our high school’s basketball games, like the cheerleaders do with football.

“I get that. But hey, you can still make it as a famous dancer someday?” Haley waggled her eyebrows at me and winked. I just laughed and muttered ‘yeah right’ before going to check my phone.

I had 4 new texts and a missed call, probably from the guys.

Chaz: yeah, I wanna come. Wat time u want me over?

Collin: sweet, I luv me some Miss Nicole cookin ;) what time?

Ryan: yummm, I’m in. Is Haley gonna be there?

Justin: yeah that sounds good. What time’s dinner?

I was just about to call my mom to ask what time dinner started when I remembered I had a missed call. One missed call: 2:25 from Madre. How funny. I dialed mom’s number and the phone rang twice before she picked up.

“Bout time you called woman. I was getting worried.” I rolled my eyes and looked at the clock; it was only 2:30.

“Mom, it’s been 5 minutes. What time does dinner start so the guys know when to come over? And what’d you call for?” Mom sighed before answering.

“Well, a mother has to worry. I should be outta here by around 5:30 so make sure everything and everyone’s ready by 6. And I wanted to tell you not to make any seafood cause the guy I’m seeing; his son is allergic to it. Oh, and to make enough food for everyone. Whose all going?”

“Well then.” I took a deep breath and continued. “Me, you, you’re boyfriend and his son, all the guys, Haley, Alex, and Kayla. I think I covered everyone right?”

“Yup, that’s it. We’re gonna have to break out the extra dining room table to fit everyone. Ours only fits 6.”

“Okay, I’ll have Alex help me with it. Speaking of him, I gotta call and tell him to get home. If all these people are coming, I gotta start cooking now.”

“Okay Maxx, thanks again for doing this. It’s weird though, I don’t know what guy would wanna meet my psycho kids anyway.” She laughed at the end so I knew she was joking so I responded with a jokingly hurt attitude.

“Hey, it aint my fault. My mother raised me that way.” I smirked and heard her chuckle again before fake gasping.

“Young lady, I’m giving you a spanking when I get home. But until then, fetch me some dinner!” She demanded. Wow, my mother was a freak.

“Yes, your highness.” She laughed again before hanging up the phone.

I texted all the guys back the same thing,

“Cool, but be warned, it’s gonna be packed : O be here a little before 6.”

And then at the end of Ryan’s text, I sent ‘yes, you lovesick puppy, she’s already here.’ and closed my phone.

I got responses back from the guys saying something along the lines of ‘okay’ and closed my phone to call Alex.
♠ ♠ ♠
So...the dinner's next. Comment? : )