Status: Just a few chapters left : )

You Idiot! You Weren't Supposed To Come Back!

Twenty Six

Steve opened the door for us as we made it to the limo and I jumped in after Maxx. We talked for a while before finally pulling up to club ‘Fun.’ Cheesy name but it was pretty cool in there. Steve parked and let us out and we walked towards the entrance where paparazzi, security, and 2 big bouncers twice the size of Kenny were holding lists and a red rope, so cliché.

“Talk bout a cliché.” Maxx smirked and I chuckled.

“You read my mind.” She laughed and I grabbed her hand and looked towards the guys and Haley. Ryan had a firm grip around her waist and he nodded at me.

“Be careful, these guys get pretty crazy.” I said towards the guys who all nodded.

“So is that why you’re holding my hand?” Maxx smirked and held our intertwined hands up. I smirked back.

“Sure, that’s it.” She laughed at me and we started walking through to the entrance. Halfway there, the paps recognized me and were shouting out questions.

“Justin, is this your new girlfriend?”

“What happened with Jasmine?” I rolled my eyes at that one, we never even dated. The next ones were directed at Maxx.

“What’s your name sweetie? Are you Justin’s date?”

“Do you feel pressured to live up to the other girls Justin’s dated?”

“How long have you 2 been together?” God, they’re so annoying. We ignored them and made it to the red rope, the bouncers moved it right away.

“Welcome Mr. Bieber and friends, Jaden’s expecting you guys.” They moved the rope and we thanked them and walked straight into strobe lights, loud music, and people everywhere. There was a bar up at the front but it obviously didn’t sell alcohol. There was also a huge table with a bunch of different candies, snacks, drinks, and a huge cake that no one had touched yet.

“This place is frikkin awesome!” Maxx yelled next to me, even when she yelled I could barely hear her.

“I know! Come on, we should go find Jaden.” She just nodded and we all walked around, trying to find him. Suddenly, I felt someone tap me on the shoulder before jumping on my back. I laughed, it was Jaden.

“Sup lil bro?”

“Nothing much JB. Whose your friends?” Jaden jumped off my back and I realized Maxx had let go of my hand when he jumped me. Nice one dude-not.

“Well there’s Chaz, Ry-”

“I know them you goof, I was talking bout the girls way too hot to be hanging out with you losers.” Jaden smirked. Me and Haley both laughed while Chaz, Collin, Ryan, and Justin all protested.

“I was just kidding, no need to be all sensitive.” Jaden chuckled. “So you never answered my question. I’m Jaden, who are you gorgeous ladies?” He smirked, grabbing both mine and Haley’s hand and kissing them gently. I laughed at him. He was just so little.

“Whoa there LITTLE BOY, this is Haley, MY gorgeous lady. Thanks very much.” Ryan glared with a smile as he tugged Haley’s hand and wiped it off before kissing it and then kissing her cheek. She giggled and rolled her eyes, leaning into his side.

“Well then. How bout you beautiful?” Jaden wiggled his eyebrows. Justin shoved his head away with a hand and laughed before putting an arm around my shoulder.

“Beautiful here’s name is Maxx. And she’s way too old for you.” Justin smirked.

“Uh, uh, uhh.” Jaden wagged his finger in Justin’s face with a smile. “I’m 13, I’m a man now.” I laughed at him.

“That IS true Justin, 13 is a very mature age.” I smirked and Justin dropped his jaw.

“Well that sucks for you Mr. Mature cause she’s my date and my date wants a drink. See ya later.” Justin smirked and tugged me along with Jaden left complaining behind us.

“Man, how you gonna do me like that?” I chuckled at Jaden’s phrase and we gotta drink. I took a sip of the juicy punch and looked towards Justin.

“So I’m your date now?” Justin turned with a smirk.

“Yep. That way I can keep all these pervs offa you.” I laughed.

“And Jaden counts as a perv?” Justin nodded.


“But he’s the birthday boy.” Justin rolled his eyes with a smile.

“What’s that matter?” I gasped and hit his shoulder. He laughed.

“Justin Drew, be nice! You’d want some attention if you were the birthday boy too. Oh, and since you never asked me, I aint anybody’s date tonight. So if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go ask Jaden to dance.” I smiled and walked back towards our friends, seeing Jaden talking to a couple other boys around his age.

“Excuse me.” I said nicely as I tapped Jaden on the back. His friends were staring at me in awe as Jaden turned around and I spoke again. “Sorry Justin’s so annoying. He never asked me to be his date so technically, I’m single. You wanna dance?” I smiled and Jaden gaped in shock before shutting his mouth and smirking.

“Right this way pretty lady.” I laughed as Jaden led me to the dance floor. As we walked, he hugged my side.

“Thank you sooo much for that. Now my friends think I’m a ladies man. You’re awesome. JB picked a good one.” Jaden smiled and I shook my head with a chuckle.

“Me and Justin aren’t together. We’re like best friends.” I smiled.

“Well just so you know, my boy don’t think of you like that. He looks like he’s in love with you.” I raised my eyebrows and Jaden nodded with a grin before we made it to the middle of the dance floor, swaying to the beat.

We weren’t bumping and grinding like a lot of people, we were just dancing around all silly. I was laughing or smiling the whole time. We danced for bout 3 songs before a slow dance came on and I felt a tap on my shoulder.

“May I have this dance? Pretty please?” Justin asked nicely with a puppy dog face. I laughed and turned to Jaden.

“It’s cool. I got some ladies waiting for me over there.” Jaden smirked and started walking in the direction of…Rihanna! I laughed a little after getting over the shock of seeing Rihanna and turned to Justin.

“Finally. I was so lonely without you!” Justin chuckled as his hands landed on my waist and I put my arms around his neck. I rolled my eyes.

“Yeah right. There’s like 500 girls you coulda danced with.” I smirked and Justin frowned but his eyes held amusement.

“I told you, you were gonna be prettier.” I rolled my eyes.

“Just cause I’m ‘prettier’ don’t mean you didn’t have to dance with the other girls.”

“Well I gotta dance with the prettiest girl, that way my reputation aint ruined. I mean what else do you expect, a girl just ditched me for a little boy who just turned 13.” He smirked at me. I made a face and stuck my tongue out and he bit at it.

“Did you just try to bite my tongue?!” I asked him with raised eyebrows.

“Yes I did. That’s what you get for sticking it out at me.” He stuck his tongue out and I bit at it too but missed on purpose. Justin just smirked and kept dancing. Eventually, he moved close enough to me so I laid my head on his chest and the next 3 dances were slow so we danced for a while longer.

“Is it bad that I’m already getting tired?” I joked. Justin was so comfortable that he felt like a giant pillow. Justin chuckled and his chest vibrated underneath my ear.

“Not really. I’m pretty tired too. Wanna go sit down with me?” I nodded and Justin let me go and we walked over to some random table. We talked and relaxed for a little bit before an extra pumped Jaden came over.

“Hi guys, having fun? Wow Maxx, you look really pretty! Did I say that yet? Well if I didn’t, you look really pretty. Justin, your lookin mighty swag today. Guess what? I ate the cake. It’s got chocolate, fudge, and caramel! It’s frikkin delicious! You guys gotta go try it, man I’m having fun. Are you guys having fun? I’m having fun, this is the best party ever! Oh man, Rihanna totally hit on me earlier! She said if she was 10 years younger, she’d date me! How great is that? Man, that cake is good. I’m gonna go have some more cake. You guys should eat some cake. Oooh look my daddy’s here! I’m gonna go talk to him.” Jaden rambled on and on for like forever.

I cracked up laughing, eventually Justin did too. Jaden was crazy on cake! I watched as he bounced his way over to Will Smith and he jumped into his arms and kissed his cheek. Will was just standing there staring at him with a confused expression until recognition flashed.

“You ate too much cake, didn’t ya?” I could read lips pretty well. I laughed again and turned back to Justin.

“So I think we should go get some cake.” Justin laughed at me.

“Yeah right. I couldn’t handle that much chocolate.” He grimaced. I laughed.

“I know dude, I don’t even like chocolate that much. Chocolate milk, ice cream, and cake just aint too great.” Justin gave me a strange look.

“I don’t like chocolate like that either. Don’t we have so much in common?” Justin smirked. I chuckled and shook my head.

The rest of the night was spent dancing, talking, and messing around with Jaden. Justin introduced us all to a bunch of famous people, it was amazing! Jaden’s sister Willow was so nice and Chris Brown was really cool. He showed me some new dance moves and said I was really impressive! Taylor Swift and Demi Lovato were there and me and Haley spent some time hanging out with them.

We also got to meet Rihanna, Lupe Fiasco, Trey Songz, the guys from Mindless Behavior, and Nicki Minaj. Bottom line, there was a LOT of celebrities, not that I complained. Jaden’s party was so much fun. We watched him open ALL of his many presents, we ate cake and ice cream, played a bunch of games, and danced all through out the party. Will wanted Jaden and Willow in bed by 2 so the party ended at 1.

After hugging a bunch of people and wishing Jaden another happy birthday before leaving. Steve was waiting outside for us and we all jumped into the limo. Haley fell asleep right on Ryan and I figured that was a good idea. I fell asleep on the closest thing to me-Collin. I got comfy on his lap and he ran his fingers through my hair, making me fall asleep faster.

“Wake up Maxx, we’re back at the hotel.” Justin was nudging me awake and I wouldn’t budge. Eventually, he just picked me up like he usually would. Since I was used to it, I didn’t bother fighting him. We went back to the room and I changed outta my uncomfortable dress and into one of Alex’s T-shirts.

I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth before walking back in the room and laying in bed next to Justin. He stayed with me since Haley wanted to room with Ryan, not like they were bout to explain that to the adults of this little trip.

Justin scooted closer to me and put an arm around my waist and gently kissed the back of my neck where my hair hadn’t covered it. Don’t think too hard bout this, we’re best friends, that's it.

"Night Maxx."

"Night Justin." And we fell asleep.
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So sorry I took forever! I've got writer's block and I feel like my story sucks! So you guys gotta help me out by: COMMENTing, RATE-ing, READing, and SUBSCRIBE-ing. Thanks : )