Status: Just a few chapters left : )

You Idiot! You Weren't Supposed To Come Back!


“Yeah I think I’m gonna get some sleep. I’ll call you guys later though and if you want, you can come over.” I yawned as I grabbed my bag outta the trunk and walked up to my driveway.

The guys responded with whatever and I waved before using my key and entering through the doorway silently. It was like 5 in the morning and I didn’t want anyone to wake up. I walked downstairs and jumped into my big, comfy bed.


I yawned before rubbing my eyes and stretching, looking at the clock to see it read 2:48 p.m. and heading up the steps.

“Alex?” I yelled as I ran up the steps. I furrowed my eyebrows at the silence. I went to his room to see his bed made, usually meaning he stayed over at Kayla’s.

But it’s Monday. Alex usually stays here with Kayla since her parents are home Monday-Thursday. Hmm…maybe they went out? I walked into the kitchen to see a note taped on the fridge. I ripped it off lightly and opened the door to grab the milk and read it as I reached for the cereal and bowl in the cupboard.

As I poured my breakfast, I read the note from my mom.

‘Hey baby doll,

Alex and Kayla weren’t home when I got back yesterday from work…I don’t even wanna know. But if your flight landed before I got home, I just wanna tell you sorry for not hugging my beautiful baby right when she came home! ;)’

I paused to sigh. God, my mom was a freak.

‘But anyway, I would absolutely love for you to mow the lawn for me. The keys are under the shed in the garage. Love you!


Gee, manual labor my first day back home? Thanks a lot mom. I walked outside to the shed and realized how hot it was. I grabbed the key and unlocked the huge shed door before turning the key and starting the lawn mower. (A/N: it’s not the lawn mower you push, this one’s kinda like a four wheeler. You can drive it.)

I drove it out to the front yard and hopped off real quick to run back to my room and change into some swimming trunks and took off my tank top, leaving me in just a sports bra. I brushed my teeth and left my alone, it was still curled from the concert yesterday. I grabbed a white bandana and tied it around my head like a headband to keep my hair outta my face.

Once I grabbed my MP3 Touch and started playing the music way up loud, I went out the door and hopped onto the lawn mower. I started it up and sang lightly as I mowed the lawn in the blistering hot sun for another 20 minutes.

As I drove up towards our driveway, I noticed a moving truck in the driveway across from our house. There was a real estate sign with a bigger sign saying ‘Sold’ over it, obviously meaning we had new neighbors. Yay, mom’s gonna make us take some brownies over later… great.

As I turned to go up and down the lawn once more, I felt like someone was staring at me. I turned my head to see a strikingly blonde haired woman ushering for someone to move towards her. She held an angry and annoyed expression as she snapped her fingers. Wow, this woman seemed VERY friendly. Not.

I looked to wear she was snapping and saw these poor men sweating like pigs as they lifted the couch outta the moving truck, probably silently wishing they could hit the woman with it. I felt bad for them. I kept glancing over to see what I felt staring at me.

A guy with spiky blonde hair and well built muscles, probably standing at a decent 6 foot, looking straight at me. He was wearing a tight black shirt to reveal his muscles and some khaki shorts with sandals. He was wearing huge black Aviators and lifted them up slowly to stare over at me.

I almost wanted to gasp. His eyes were the greenest things I’ve ever seen. They were like shiny emeralds or something. He held a captivating glance and I just sat there, looking like a tart with my sweaty self, sitting on a lawn mower. I realized I was staring back at him and started to react. I moved my eyes away from him and put the mower in reverse, turning it around and continuing to do my work.

By the time I came back the movers were the only people across the street, carrying a refrigerator in through the garage door. I continued to silently listen to my music before feeling my phone vibrate against my thigh inside my swim trunks’ pocket.

I turned off the mower and tugged the headphones outta my ears as I answered the phone, forgetting to look at the caller I.D.

“Hola.” I smiled.

“Hey Pezzy.” A deep voice slithered.

Despite the burning hot sun, my blood ran cold and I became numb. I wanted to hang up and chuck my phone into the grass so the mower could eat it but I restrained myself and made my voice go hard.

“How did you get my number?”

“Oh come on, you really think I wouldn’t know my own girlfriend’s number?” He chuckled slyly and I glared.

“Yeah, considering I’m NOT your girlfriend.” There was a pause before I heard another chuckle.

“Pezzy, you shouldn’t say things like that. You know I’m sorry for what happened. Can’t we just get over the past and start fresh?”

“What do you want me to do? Forgive and forget? Are you fucking nuts?!” I exasperated.

A sharp intake of breath was heard before he responded. “That’s not a very nice way to talk to your boyfriend.”

“Your NOT my boyfriend. You never were. And you never will be. So back off and leave me the fuck alone.” I stated harshly.

“You know I cant do that Pezzy, I love you. Why cant you understand that?” His voice started to quiver and I knew he was getting angry.

“Because you DON’T love me. You never did Toby. Why cant you understand that?” I mocked. I decided not to wait for an answer and hung up the phone.

I finished mowing the lawn and drove the mower back into the shed before locking the door and walking back to the front of the house. Before I entered my phone buzzed again, causing me to jump. I calmed my racing heart beat as I looked at the caller I.D. before answering.

“Hey.” I said.

“Hey girl. Are you fully awake now cause all the guys are at my house and we wanna hang out with you.” Haley giggled on the other end and I smiled.

“Yeah, lemme just shower and I’ll drive over.” I stated as I went for the door.

“Oh, no need. We’re already here.”

“Wait, what?” I asked confused.

Next thing I knew, Ryan’s Range Rover was driving up into my driveway. Collin, Chaz, and Justin hopped outta the back and Haley and Ryan came over with them. Haley had her phone up to her ear and I rolled my eyes before hanging up.

“Well that was rude. You didn’t even say goodbye.” She chuckled before slipping her phone into her pocket.

“I thought you were at your house.” I stated, confused.

“We were but we got bored and figured we would wake you up. Now why are you all sweaty?” She stated as she looked down at me. I grinned.

“Mom left me a note saying mow the lawn. I just put it away.” I said as I opened the door.

I heard someone sigh and mumble something but I couldn’t fully hear. After that though, I heard Ryan mumble something like, ‘easy dude, don’t go jumping her when we’re all here.’ I turned around confused when I saw Collin and Chaz holding in laughter, Ryan smirking, and Justin looking like he was almost…in pain?

“Hey dude, you okay?” I asked, gently touching Justin’s shoulder.

“Huh? Oh, uh…yeah. Yeah, I’m fine.” Justin gave me a small smile but I just gave him a weird expression before nodding disbelievingly and walking towards my room.

“How’s swimming sound?” I asked and everyone agreed. Me and Haley ran down to my room and she grabbed her white bikini with green stars on it while I grabbed my usual plain blue with purple polka dots bikini and threw some trunks over it.

“Nope. Put this one on.” Haley smirked before chucking a new bikini at me. I looked at it and shook my head.

“No, that’s too…wow. And it’s Kayla’s, it wont even fit me.” I shrugged and Haley glared.

“Just put it on.” She ushered. After 15 minutes of constant harassing, I gave in.

“FINE!” Haley smirked in triumph and I just glared and shook my head before slipping on the skimpy red bikini.

It wasn’t really THAT bad. It was just a little too small in the boob area so my boobs got pushed up a little. Yikes. Then my butt was too big for the bottoms so I threw on my swim trunks over those.

“No!” Haley said and chucked some white short shorts at me. “Wear these, they’re cuter.” I glared again and slipped outta my trunks before putting on the white shorts instead.

“Can I go now?” I grumbled.

“Yep.” Haley smirked.

I grabbed my towel and phone before following Haley down the steps. Haley gave me a ‘look comfortable’ look and I rolled my eyes before smiling fakely and walking behind her to the pool where the guys already were.

“Jeez, I know your girls but what took so long?” Chaz questioned as we walked towards the pool.

“Haley made me change.” I glared at her and she shrugged with a grin.

“You look cuter in what I gave you.”

“Or sluttier.”

“Same difference.” She smirked.

I rolled my eyes before throwing down my phone, my towel, and pulling the baggy shirt I threw over it on the way out over my head and onto the lawn chair. Haley glared at me and I knew what she meant. I sighed in frustration and tugged the shorts off too.

“Happy now?” I asked.

“Not as happy as Justin.” She whispered at me with a smirk.

I turned my head to see Justin staring at me. Well, staring at my body. I gulped and walked slowly to the pool’s edge before smirking at Justin.

“Close your mouth. You’ll catch fleas.” Justin snapped outta it as I jumped into the water, probably splashing them.

I heard laughter from above the water and I popped up to see Justin splashing at the guys while Chaz and Collin laughed at him about something and Haley and Ryan were cuddled up in the opposite corner of the pool.

About a little over an hour later, Haley and Ryan had gotten out. Haley wanted to tan and Ryan was more then happy to rub in the lotion. Yuck.

“Hey, does anyone know what time it is?” Haley asked.

“Check my phone, it’s under my towel.” I stated as I kept floating.

“Oops, wrong button.” Haley said as she clicked something on my phone. I lifted my head above the water.

“You okay over there?” I chuckled.

“Yeah, I just accidentally hit the caller’s list thing. Hey, who prank called you?” I froze and thought of a quick lie to cover up the creeper’s call.

“Oh, ha it was just some kids that lived down the street dialing random numbers. No big deal.” I chuckled nervously and Haley raised her eyebrows at me.

“I don’t believe you. Come on Maxx, tell me.” She kept pestering for another 5 minutes before I sighed in frustration.

“OKAY! Gosh, has anyone ever told you how annoying you are?” I asked frustrated. Haley chuckled and nodded.

“Only everyday of my life. Now tell me.”

“Okay, okay. It was-” I was interrupted when my phone started to buzz in Haley’s hand, who smirked.

“Oh look, it’s them.” She went to press the answer button.

“No Haley, don-”

“Hello.” She said with a smile as she clicked the speaker phone. I jumped outta the pool and went to hang up the phone but froze at that voice.

“Where’s my girlfriend?” The voice said angrily. Haley’s face immediately froze, probably looked like mine, and gave me the most apologetic and guilty look I’ve ever seen.

“Why the fuck do you keep calling?! How many times do I have to tell you I’m not your girlfriend!” I yelled into the phone. By now, all the guys had jumped outta the pool.

“You can say it as many times as you want but you know your just lying to yourself.” He chuckled.

“The only one’s whose lying to themselves is you when you say you don’t need medical attention.” I glared.

“Remember those flowers I sent you Pezzy? And the note?” His voice quivered again.

“I’ve tried to forget. But I’m pretty sure they’re in a dumpster by now.” He laughed at what I said.

“I wrote that I missed you and couldn’t stand it when your bad. Your not being very good right now, you kno-”

“And why should I care?” I interrupted. What he said next though, that’s what made my skin crawl.

“Because I have your brother.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Awwww shiiiz : P come on, I know you guys wanna read more now, right ; ) I hope that's a yes. COMMENT AND RATE and MAYBE I'll consider updating sooner ; )