Status: Just a few chapters left : )

You Idiot! You Weren't Supposed To Come Back!

Twenty Seven

*Justin’s POV*

I woke up with a smile on my face. I dreamt bout Maxx last night, seems like that’s been happening a lot lately. Not that I mind. So I’m extra pumped today. It’s the first time Maxx is gonna see me in concert…and there’s a little extra surprise mixed in for her when she gets there. I heard my phone buzz and saw it was from my mom.

From: Mommy!

Hey Justin, Scooter wants you at sound check and rehearsal by 3. The concert starts at 7.

I hit the reply button and quickly typed I would be there soon. I double checked that everything was still going to plan and grinned in excitement when mom said everything would work fine.

“What’s all that buzzin’?” I heard a low mumble from next to me. I turned to see Maxx with her arms under the pillows and her face half in it, hair sprawled everywhere. Her eyes were half open and her lips were in a light pout. Even when she just woke up she was beautiful.

“You finally get to see me in concert. I mean it’s THE Justin Bieber, aint ya excited?” I smirked and winked at her. She smiled slightly before jokingly shoving her face into the pillow.

“Nwuu.” Her voice was muffled but I’m pretty sure she meant to say ‘nah’.

“Well you better get excited cause I gotta go to rehearsal at 3. Which is in like an hour.” I hopped outta bed and grabbed my suitcase, changing outta my pjs and putting on some clothes. I wasn’t really shy around Maxx, she’s seen me in boxers before. Nothing new.

I tore my pajama shirt off and reached to grab a new one when I figured Maxx hadn’t answered. Figuring she went to sleep again, I turned to look at her to see she was staring at me. Well, my chest anyway. I smirked at her and cleared my throat, making her automatically lift her eyes to my face.

“Like what you see?” I smirked. She smirked back.

“What if I did?” I raised my eyebrows at her and watched as she jumped outta bed to get her bag.

“Did you?” She grabbed her clothes and turned to me with a smirk before shrugging.

“Maybe. You can do with that information what you will. But I need to go shower.” Maxx gave me one last smirk and wink before walking in the bathroom and closing the door behind her. I shook my head. One of these days, I’m just gonna lose it and jump her.

*Maxx’s POV*

After waking up this morning…or afternoon I guess, I got ready before changing into my Myrtle Beach T-shirt and purple shorts to match. I let my hair go natural and walked outta the bathroom to see Justin waiting patiently, laying back on the bed. When he heard the bathroom door shut, he lifted himself up and I frowned at him.

“So what exactly am I supposed to do with the mush couple and Beevis and Butthead while you’re prepping for your concert?” I grumbled. Justin laughed at me and I laid down on the bed next to him.

“No idea. I’d have you guys come with me but there’s this thing going on that nobody’s supposed to know bout until once the concert starts.” Justin had a little glint in his eye that made me a little suspicious of the concert tonight.

“What’s going on Justin?” I gave him a strange look as he smirked at me.

“You’ll see.” I was bout to respond when his phone rang.

“Hello?…uh huh…yep…yep, yep, yep. Uhh…nope. Okay, yeah I will. Yup, she is. Okay, love you too mom. Bye.” Justin hung up the phone with a smile.

“Welp, gotta go Maxx! See you tonight, love you best friend! Bye!” Justin was practically bouncing around the room as he grabbed his stuff, kissed my cheek, and left the room. What a strange boy.

Since I had already woken up and gotten ready, I couldn’t go back to sleep. So I laid down in bed and watched TV. About 30 minutes later, Haley called me.

“Hey girly, you awake?” She asked cheerfully.

“No Hales, I just sleep-answered the phone.” I rolled my eyes and could practically feel her glare on me.

“Oh shut up. Look, I’m coming over later okay? We’re gonna have a mini girls day before the concert tonight.” Haley stated and I rolled my eyes again.

“Sure Hales, cause I love it when you invite yourself over to have a ‘girls day’.”

“Your sarcasm does not amuse me.” She said seriously and I laughed. “Now I’ll be over in 20, see ya.”

“Later.” I watched TV for 20 minutes until Haley waltzed in.

“Sure, walk right in.” I smirked. She rolled her eyes and sat down on the blankets and pillows I laid out on the floor, holding a huge bag and putting it on her lap.

“What’s this?” I flicked the bag.

“Some supplies.” Haley smirked. I gave her a weirded out look and she just grinned at me.

*3 hours later*

“You coulda warned me bout your ‘Mess with Maxx’s hair Day’.” I glared into the mirror as I watched Haley pick at my hair. Turns out girls day meant she would try like 80 different things on my hair, every single one inflicted some type of pain, as usual.

“Well if I warned you, you would have fought me.” I narrowed my eyes at her as she sighed with a smile and finally stopped touching my head. “All done.” I looked at my hair and dropped my jaw.

If my hair were blonde and you were looking from the back, you’d think I was Taylor Swift. Haley had my hair in soft curls that went nicely down my back and took my bangs and pinned them back to the top of my head, making a itty bitty poof. Overall, it didn’t look that bad.

“Thanks Hales. Now what’s the occasion?” I raised my eyebrows at her and she faked shock.

“We’re going to see THE Justin Bieber in concert and you’re asking what the occasion is?!”

“Ugh, you sound just like him. We see THE Justin Bieber everyday. So tell me what’s up?”

“I just want you to look extra pretty today.” She smiled innocently. I rolled my eyes but let it pass as we looked at the clock. 6:04.

“Oh crap, Steve’s picking us up in 10 minutes and I gotta do my make up!” Haley said, running back into the bathroom. I rolled my eyes and sat on the floor waiting patiently until Ryan, Collin, and Chaz walked in.

“Hey, where’s Haley? We gotta go.” Chaz asked. I pointed to the bathroom and Ryan walked right towards it while Chaz and Collin came over to help me up.

“So, you ready for your very first Justin Bieber concert?” Chaz said as he faked the enthusiasm of a 8 year old girl. I laughed and nodded.

“Oh so excited.” I smirked. Haley came out of the bathroom with Ryan hanging on her waist and we walked out of the hotel and to the limo.

“Hey Steve.”

“Hello Miss Maxx.” I smiled and we all jumped in the limo. We drove for a little bit before pulling up to this huge theater looking thing. I gasped as I saw all these girls holding posters, signs, wearing shirts, stickers, bags, everything. I saw so many Justin Bieber faces I couldn’t think straight. And we had to walk through that?

“Don’t worry, Kenny’s coming around to get us through the back.” I nodded and bit my lip as Steve pulled off behind the building and opened the door for us.

As soon as Steve opened the door, screams erupted through my ears and the ground felt like it was vibrating. Kenny ran towards us and grabbed my arm, helping me outta the car before doing the same with Haley and the guys. He walked behind us and led us to these big double doors and opening them.

Lights were everywhere along with speakers and wires for every type of technology effecting the music going through the whole place. I looked to my left slightly before noticing the huge stage with instruments and mic stands everywhere on it. Above it were a bunch of lights and to the right was a long hallway with doors on each side going all the way down.

“HEY GUYS! OVER HERE!” I turned my head to see Justin waving us over with a smile. He was dressed up in what I was guessing to be his first concert outfit. Red skinny jeans, black Supras, a black long sleeve shirt with a sleeveless jacket thing over it, and a red hat on backwards.

“So what do you guys think?” Justin asked.

“This place is so BIG! And so LOUD!” Haley exclaimed, obviously excited. Justin laughed, along with the rest of us.

“I know! But it’s really cool. So you guys will be standing over there so you can see the whole stage. I get a break every 3 songs so I’ll meet up with you guys in a little bit. Sound good?” We all nodded and Justin grinned before his ‘swag coach’ Ryan Good jumped on stage and took the main mic on the stage.

“Now will everybody please get yourselves situated for the one, the only- unless there’s anyone else named Justin Bieber- JUSTIN BIEBER!!” I laughed and covered my ears as the whole crowd started screaming. Justin grinned and waved again before running out and jumping on the stage.

“Hey L.A., how’s everyone doing tonight?” Justin screamed into the microphone and more screams erupted. Kenny directed us to where Justin wanted us to stand and we cheered from the side. Justin looked over at us before blowing us a kiss, then the crowd.

“Well you guys sound excited, you excited?!” Justin screamed again causing more screams. Dang, I wonder how these people’s lungs don’t break.

“So who wants to be my Baby?” Justin grinned as the crowd screamed again and the music for ‘Baby’ started to play. Back up dancers immediately took the stage behind Justin and he started to sing and follow their moves. I clapped, cheered along, and grinned every time Justin looked our way.

So basically the night went with loud screams, Justin singing and dancing, meeting us and relaxing for 10 minutes between songs, and 1 final surprise that no one suspected. Well…I didn’t.
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Readers: 83. Subscribers: 12. Comments: 13. Come on, I know I take forever to update but I can do better then that right? ; )