Status: Just a few chapters left : )

You Idiot! You Weren't Supposed To Come Back!


I got outta the shower about 20 minutes later, wrapping a towel tightly around me and walking back into my room. I grabbed some dark skinny jeans with some holes at the knee, a blue V-neck, and my ‘undergarments’, sliding everything on after brushing my hair. I let my long, thick brown hair closely reaching my waist go natural, figuring I was only gonna end up with helmet hair anyways. When I looked at the time it was only noon so I figured I’d go upstairs to the living room and watch a movie. By the time Finding Nemo was over (A/N: I just picked a random movie, I don’t know if it’s actually this long-not like it matters) it was 1:30 and Haley texted me, saying she was on her way. Her beautiful Aston Martin Vanquish 2000 pulled in the driveway and Haley jumped out.

“Nice paint job.” I smirked at the car as she walked inside. The car used to be slick black; she had her dad’s friend paint it pink with orange flames reaching across the car’s sides. I hate pink and flames always seem kinda tacky to me, but only Haley could make those pin stripes work with that paint.

“Thanks home girl. I rock that car.” She smirked back while I laughed. She ran down to my room and grabbed my board for me while I walked into the kitchen, grabbed us 2 Gatorades, and slipped on my Vans. She came back upstairs, said thanks for the drink, and we walked to her car.

About 10 minutes later, 2:03, we arrived at the skate park.

“About time you guys got here! I swear dude, girls are so slow!” Ryan whined as me and Haley walked towards the guys.

“Oh shut up Ryan, you take 30 minutes just to do your hair, which looks like a used mop by the way.” I smirked when everyone else goes ‘Ohhhh’ or ‘Burn’. Ryan just flipped me off and goes,

“Don’t talk about the doo.” He said as he flipped his hair. It looked like doo doo to me but I didn’t say it. I just rolled my eyes and hopped onto my skateboard.

“Whatever. So we skating or what?” Collin and Chaz whooped while Ryan stayed to talk with Haley. I swear, they’re gonna date some day. I could see it now. Haley doesn’t skate but she always comes to hang with us, and Ryan’s always the one to keep her company.

Chaz and Collin took opposite sides of the ramp while I went to the half pipe. I slid down cleanly and landed good, lucky me. Last time I ended up hitting the wrong spot and nearly broke my face on the pavement. I tucked and rolled before I could cause any serious damage though.

I did a 360 and passed over to Haley and Ryan who, at the moment, were talking about how they didn’t know how I would take the news.

“What news would I take?” I questioned at the 2 as they blinked, finally realizing I was there.

“Oh, uhh...well Maxx, umm…hey Chaz, wanna help me out here?” Ryan just kept stuttering as he called Chaz over. He and Collin both glided off the ramp and walked over to where we were.

“What’s up?” Chaz gave Ryan a confused look.

“We kinda have to bring up the thing now. Maxx overheard me and Haley talking about it.” Ryan mumbled.

“Damn Ryan, you were talking about the thing when she was in hearing distance?!” Chaz smacked Ryan upside the head as Ryan mumbled something along the lines of ‘It’s not my fault she was eavesdropping’.

“What thing? What’s the big deal? Why can’t you just tell me?” I threw out questions at the guys. Apparently everyone knew but me, and that’s what made me mad. Both Chaz and Ryan stood there trying to tell me this ‘thing’ that I might not be too happy about while Haley was just looking at the 2 boys like they were the stupidest people ever, probably the same look I was giving them, and then Collin was just looking away, knowing he shouldn’t say anything even though I could tell he knew about it.

“Okay, okay! We’ll tell you…tomorrow. You don’t need to worry about it til then anyways. Chaz and Ryan are gonna be gone and won’t be back until around 4. When they get back, they’re coming straight to your house and telling you what’s going on. Sound cool?” Collin answered calmly.

“…Fine.” I sighed and started skating again. I didn’t leave soon enough to hear the guys sigh in relief. Man, I have weird friends.
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This chapter seems alot shorter then the first one, which I'm sorry about, but oh well. Comments are great : )