Status: Just a few chapters left : )

You Idiot! You Weren't Supposed To Come Back!


I woke up the next morning after dreaming about what the guys had to tell me. I admit I was pretty nervous. I mean, after the dream I had, anyone would be. I dreamt that Chaz was pregnant (YES, Chaz) and Haley was jealous because it was Ryan’s and she slapped him in the face for knocking Chaz up when he was supposed to be with her. Then Collin wanted to marry me and cried when I told him I was moving to China. Weirdest thing ever.

I shook the feeling off as looked at the clock, 1:36. I looked outside and saw the sun shining so I walked out to my balcony, felt how hot it was, and walked back inside to text Haley.

M: Hey, its flippin hot out. Wanna come over and swim? She texted back a couple seconds later.

H: F yeah man. Any specific time?

M: Nope, whenever’s fine.

H: Kay, I’ll be there in 20 minutes. I texted her with an okay and went to the bathroom to get changed. I grabbed my yellow polka dot bikini (don’t laugh) and threw on some basketball shorts and a black tank top over it. I lightly put sun block on my face, I tan everywhere else, and I walked to my backyard. I moved the slide over so the end of it faced the pool, that way we could slide right in. A few minutes later, Haley came through the back gate.

“Hey homo. Ready to swim it up?” She grinned and started slipping off her little white sundress, revealing her pink and black striped bikini. I envied Haley sometimes. She had the perfect flat tummy and C boobs. Mine were C’s too but Haley just seemed to wear boobs better than me-if that makes any sense. I’m also curvier and have a bigger butt, but to me I just feel fatter that way. You could say I lack self confidence in the body department.

“You know it.” I smiled back and slipped out of my tank top and shorts. I filled a big bucket of water up and climbed up the ladder of the slide, making sure to get the whole slide wet. I slid all the way down, plugged my nose, and fell right into the cool water.


Me and Haley spent the next couple hours swimming, laying in the lawn chairs, playing with a beach ball, and playing basketball-the last one being most recent. I felt horrible, I was killing her. Haley’s really only good with tennis and gymnastics. Other sports…not so much. She could get the shots in but actually playing 1 on 1, she’d get crushed, just like now.

“Come on Maxxi, I give. Can we go swimming again? I’m burning.” Haley whined. She was panting and held her hands to her knees, slightly bending over. Her face was red and sweaty and she definitely needed to cool off.

“Sure, why not. You didn’t have a chance anyway.” I smirked as we started walking farther back in the yard to reach the pool.

“You know, I’m gonna let that one go. Just cause your letting me swim in your pool. But don’t worry; I’ll get you next time.” She joked.

I laughed. “Okay Hales, whatever helps you sleep at night.” We just reached the edge of the pool when she pushed me in. I popped my head back up to glare at the now laughing her ass off idiot standing on the side of the pool. I grabbed her ankle and she sobered up.

“You wouldn’t.”

“Oh I would.” She reached down to get my hand off her ankle, but I had it in a death grip. I knew she would do this, so it made it so much easier to grab her hand and yank her in with me.

I started laughing when she popped her head out of the water to glare and spit the water out at me.

“Not cool.”

“Don’t mess with the Maxxi.” I smiled and she laughed, starting to splash me. We got into a splash fight for a little bit when I felt eyes on us. Haley must of felt them too because she stopped splashing. We turned to see Ryan smirking at us walking through the gate.

“Hello there ladies. You guys seem to be having fun without us.”

“Yes, we were actually. Why are you here anyway?” I fake glared. He knew I was kidding cause he laughed.

“Collin told you we’d be here around 4 remember?” He said in a ‘duh’ tone as he walked towards the edge of the pool near me and Haley.

“Oh yeah, you guys said you would tell me what that news was. So what is it?”

“Well…you remember Justin? That kid me and Chaz were friends with back in elementary and middle school.” He glanced at me nervously. I get why, I hated that stupid kid.

“YES! The one who made fun of me all through 4th to 7th grade? He made my life a living hell for no reason! And he called me names when I got braces in 8th grade. I mean he called me names before that but still. They were just braces. Man, I hated that punk. I was so happy when he moved out of Georgia to be a singer. Him and his stupid girly voice. So wait, why are you bringing him up?” I rambled on before I realized my whole point of this little speech. Ryan looked at me hesitantly, then to Haley, who nodded at him, then looked back to me.

“Well…he kinda moved back.” He muttered quietly. I think my brain just fried for .6 seconds.

“Wait. I thought I just heard you say he moved back. Please tell me that’s not what you said Ryan.” I begged, knowing my luck had just drastically changed. I just got rid of one annoying guy, now I have the dude who made fun of me all through my childhood moving back to my hometown. What kind of luck is this?

“Sorry Lena. But he’s back. For a while too, his tour just ended and he wanted to come back to Atlanta for school to be normal again before his next tour.” Ryan only called me Lena when he felt bad, sad, or just wanted something from me. I suddenly felt bad for ranting about it.

“It’s not your fault Ry, it’s not like you sent him to come back and tease me again. Maybe he won’t even remember me, or I won’t even have to see him.” I smiled softly.

“Not exactly. He’s starting school with us when summer’s over. And he’s kind of…here.” Ryan purposely mumbled the last word.

“You said what now? He’s HERE? As in ‘my house’ here or ‘Atlanta’ here?” Ryan started to laugh nervously again and with that little chuckle, I got my answer.

“Sooo, anyone up for a swim?” Ryan smiled.

“Ryan…where’s Chaz and Collin?”

“In the car.”

“Well go get them. If they got trunks, tell them to come swimming.” I commented.

“And where’s Satan’s spawn?” Haley muttered quietly from behind me. I laughed at her nickname for the twerp, it fit him well. With how quiet she was, I almost forgot she was there.

“…In the car.” Greeeat, that’s a bonus. He’s gonna have to come in with them. The guys love
me and all, I’m one of their best friends, but they’re not mean enough to leave him in the car alone for me. It took me a minute, but what finally came out of my mouth didn’t only shock Haley and Ryan, it shocked me as well.

“Well you better go get him too. Whoever’s got trunks can come in.” I mumbled. Ryan’s jaw dropped and Haley actually checked if I was possessed or something.

“Really?! Great, thanks Maxxi, you’re awesome! I love you!” Ryan kept muttering things as he was about to leave to get the guys. But what he said next scared the crap out of me.

“Oh Maxx…there’s one more thing. Justin remembers…everything. And he’s real sorry.” Ryan gave me a sincere smile but he knew I wasn’t gonna take his word for it. Justin would have to tell me himself. And until then, I wasn’t gonna act all nice.
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Duh duh duh, popstar's gonna be in the next chapter : )