Status: Just a few chapters left : )

You Idiot! You Weren't Supposed To Come Back!


“Can I help you?” A woman who looked to be in her early 40’s answered the door snobbishly.

You could tell she wasn’t a nice lady to those who didn’t fit the ‘country club’ image. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a tight bun, making the wrinkles on her forehead more noticeable. The frown on her face was strong but it looked like she was attempting to sound polite when she answered the door. Even though you could see the disgust on her face when she looked at me.

I was wearing a blue V-neck with some jean shorts and my blue converse while my hair was in it’s naturally curly waves. See what I mean by the ‘image’?

“Hi. I’m Nicole Lopez and this is my daughter Maxx, we live across the street and just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood. We baked some brownies for you and your family.” My mom smiled, showing off her pearly whites. She seemed to ignore the fact that this lady was a snob.

“Oh, well thank you. I’m sure my kids will love these. Have a nice day.” She smiled fakely before shutting the door.

“Well that wasn’t very nice.” Mom smirked as we walked back towards our house. I chuckled.

“Seems like that lady’s a little too good for us.” I mocked in a fake snob accent. My mom laughed and walked through the house.

“Hey, wait up!” I heard a familiar voice yell behind me. I turned to see Will running at me with a guilty face.

“Sorry about my mom, she’s a little…rough.” He said and I smiled.

“It’s okay, not your fault. I told you my mom would make the brownies.” I smirked and he chuckled.

“That you did. So ‘Maxx’-” Will smirked as he put emphasis on my name, “-what are you doing today?”

“Well…absolutely nothing.” I pouted and Will laughed.

“How can such a lovely girl like you have nothing to do on this pretty summer day?” He smirked and I rolled my eyes.

“Well my friends all made plans.”

“Without you? That don’t sound right.”

“Well Ryan took Haley out on a date and then Collin, Chaz, and Justin are having a boy’s night cause Justin’s upset bout something.” Will raised his eyebrows.

“And you don’t know what he’s upset about?”

“Nope.” I said, popping the ‘p’.

“Well good then, this way you can take me around Stratford. You know, show me the coolest spots…maybe go out to eat, hang out…” Will trailed off with a sly smile.

“And this ‘hang out’ is just as friends right?” I smirked.

“For now.” He smirked back. I laughed lightly and nodded.

“Okay, lemme just go tell my mom and I’ll be right out.” Will nodded and I ran in the house.

“Mom!” I yelled.

“What?” She yelled back.

“I’m going out, I’ll be back later!”

“With who?”


“The cutie next door?”

“Mom!” She laughed.

“Okay okay. Go ahead, don’t forget your phone, be careful and I love you!”

“Yeah yeah, love you too. Bye!” I yelled and shut the door, walking back to Will.

“So I’m the cutie next door huh?” He smirked.

“Don’t let it get to your head. My mom’s pushing 40, she thinks everything is cute.” I joked and he laughed.

“So where to first?” He asked.


“I still cant believe you did that!” Will laughed as we walked down the street. I continued laughing with him.

“It wasn’t my idea, it was Chaz! And I was 13, we were allowed to be that stupid!” I laughed again.

“So you seem to do a lot with these guys, you’ve known them for a while then?” I nodded nonchalantly.

“Yeah, we’ve been best friends for forever.” I stated as my mind trailed off to my friends.

“So how’d you meet them all?” I chuckled.

“Those are long stories.” Will smirked.

“Maybe that’s my plan. To keep you talking so I can spend more time with you.” I rolled my eyes with a small smile.

“Oh, smooth plan.” I smirked. “But you don’t need it.” He grinned and I chuckled before hopping onto the monkey bars and crawling onto the playground’s platform.

We had walked down the street and I was so caught up I barely noticed the park we were almost passing. Will laughed as I flopped myself on the platform and hung my legs over, swinging them away and he stood hanging on the monkey bars in front of me.

“So the stories?” He smirked and I laughed.

“Well Collin used to live right across the street from me and we basically knew each other since we were 2. We played together all the time and our moms obviously put us in the same school.

“That’s where we met Ryan and Haley. It was our first day of day care and Haley was playing by this big Barbie doll house and me and Collin were playing tag. Collin tripped and accidentally knocked over the doll house so Haley started crying.” I stopped to chuckle as my mind flashed to the memory.

“Well anyway, Ryan being the little hero he was decided to rescue Haley. He ran over to Collin and pushed him down and yelled at him for making a girl cry. Collin said it was an accident but Ryan pushed him down again. So of course, they get into a fight.

“Haley was telling them to stop and the idiot teacher wasn’t around so I jumped Ryan and-”

“Wait, you JUMPED him?” Will asked incredulously and I smirked.

“Yeah. So anyway, Ryan ended up getting tackled and he looked at me like a deer in headlights and yelled ‘you’re a girl’. I goes ‘duh’ and he was like ‘you should play football’. And then he asked me to be his best friend. So I was like ‘okay’ and the next day me, Haley, Collin, and Ryan were all playing tag.” I glanced at Will to see his expression with raised eyebrows.

“Gimme a break, we were like 5.” Will smiled and nodded and I continued. “So we were all playing outside when these 2 kids came onto the playground with a soccer ball. One of the little boys kicked the ball super hard and it flew all the way over to us, hitting Ryan in the head.

“Ryan fell over and was all ‘ow’ and stuff and I got mad cause they hurt him so I grabbed the ball and chucked it back at them. The little boy who didn’t kick it tried to catch it but I threw it harder then he thought and hit him in the stomach. His friend that kicked it came over yelling at me bout how that wasn’t nice and all this stuff. The other little boy came over and told me I threw like a boy. It wasn’t really insulting so I just smiled at him.

“The one who ran over first looked at the kid with a shocked face and was all ‘Chaz, she hurt you and your not gonna hurt her back?’. Chaz was like ‘no, she’d hurt me more then I would hurt her.’ But Justin wanted revenge so me and him fought for the whole rest of the year.

“Fought how?” Will asked and I chuckled.

“Pranks mostly. I’d put paint in his locker, he’d stick glue on my chair. We were pretty sneaky little kids.” I smirked and continued. “But anyway, it went on til halfway through 2nd grade when outta nowhere, we became best friends. So it became me, Chaz, Collin, Ryan, Haley, and Justin. That was until 4th grade.

“Me and Justin started hating each other again. We would harass each other, pull pranks, and just be total a-holes to each other. We went all out. That was until he got discovered. He always sung and even I had to admit he was super good so over summer after our 8th grade year, no one was shocked to find out he’d be moving to the states.”

“Wait…your best friends with Justin Bieber?” Will questioned and I sighed.

“Yeah, I hope things aren’t weird now.”

“What? No way, why would they be weird?” I shrugged.

“Hanging out with someone whose friends with the most popular teen sensation in the whole word along with having half the planet’s girl population be in love with him. You know, it’s not exactly normal.”

“Good point. But I don’t mind.” Will smirked and I smiled.

“Well anyway, things just stayed normal for the next couple years until Justin decided to take a break from his tour and come back to Stratford…this summer. It was a little ‘ehh’ at the beginning but we got over it and now were all best friends again. Ryan asked Haley out this summer too so that’s obviously why they went on a date.

“And lately Justin’s been PMSing or something and I’m pretty sure the guys know why but they’re hiding it from me so Collin and Chaz used the ‘boy’s night out’ excuse. So that’s basically it.” I finished, finally.

“Wow. Well, I’m glad I got my time alone with you cause it seems like with these friends I wont get much more.” He joked but started to frown.

“You could always hang out with us?” I suggested. “Or just come back to my house and we can hang out for a little while longer. I’m sure Haley’s staying with Ryan and I doubt the guys will be back yet.”

Will started to smile again. “Yeah, that sounds good. You wanna go now?” I nodded.

“Yeah, I’m starving. How bout you?”

“Definitely. Where’s the closest McDonald’s?” He grinned and I laughed as we walked our way towards our houses, got Will’s car, and headed to get some food.
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So there's a new guy ; ) I'm slowly letting you guys warm up to him, cause beware: you'll be seeing Will for a little bit : ) COMMENT! RATE! READ! SUBSCRIBE! You know, THE USUAL! : ) Love you guys!