Status: Just a few chapters left : )

You Idiot! You Weren't Supposed To Come Back!

Twenty Nine

She just…? What the hell just happened? And girls say WE are the confusing ones, yeah right. I kept replaying the moment over and over in my head as I played Black Ops with the guys on the jet. You could tell I was distracted by watching me play. I usually win but with ‘you know who’ on my mind I cant focus.

“Yo JB, you okay man?” Ryan asked as he paused the game.


“Dude, you usually kick our asses at this and you’re barely even playing. What’s up?” Chaz asked.

“I just…I have no idea.” I sighed as I shook my hair out.

“Oh really? So it has nothing to do with the fact that you wanna do the nasty with our best friend?” Collin smirked and I turned my head, mouth gaping at him.

“DUDE!” Ryan yelled, covering his ears.

“Well it’s true!” Collin laughed.

“We know that, just the way you said it sounded disgusting. She’s our best friend dude!” Chaz shuddered.

I stayed silent as all the guys stared, waiting for me to say something. I gave them all a blank look and suddenly Chaz started smirking.

“You wanna get with Maxx!” He laughed and I clamped my hand over his mouth, turning my head to look in the back room.

“SHHH! She might hear you, dumbass.” I hissed. Chaz raised his eyebrows and I released my hand to reveal the annoying smirk I wanted to slap off his face. “Why are you giving me that look?”

“Cause you like Maxx.” Ryan smirked.

“No he don’t, Ryan. He loooves Maxx.” Chaz smirked.

“He wants to kiiiss her.” Collin sung.

“He wants to hooold her.” Ryan sang after.

“He wants to be wiiith her.” Chaz finished.

“Shut up, shut up, shut up! How the hell did I get such annoying friends?!” I exclaimed, slapping myself in the forehead. The guys just laughed at me and I sighed again.

Did I wanna hold her? With that body...


Did I wanna kiss her? With those lips…

Hell yes.

Did I wanna be with her? Maxx. My best friend with those big beautiful, innocent brown eyes. With her luscious lips and cute little dimples. With her outgoing personality, hilarious sense of humor, and her sweetness. Not to mention how gorgeous she is but don’t even know it...

100% yes.

But what was I gonna do about it?

Nothing. Cause I’m gutless and have no balls. I sighed and shook my hair out again.

“Dude, calm down. Why don’t you just ask her out?” Ryan said in a ’duh’ tone and I gave him an ’are-you-stupid’ look.

“Yeah, cause I can totally walk up to someone like Maxx and ask her out. The easiest thing in the world.” I said sarcastically.

“It will be for you! You’re Justin Bieber. And you’re her best friend. If she hasn’t fallen in love with you already, she will by the end of the summer.” Chaz smirked and I raised my eyebrows.

“Maxx is not and will not ever be in love with me.” I frowned.

“Dude, come on JB. Put your swag on and go ask her out before someone else does.” Collin said as he clapped me on the back and gently shoved me towards the backroom.

I shook my head furiously and ran back onto the couch. The guys laughed at me and I glared back before reaching for the couch pillow and covering my face while I groaned into it. I heard the guys laughing and a door creak but didn’t remove the pillow.

“What’s with all the noise?” A voice said groggily and I removed the pillow.

Maxx was standing there in baggy sweatpants and a white wife beater with her hair up in a sloppy bun, small curls falling outta it and framing her face. Her fists were rubbing against her eyes before she removed her hands and looked directly at me. I stayed silent and watched as she raised her eyebrows and turned her head to Chaz.

“We were just playing COD. When DON’T we get loud at this game?” Chaz smirked.

Maxx gave him a doubtful look and pursed her lips but let it go, shrugging and turning on her heels back to the bedroom. I couldn’t help but stare at her ass as she walked away.

“Dude!” Collin whispered/yelled and chucked a pillow at me.

“What?! I cant help it!” I said in the same way.

*Maxx’s POV*

“Well that was weird.” I mumbled as I shut the door to the bedroom and sat next to Haley on the bed. She raised her eyebrows.

“Why were they being so loud?”

“Playing COD but they sounded suspicious.” I furrowed my eyebrows.

“Weird.” I nodded and bit my lip. “What’s that face for?” Haley sat up and looked at me.

“What look?” I played dumb.

“Don’t act stupid with me. That face…you look like your trying to hide something.”

“I’m just…thinking.” I shrugged.

“Bout whaaat?” She smirked.

Should I tell her? Well, I’m gonna have to bring it up eventually. Haley’s a super genius when it comes to this stuff, she’ll get it.

“I almost kissed Justin.” Her eyes widened and she grinned.

“Wait…almost? Why’d you stop?”

“What makes you think I’m the one that stopped?” She gave me a doubtful look and I rolled my eyes. “Well I didn’t, thank you very much. Kenny interrupted us.”

“Did you WANT to kiss him?” I bit my lip again and Haley started giggling. “So you finally admit it! You LOVE Justin!” She said a little too loudly.

“SHHH!” I clamped my hand over her mouth. “They could hear you! And wait a minute now. I never said…that.” I said, gesturing towards the L-word.

“But you will eventually!” Haley smirked. Well, it sounded more like ‘Mhmm hmhmm hmhm hmmee’ since my hand was still over her mouth but I could understand her.

“Hey girls, start getting in your seats cause were getting ready to…” The voice trailed off. I looked at the door to see Justin with a confused expression but wearing a smirk as he saw me on top of Haley with my hand covering her mouth while her hands were holding my arms. “Land.” Justin finished.

I released Haley and cleared my throat before walking with Haley to buckle in our seats. The guys gave us weird looks as I sat down running my fingers through my hair while Haley sat across from me, giving me knowing glances the guys couldn’t understand.

I knew I shouldn’t of said anything.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know this chapter is short but it's kinda just a filler. Sooo....COMMENT! RATE! COMMENT! RATE! COMMENT! RATE! I wonder how many times I gotta type this for you guys to actually DO IT! : P