Status: Just a few chapters left : )

You Idiot! You Weren't Supposed To Come Back!


I washed the beach off of my hair and body and used the stuff Haley put in here. When I got out, I smelled like the ocean and blueberries. Yum. I grabbed the brush and brushed through my hair and went back into the room to get my clothes.

“HOLY EW!” I turned my face away from the disgusting scene in front of me and walked back towards the wall.

“OH MY GOD MAXX YOU SCARED ME!” Haley screamed at me.

“I scared YOU! You scared ME!” So you might be confused. When I walked into the room, I found a shirtless Ryan on top of Haley who was only in her bra. They were shoving their tongues down each other’s throats and Haley was reaching for Ryan’s pants zipper!

“Seriously guys, I was in the BATHROOM. That’s like barely 2 feet away and you were thinking bout doing THAT in here!?” I yelled. Ryan was blushing like crazy and so was Haley.

“We weren’t gonna do anything Maxx, jeez.” Haley exasperated. I gave her a ‘do-you-think-I’m-stupid’ kinda look.

“You were going for Ryan’s pants zipper Hales. I’m not stupid.” Haley bit her lip.

“Well we’re sorry for getting carried away. I kinda just forgot you were in the bathroom.” Haley said sheepishly.

“Whatever, my poor virgin eyes just burn a little.” I shrugged and they laughed at me.

“Well I’m gonna go back to my room. See you guys in a little bit. Love you Haley-” He kissed her forehead, “-oh, nice get up by the way Maxx.” He smirked and I threw a pillow at him just as he shut the door. I was still in my towel so I went to my bag and grabbed my clothes I wore before we went to the beach and walked back into the bathroom.

After changing and looking at my hair, I decided I wanted to do something with it. I looked at the time and it was already 7:15. Dinner was at 7:30.

“Haley, will you do something with my hair? I don’t want it all in my face.” Haley came in with a big smile. She always loved doing ‘girly things’ with me. She messed with my hair for a second before French braiding my bangs and pinning them to my head. Then she left the rest down since it took 5 minutes to do that. Around 5 minutes later, someone knocked on our door.

“Excuse me my lovely ladies but we have dinner reservations soon and we need our beautiful best friends to come with us.” Justin said sweetly in a fake British accent outside the door and we laughed at him.

“Yeah! So get your butts out here and let’s go! I’m starving!” Chaz yelled obnoxiously while pounding on the door. We rolled our eyes and opened it.

“And this is why you don’t get dates.” I smirked at him and he rolled his eyes. Ryan held his arm out to Haley and she slipped hers through. It was one of those old fashioned arm holding things and we laughed at them. Collin shrugged and smirked as he held his arm out to me.

“Shall we?” He asked.

“We shall.” I laughed.

“Hey, whose my date?” Chaz and Justin both said at the same time, then they looked at each other and grimaced.

“Ew.” They said again. I laughed at them and held my arm out towards them. Justin took it first and smiled at me. I smiled back and Chaz grabbed Haley’s other arm. As we walked towards the lobby, Ryan turned to Chaz.

“Don’t try anything frisky, Mr.” We laughed at him. We got to the limo and Steve dropped us off at some fancy looking restaurant called ‘Lucky’s’. We got up to the host and she said,

“Welcome to Lucky’s, do you have a reservation?”

“Yep, under Smith.” We weren’t allowed to use real names, just incase some stalker fan wanted to find us or something.

“Oh, right here Mr. Smith. Please follow me.” We walked with the hostess and she gave us a big booth in the back where there were hardly any people. There was only one other group of people and they looked to be about our age. 3 guys.

I noticed as we all sat down that the guys were staring at us. It was uncomfortable and I looked away quickly. Chaz slid in first, I followed after, and then Justin sat next to me. On the other side Collin was across from Chaz, Haley across from me and Ryan sitting next to her.

The waiter came up to us with a big smile and asked what we would like to drink after handing us our menus.

“Sprite please.” I smiled.

“Me too.” Justin said.

“2 Pepsis.” Ryan said for him and Haley.

“Coke.” Chaz said.

“Cherry coke.” Collin said. The guy nodded and walked off. We looked over the menu.

“What’s good here guys?” I asked, mainly towards Justin. He shrugged.

“No idea, I’ve never been here.” After all of us looked over the menu, we decided. I was getting a New York Strip steak, medium rare. Justin was getting the same but he had his medium well. He looked at my steak in disgust.

“It’s so bloody.”

“You’d like it if you tried it.”

“Would not.”

“Would to.” “Would not.” “Would too.” “Not.” “To.” “Not.” “Too.” “Not.”

“Then try it.” I picked up a piece of steak with my fork and held it up for him to eat it but he shook his head.

“No way.”

“Please. If you don’t like it, oh well. If you do, then I was right.” I smirked. He shook his head.

“But if you’re wrong, I don’t get anything out of it.” Justin frowned.

“Well what do you want out of it?” I asked. He seemed to change his face to a thoughtful expression. Then he smirked.

“You have to yell to the whole world that you love Justin Drew Bieber and you have Bieber Fever.” I gaped at him then made a ‘ew’ face. He shoved me and I laughed.

“Kidding, kidding….fine, I’ll do it. But only if you don’t like it, which you will.” I held the fork up and it took a minute before he opened his mouth, face scrunched up and all. I put the steak in his mouth and he bit it off the fork.

“That’s…really, really good!” His eyes widened in shock and everything. I smirked.

“Told ya so.”

“Oh, shut up.” He shoved me gently and we laughed. We all kept eating and I would give Justin a piece of steak every once and a while. All of us were just joking around when we felt another presence.

Thinking it was a waiter, we just ignored it. But then we heard a deep voice say ’Excuse me’. I looked up to see one of the guys from earlier, he had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. He was pretty tall and kinda built. I guess he was attractive but I didn’t really care. I looked back at their table to see the other 2 guys smirking at him and the rest of our table.

“Can we help you with something?” Chaz asked kinda rude. I almost laughed at him. The guy just looked at him.

“You can’t, but I believe she can.” He said turning his attention to me. I raised my eyebrows at him with a bored expression. “I was just sitting over there thinking about how beautiful you are and I figured I’d grow the balls to come over and ask if you’d wanna go out with me sometime?” He smirked slightly.

“And how many times have you used that line?” He looked shocked for a quick second that I actually called him out on it but masked it quickly with that same smirk.

“Once. I save it for the really gorgeous ones. So is that a yes?” I rolled my eyes.

“I don’t even know your name.”

“Austin. And yours?”
“What if I don’t wanna tell you?”

“Then I could always figure it out.” The guys laughed at that.

“Yeah, good luck with that.” Ryan joked and I chuckled.

“How bout I just give you my number and you can call me tomorrow?” I asked him. His smirk widened and I wanted to laugh at him. I could see the guys giving me ‘WTF’ looks but I ignored it.

“Sure, here.” He held his phone out and I added my ‘number’ in there. I saved the contact as ‘Lucky’s Girl’ and handed him his phone. He smirked at it and turned back to his friends. They left after that and Austin winked at me before waving.

“What the hell was that?” Haley asked. But I looked at Justin before answering her question.

“Hey, are you okay?” Justin looked upset, almost mad and I didn’t know why.

“Yeah, I’m cool. Just full.” He said and pushed his plate away. I gave him a look.

“Tell me what’s wrong.” I pressed.

“Nothing’s wrong Maxx, I’m perfectly fine.” He gritted his teeth. I rolled my eyes.

“So you never answered my question.” Haley piped in.

“It was a fake number dummy, I just said that to get him to go away.” At this, everyone ‘ohh’ed in understanding and I laughed at them. Justin also seemed to brighten up a little. What the frig, someone’s being bipolar today.

We left the restaurant and walked back to the parking lot where Steve was waiting and he drove us back to the hotel.

“Ugh, so…tired.” Chaz whined as he dramatically dragged himself across the hallway. My eyes were drooping too and I really wanted that big soft bed in my room.

“You okay Maxx? You’re looking a little slow.” Justin came up and I pouted at him.

“I’m not slow. I’m just tired. I’m almost to my room, I’m all good.” I smiled as big as I could.

Justin rolled his eyes and picked me up bridal style. Well, I’m awake now!

“Put me down stupid! I can walk, ya know!” I yelled in a whisper at him. People were sleeping.

“No, you look like you’re bout to pass out. We’re almost there, just chill.” Almost a minute later, I saw Haley unlock the door tiredly and walk back into the hallway, she was sleeping in Ryan‘s bed. Hopefully just sleeping, I think him and Justin were sharing a room. I was already falling asleep into Justin’s comfy chest when he set me down on the bed. But I didn’t let go of his shirt.

“Maxxi, you gotta let go. I’m gonna go back to my room so you can sleep.” Justin chuckled while trying to pull himself outta my death grip.

“No, just…just stay here. Haley’s in Ry’s room anyway. Just stay with me.” I mumbled softly. Why was I saying this?! Oh yeah, I’m like half asleep. Who cares, that can be my excuse for sounding so desperate right now.

“You sure Maxx?” I just nodded and dug my face closer to my pillow. He chuckled a little before jumping into the bed next to me. “I have a feeling you’re gonna regret this in the morning.” I rolled my eyes and turned to him.

“I will not, it’s your turn to relax. You look tired, get some sleep.” When I told him he looked tired, I had used my finger to trail it under his eye, there were bags there. He smiled softly and closed his eyes when I did this. I moved closer and snuggled into his chest and he wrapped an arm around my waist and kissed my forehead.

“Night Maxx.”

“Night J.” And I fell asleep just like that.
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