Status: Just a few chapters left : )

You Idiot! You Weren't Supposed To Come Back!


*Justin’s POV*

After my mom called, I said bye to everyone at Maxx’s house and drove home.

“Mom, I’m back. What did you want me home for?” I asked as I shut the front door and turned to walk into the living room. Mom was on the couch along with Carol, my stylist and Scooter, my manager.

“Sup JB?” Scooter smiled and we did a little handshake.

“Just wondering why I’m here. How bout you guys?” I asked as I gave Carol a hug.

“We just wanted to talk to you bout Jaden’s party coming up. You know, whose all invited and if you want Carol to help out with anything. That way I can go ahead and get your friend’s names on the list.” Scooter smiled and I nodded.

“Yeah actually. Ryan, Chaz, Collin, Haley, and Maxx are all coming. And if you want to, you can pick out an outfit for me?” I asked Carol.

“Yes, of course. Well, the party’s this coming Saturday so you’ve got 2 days. Scooter brought the private jet here so it can fit you and your friends since the party is back in L.A. We’re leaving tomorrow night so have your friends pack overnight til Sunday. Make sure their parents are okay with it and call me or Scooter. Sound good?” Carol asked. I nodded happily with a smile.

“Yeah, that sounds perfect. So anything else you wanted me to do?” My mom was just sitting there peacefully until now.

“Yep, clean your room.” She smirked and I grumbled but listened, walking up the stairs to my room while hearing the adults laugh from the living room.

*Maxx’s POV*

“Would you stop making bubbles in the pool, I’m gonna puke on you!” I said disgusted but with an obvious joking tone. Chaz just laughed but eventually stopped making butt bubbles in the pool.

“So, I’m kinda bored. We should go play some basketball.” Collin suggested. Me and Chaz both shook our heads.

“Nope, it’s way too hot man. We can go inside and play some COD.” I suggested and Collin agreed. We all jumped outta the pool and when we got back inside, I jumped in the shower.
When I got out, I just left my hair down and natural and didn’t mess with it. I got dressed in some old sweats and a white tank top and walked into my bedroom to set up the game.

After about an hour, we got bored of COD. Well, I got bored of beating the crap outta the guys while they couldn’t just let it go. When I looked at the clock, it was already almost 5.

“Girl you look better with the lights off,
Better with the lights off,
Oooh, top of the line, so unusual-”

“Yellooo?” I smiled into the phone.

“Purple.” The other voice joked and I laughed.

“What’s up J?”

“Nothing really. Is it cool if I come over?”

“Yeah, Collin and Chaz are getting boring anyway.” I joked at them, they barely noticed since they were still playing the game. Justin laughed.

“Ok cool, I’m jumping in the car right now.” As he talked, I heard a car door slam and the engine rev up.

“I hear that. So what did you mom want today?” I asked curiously.

“Oh I’ll tell you bout it when I get there. Did Ry and Haley come back yet?”

“Nope, but she texted like an hour ago and said they were just getting to the movies. After that, they’ll probably be here.”

“Ok cool. I’ll be there in like 2 minutes. See ya Maxx.”

“Bye J.” I hung up and texted Haley and Ryan the same thing.

M: You don’t gotta text back now cause I know your watching the movie, but text me when your out.

They both responded with an ‘ok’ and I just didn’t text back. The doorbell rang soon and it was followed by the front door opening and closing.

“Just walk into my house, why don’t ya?” I smirked at Justin and he chuckled back.

“I will, thank you. So I’m starving, how bout you?” Justin rubbed his stomach. I nodded in agreement.

“Starving, but we got like no food here.” I frowned. Justin just smirked.

“I got money, we’re going to McDonald’s. Let’s go ask the guys what they want.” Justin grinned and I smiled back. We walked into the room to see Collin and Chaz STILL playing COD.

“Hey blockheads, what do you want from McDonald’s?” At the mention of food, the guys threw the controllers down and ran outside and jumped into the back of Justin’s car.

“Looks like someone’s hungry.” I smirked and Justin laughed. We walked to his car and I took the passenger seat and we left for McDonald’s. Once we got there, we all ordered our food and thanked Justin. We sat at the place and ate there and afterwards, Justin got me and him M’N’M McFlurries since Chaz and Collin got sundaes.

We drove back to my house and just hung out for a while when Haley and Ryan came back.

“Hope you guys weren’t too bored without us.” Ryan smirked as they walked in.

“Nope, hope your date wasn’t that mushy without Maxx.” Chaz grinned at me.

“Oh shut up, would ya? The date was amazing and I definitely wanna do it again.” Haley smiled towards Ryan, who blushed and kissed her cheek. Me and Justin looked at each other, grabbed our stomachs, bent over, and fake gagged at the same time. Chaz and Collin were laughing to hard to join us and Haley came over to smack me and Justin on the back of the head. We stopped but high-fived each other and continued laughing.

“OH guys, I gotta tell you something.” Justin sobered up and had a big grin on his face. He sounded excited.

“What’s up man?” Collin asked him. We all walked into the living room and sat somewhere.

“You know how my mom wanted to talk to me today? Well my manager and stylist said that Jaden Smith’s birthday party is this Saturday. And tomorrow, everyone’s leaving to go out to L.A. on my private jet. Since you guys are invited, you get to come with me tomorrow and we can hang out in L.A. til Sunday.” A bunch of different responses came out from the rest of us but we all had the same type of one, excitement. Going to L.A. was gonna be freaking awesome! I couldn’t wait.

“Yay! This is so cool guys! Oh, Maxxi we get to wear those dresses I bought for us now! See, I told you, you would need it. Now come on, we gotta go pack…” Haley rambled on and on and wouldn’t stop, even when I told her to shut up. So I raised my eyebrows at Ryan and he just gave me a confused expression. I rolled my eyes and nodded my head towards Haley and he looked back still confused, his mouth made an ‘O’ shape as he realized what I was saying. He walked closer to Haley and pushed his lips onto hers, immediately shutting her up.

“Okay, you were only supposed to shut her up. Not choke her with your tongue!” I whined at the couple standing in front of us shoving their tongues down each other’s throats. They smiled as they pulled away and Justin, Chaz, and Collin were all laughing.

“We gotta pack guys, we’re leaving tomorrow!” Haley stated in excitement. I rolled my eyes in response.

“No one takes as long to pack as you Hales, we can pack tomorrow.” I said in a bored tone. She turned to glare at me before rolling her eyes and nodding.

“So what do you guys wanna do?” Chaz asked.

“Movies?” Collin shrugged. Nah, too early.

“Swimmin?” Haley tried. Nope, too late.

“Basketball?” Me and Justin said at the same time and looked over at each other with a smile. The guys nodded in excitement and Haley grumbled something but agreed to it. I ran downstairs to change into some basketball shorts and a tank top, it gets hot out there. We all walked to the back door where my basketball hoop was.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so next chapter...little bit a stuff going on with Maxx and Justin ; ) Oh, and a little extra throw off in there.