Status: Just a few chapters left : )

You Idiot! You Weren't Supposed To Come Back!

Twenty One

I sat on the couch with my knees pulled to my chest, laying my head on my arms. Justin was sitting next to me closely and Collin was on my other side with his head in his hands. Haley was biting her nails and leaning against Ryan, who had his arm wrapped around her and his eyebrows scrunched together. Chaz was laying on his back on the floor staring up at the ceiling with a thoughtful expression.

“It’s too quiet.” I sighed.

“What are we gonna do guys?” Haley’s voice quivered.

“What can we do Hales? There isn’t much to worry bout, Toby’s just trying to creep me out. He’s not gonna get close enough to try anything.” I said calmly.

“Yeah, cause we won’t let him.” Chaz said flexing his non-muscled arms and I laughed.

“Okay guys. Enough moping, we’re going to L.A. tomorrow! Be pumped! Forgot the whole creepy flower and note thing. We’re going to Jaden flippin’ Smith’s birthday party!” I smiled at them all. Chaz, Collin, and Ryan all smiled back but Haley still looked really sad and Justin looked angry.

“Guys please. Just be happy and stop worrying bout something as stupid as that idiot.” I gently nudged Justin and he looked up with a doubtful expression. “Smile.” He smiled softly and very fakely. “Bigger!” He smiled a little bigger. “Nooo, like this!” I showed him all my pearly whites and he laughed at me. I laughed back and turned to Haley.

“You too missy.” She looked up at me and I knew she wouldn’t smile as easily as Justin. Or maybe she would.

“What if I said you could pick my dress for the party?” I grimaced at the idea but saw Haley bout to smile. But she shook her head and turned away. The guys laughed and I pouted.

“And my hair?” She turned and looked at me in shock. I just raised my eyebrows. “Come on Hales, the offer only stands for the next few seconds it takes for me to come back to my senses.” The guys laughed again and she smiled for real this time.

“I’ll only stop worrying if you let me pick your dress, do your hair, AND your make up.” I gaped at her and started to shake my head.

“No, no, no. Absolutely NOT. No, I refuse-no. Just…nope. Nope, nope, nooo.” I looked at Haley and her lips started to form into a pout and I frowned.

“Haleeey.” I whined. “No make up. Isn’t wearing a dress and doing my hair bad enough? Please, no more torture.” The guys were still laughing and Haley rolled her eyes.

“Fine. No make up. But-” Aw frig. This won’t be good. “You have to wear heels.” My eyes widened and the guys were howling with laughter by now.

“NOOOOOOOOOOOO! Are you nuts?! I’ll kill myself! I’ll break my neck! I’ll break somebody else’s neck! I can’t walk in heels, I can barely crawl in heels!” Haley rolled her eyes again.

“You’re so dramatic. You’ll be fine. They’re easy to walk in.”

“Easy for you to say! You were walking in heels 2 days after you just learned HOW to walk.” Atleast that’s what her mom told her. I wouldn’t doubt it though, Haley could probably play basketball in heels.

“Ugh. You’re such a boy Maxx!” I rolled my eyes at that one. Just cause I’m not girly don’t mean I’m a guy.

“Why don’t you do her hair and dress, then she can wear make up at the VMA’s?” Collin smirked. Thank you Coll- wait, what?! That’s on TV! No frikkin way dude.

“YES! That’s perfect Maxx. That way everybody can see how girly you look!” Haley smiled triumphantly.

“Noooo way. That’s not fair! I don’t wanna wear make up. It feels like gunk on my face and it aint like it makes me any prettier. It probably makes me even uglier!” I grumbled as I crossed my arms over my chest.

“Shut up Maxx, you’re not ugly! And you don’t even need anything to make you prettier. You’re TOO pretty already.” I rolled my eyes and Haley continued. “And it won’t feel like gunk! I wont put a lot on, I promise.”

“If I’m ‘too pretty’ then why would I even need the make up?” I smirked and put emphasis on ‘too pretty’ so she knew I doubted it.

“Because with what I put on, it will make your eyes pop and lips look extra luscious.” Haley smirked back and I rolled her eyes. I swore I heard someone mumble, ‘as if they aren’t luscious enough.’ but I couldn’t tell. It sounded like Justin too, so I’m pretty sure I imagined it.

That was until Chaz, Ryan, and Collin all started laughing. I turned away from Haley to look at the guys cracking up and Justin with a red face.

“Crap, did I say that out loud?” Justin smacked his forehead. Collin nodded and continued laughing.

“Say what out loud?” I played dumb. Justin looked up at me with relief but quickly masked it to make it look not so suspicious.

“Nothing.” I shrugged and turned back to Haley.

“Nope. I wont do it. I refuse!” She grumbled but nodded in agreement. Well, that was surprisingly easy. After hanging out for a little while longer, everyone went home to go pack til Sunday and I fell asleep dreaming of Haley chasing me around the pool with glittery make up…ugh.


“AHHHH!” I grumbled into my pillow as I slammed my hand down on my phone aggressively. Ryan and Chaz had recorded and saved this as a ring tone to save for an alarm. It definitely wakes me up.

I looked at the clock on my phone and it read 7:05 a.m. I grumbled again and jumped in the shower. Once I got out, I debated on what to wear. I didn’t know if we should dress comfy for the plane ride or just dress normal cause we might be doing something after. As if he read my mind, Justin texted me.

J: Hey, you can wear whatever you want on the jet but make sure you bring some random clothes to change into before we land. Oh, and a bathing suit.

M: Kay, thanks.

He responded and I closed my phone, deciding what I wanted to do with my hair. I didn’t wanna scrunch it cause I’d have a bunch of gunk in my hair and obviously we’re swimming soon. So I let it go natural, brushed my teeth, and went to my closet.

Justin said California was gonna be pretty hot when we got there so I grabbed my Detroit Tigers tank top, some ripped jean shorts going to mid thigh and my blue bikini with purple polka dots and slipped them in my wrestling string bag. I also put my MP3 Touch and head phones in there and some markers and a notebook to color with if I got too bored.

I checked my phone again and it read 8:00. Justin told me he would pick me up last so I should be ready by atleast 8:30. I still needed to pack and I realized I was in a towel. So I went to my drawers and grabbed some ‘undergarments’ and moved to my closet. I grabbed a Myrtle Beach T-shirt, my tie dye t-shirt, some purple shorts to match one of the shirts and some blue jeans and put them in my duffle bag.

I slipped on a long sleeved somewhat low blue shirt with my soccer shorts and debated on what shoes I wanted. I looked at the clock again and I only had 10 minutes left. I packed the rest of my stuff quickly and shut my door, walking out in the living room.

‘Crap! My dress. Hmm…Haley won’t be TOO mad if I forget it. Ha, that’s a lie. Man, I gotta go get it.’ I grumbled and walked back downstairs to my room and grabbing one of the dresses in my room and shoving it in my bag. Once that was done, I walked back up the stairs to pick out my shoes. I grabbed my purple converse and shoved them in my wrestling bag on my shoulders and slipped on flip flops. Converse looked funny with basketball shorts to me. Phone check: 8:27.

Just then I heard a honk and the doorbell rang. I opened the door to see Justin on my porch smiling.

“Ready to go?”

“Yep. Just gotta get my bag.” I turned and grabbed my duffle bag and made sure the front door was locked when I shut it. I turned around and gaped at the car we were driving to the airport.

“Dude, that’s a limo!” Justin laughed and nodded.

“Duh dummy. Now come on, we gotta be there by 9:30.” Justin smirked. I rolled my eyes and threw my bag in the trunk and slid into the limo, Justin coming in after me. I saw Chaz at the other end of the limo, stretching all the way out. Ryan and Haley were cuddled up on the end of the side cushion thing and Collin was laying upside down on the end side cushion.

Me and Justin sat next to each other on the seat closest to the door and suddenly, I felt really tired. Justin had his arm wrapped behind my seat and I just slid down and fell into his lap, squishing my knees up so I could get myself comfortable. It took him a second but eventually, Justin put his arm around my waist and pushed me closer and I fell asleep, just like that.

It seemed like 5 seconds later when I felt someone gently nudging my shoulder and whispering to me.

“Maxx, get up babe. Come on Maxx, we’re eating.” Justin’s soft voice murmured. Did he just call me babe?! Oh well, I kinda liked it anyway.

I groaned lightly and shifted my face into what I figured was Justin’s shoulder. I sniffed him cause I smelt something, he was wearing cologne.

“Your cologne smells nice.” I mumbled softly and turned my head. He chuckled and shook me again.

“Maxx, we stopped at McDonald’s before we get on the jet but we only have 30 minutes so come in with me and order your food.” Justin tugged at my arm and I groaned again but got up. Justin smiled and I rolled my eyes.

“Thank you.”

“Yeah yeah.” Justin grabbed my hand and we walked into McDonald’s where Collin and Chaz were ordering already and Haley and Ryan were sitting down with their food, waiting. Me and Justin ordered our food and we all walked back to the limo. We pulled up to the airport a little bit later and packed our stuff on there before jumping on.

“This thing is huge! It’s got its own bed and everything!” Haley gasped excitedly. She ran into the back and jumped on the bed. Ryan winked at us before jumping in enthusiastically after her. We all laughed when we heard Haley’s scream of shock and Ryan’s laughter.
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So, this one sounds kinda boring-ish. I feel like I haven't updated in a while, sorry bout that. Comment! : )