Status: Just a few chapters left : )

You Idiot! You Weren't Supposed To Come Back!


“Maxxi! Don’t worry about me, I’m fine, I prom-” Alex’s urgent voice was interrupted when I heard him grunt.

“Shut up!” Toby yelled and I guessed he hit Alex. I gritted my teeth and ripped the phone outta Haley’s hand.

“What the hell are you doing to my brother?!” I yelled.

“Only keeping him as leverage.” He chuckled.

“Leverage for what?” I hissed. He laughed again.

“For you, of course. What better way to get you to be with me then to hold your brother hostage?”

“Oh I don’t know, NOT be a psycho?” I yelled sarcastically and heard him breathe sharply.

“Watch it Pezzy, a few not so nice words from you and poor Alex here could lose a finger.” My eyes widened.

“You touch him and I swear to god I’ll-” I started to threaten but got interrupted.

“You’ll what? You know I love to hear what you wanna do to me.” He tried to sound seductive and completely failed.

“Shut the fuck up pervert and tell me where my brother is before the I call cops on your crazy ass.” I said disgusted.

“Try to call the cops Pezz, I dare ya. Don’t act like you don’t know what’ll happen to little Alex over here.” He threatened before I heard another grunt. Alex.

“God damn it, what do you want?!” I yelled.

“You know what I want. I want what I‘ve always wanted.” He sighed and I rolled my eyes.

“Well incase you haven’t noticed, you lost your chance and you don’t deserve another one.”

“Well then. If I cant have you, I guess you cant have your brother.” I could hear the evil smirk in his tone.

I paused to think. What was I supposed to do? Let Toby keep Alex hostage until he got bored waiting for me to never come and just get rid of him? I mean, Toby almost killed ME and I was his girlfriend. I didn’t even wanna think about what he would do to Alex.

“Don’t worry baby, I’ll give you a minute to think on it and then I’ll call back. How’s 20 minutes sound?” He chuckled before continuing. “Love you baby.” He didn’t hang up the phone and I realized he wanted me to say it back.

I scoffed and hung up the phone without saying anything. I continued to think before I bit my lip. Haley noticed the look on my face and immediately started shaking her head.

“No Maxx. I know that face and you are NOT about to listen to anything this guy has to say.” She said sternly.

“He’s got my brother Hales, what do you expect me to do?”

“We’ll call the cops, get a bodyguard, get a gun. I have no idea but I’m not gonna let you just march in there with some psycho!” Haley yelled. I felt horrible, she looked like she would cry.

“Hales, I can’t just-” I was cut off by Collin.

“Are you forgetting who this guy is?! You know, Toby Carter. The psycho son of a bitch who beat the shit outta you every time you tried to leave him. Do you remember WHY you wanted to leave him? Cause I do. He cheated on you with every hooker he saw on the street. You caught him 5000 times and then some and still tried denying it! And now you wanna go back?!” He yelled.

I put my head down and sighed. I sat on the lawn chair and ran my fingers through my hair before looking up towards everyone. Haley was about to cry, Justin was looking away from me, Collin had the most pissed off look on his face, and Chaz and Ryan were looking angry yet had a sympathetic expression.

“I know what he did Collin. I don’t need the flashback.” I sighed.

“You’re right. You don’t need the flashback, you need a phone so you can call the cops.” Collin yelled and I sighed.

“No, what I need is my brother back. You know Toby will do something if he even suspects the cops. He’s gonna see that coming. I’m gonna have to go. Once I get there, he’ll let Alex go.”

“But not you.” Justin spoke for the first time. I looked and saw an unreadable expression on his face and in his eyes. I bit my lip. “He’s not going to let you go once your with him Maxx. You know that.”

“Yeah I know. But I’ll find a way away or something.”

“HOW?!” Haley screamed. I flinched.

“I don’t know, okay! But he’s my brother and I’m not gonna let him stay with that nutcase.” Justin opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by my phone buzzing.

I grabbed it immediately but paused to answer. I looked at all my friends and bit my lip before answering the phone, clicking the speaker button.

“Where is he?” I hissed.

“Come on Maxxi, you know I’m not that easy.” He chuckled and I rolled my eyes.

“Really? That’s a shocker considering how many girls you chucked your dick at almost everyday of our bullshit relationship.” I stated, causing him to pause.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk Pezzy. Watch your tone or I could get a little rough on big brother here.” He chuckled and I glared.

“Don’t touch him! Look, you win alright. Tell me where your at and I’ll…” I faded, not wanting to say this at all. Especially with everyone of my friend’s faces looking so pained. “I’ll stay with you. But Alex leaves.”

“Sounds great.” He said happily and I narrowed my eyes. “But there are rules. You come alone and there‘s no fancy stuff. No cops, no weapons, and especially no friends.“

“Fine, now where are you at?”

“Drive to the Blue Bell Park down the street from your house. There’s a note there telling you where to go next.”

“What is this? A fucking scavenger hunt? Why cant you just tell m-”

“Because this way, I can watch you and make sure your alone.” I froze.

“What do you mean ‘watch me’?” I gulped and he chuckled.

“Just like I’m watching you right now.” My blood went cold. I moved my head frantically and heard a chuckle from the phone. “Don’t give yourself whiplash, you wont be able to see me babe. But the point is that I can see you. Oh, tell that mother fucking popstar to stop touching you. He might of gotten away with holding your hand at the dinner table but if he touches you one more time, I swear I’ll cut off his dick.”

Justin was sitting next to me on the lawn chair rubbing my thigh halfway through the phone call. It was calming me and I…liked it so I let him do it. Justin tensed and I turned to look at him. He didn’t look scared, he looked angry.

“I’d like to see this fucker try.” He hissed and I grabbed his hand while standing up. I almost wanted to smirk as I looked around.

“Get over it. I like him touching me.” I hissed and heard him gasp.

I looked at Justin to see his eyebrows raised and I just rolled my eyes at him. I didn’t want him to think I was using him to make Toby mad; because even though I was, I DID like when Justin touched me. Wow…I didn’t even realize how dirty that sounded.

“Well that’s too fucking bad. Cause the only one who will be touching you is me. No one else, never again.” He slithered at me and I almost wanted to gag. “Make sure you say goodbye to your friends Pezzy. Blue Bell Park, see you soon love.” He hung up.

“God I hate when he calls me that.” I shuddered. Justin squeezed my hand and I looked over to him.

“You’re seriously doing this?” He asked with a frown. I nodded.

“Come on. We can talk inside, I need to shower before I leave.” I said and we walked back in the house.

I took a quick shower before throwing on some blue jean shorts and Justin’s white V-neck. I brushed through my hair and through some mousse in it, knowing it would be extra curly. I walked into my room and sighed before walking to my closet and grabbing some purple converse and slipping them on.

“Have I ever told you that you look cute in my clothes?” I jumped halfway back as I turned to see Justin sitting on my bed. I breathed out a huge breath as I clutched my chest.

“Jeez J, you scared me! And yes, you have.” I chuckled before sitting next to him.

“Please don’t go Maxx…please.” He said gently as he laid down and I laid down against his chest, playing with one of his 2 braided yarn bracelets Kenny made for him over the weekend.

“He’s my brother J.” I said softly.

“And you’re my best friend.” He said back. I sighed. This was harder then I thought.

I felt like I was sentenced to death row or something. I would be back, I knew it. I’m getting Alex and then I’m getting myself outta there. I’m sure of it.

“I’ll be back.”


“Pinky promise.” I grabbed his pinky and he twisted his with mine before taking off one of the 2 bracelets on his wrist. “What are you doing?” I asked.

“Just something for you to look at when you wanna think about something fun.” He winked and joked. I laughed lightly. “Think of it as…inspiration.” We laughed and I stood up.

“Come on, I gotta get going.”

I went downstairs and hugged all my friends goodbye before grabbing the keys and jumping on my motorcycle. I slipped on my leather jacket and rolled the sleeves to my elbows and before turning to wave at all my friends again.

“I’ve got an idea. It’ll all work out, I promise.” If you think about it, this ‘kidnapping’ was the easiest thing to get out of. Toby wasn’t exactly the brightest light bulb in the box if you know what I mean.

I slipped on my helmet, hopped on my bike, and drove to Blue Bell Park.
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So I got reported...for incorrect capitalization. Ouch. I'm sorry guys but I do it on purpose to put emphasis on certain words. I'm not perfect in the whole 'story format thing' and I dont know how to put words in italics so I just capitalize the whole word. I'm sorry but if you have a problem, please comment or message me. DONT report me, (look! I did it again! See, I cant help it!) But this is my first story, gimme a break. Please and thank you!