Status: Just a few chapters left : )

You Idiot! You Weren't Supposed To Come Back!

Thirty Six

It’s now been 2 weeks and me and Will are still going strong but I felt like I’d been ditching my friends so I told Will I was gonna hang out with the guys today, which he was fine with.

I got dressed into my usual blue jean shorts, some blue converse, and an Usher T-shirt Justin got for me last month, brushed through my hair and left it down and then grabbed my skateboard and rode down the street and headed over to Haley’s.

“Maxx! I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever.” Haley grinned as she squeezed me.

“That’s cause you haven’t.” Ryan grumbled, referring to me being with Will.

“Come on dude, no guy talk. Can we just go to the skate park?” I asked and Ryan smiled and nodded.

This time, Haley actually attempted to skateboard, since Ryan was holding her the whole time. Yuck. Chaz and Collin messed around on the half pipe and me and Justin skated up and down the ramps, doing tricks and high fiving when we passed each other. It was really fun.

“I still cant believe you wiped out!” Justin said as we continued to laugh.

When Chaz went on the half pipe, he didn’t realize his shoe was untied (idiot). So of course, the lace got caught in his wheel, causing him to trip and roll over right on his back. Physically he was okay but emotionally, his ego was completely bruised. Especially since me and Justin couldn’t stop laughing bout it.

“The funniest thing…was…his face.” We started our laughing fit all over again as we remembered the shocked look on Chaz’s face.

“Okay, okay. Shut up bout it.” Chaz grumbled as we walked back into Haley’s house. Me and Justin calmed down but still kept exchanging looks and laughing lightly.

Haley set up the living room for a movie since it was already like 8:30 and ordered pizza for us. Ryan helped her out, Chaz and Collin sat there on the couch being lazy, and me and Justin went to the guest bedroom to grab blankets and pillows. That was probably a stupid idea on Haley’s part since me and Justin have been up here beating the crap outta each other with the pillows.

“Ahhhh!” I yelled as Justin tackled me into the pile of pillows on the bed before wacking me upside the head with it. Justin straddled my waist and swung while laughing and I could barely breathe from how hard I was laughing.

“Surrender!” He yelled at me.

“NEVER!” I yelled back and swung and hit his head.

I had caught Justin off guard so when I hit him he fell off me and onto the floor with a thud. I gasped and tried to contain my laughter. I asked if he was okay but he faked death before chucking another pillow at my head, causing me to fall over too and he jumped on top of me again. We both dropped our pillows and were just staring at each other cracking up laughing.

Eventually, we stopped and just stared. Justin put both arms on either side of my head to support himself since he was still on top of me. It was then that I realized his face was dangerously close right now.

“Your hair’s all poofy.” Justin commented softly with a smirk.

“Your hair’s sticking up everywhere.” I smirked back.

‘Too bad he actually looked hot like that.’ Whoa there Maxx, that is NOT a good thought.

You have a boyfriend idiot! Justin’s eyes interrupted my thoughts when they dropped down to my lips. ‘What’s he thinking?’ I thought. I doubt it was the same thing I was thinking.

“I think…” Justin trailed off as he traced his finger over my face to move the hair on my forehead.

“You think…” I mocked.

“I think I might kiss you.” Justin whispered bluntly and I bit my lip as my eyes lightly widened.

“I think I might like it.” Justin smiled softly and his lips leaned towards mine before hitting them softly.

I was right. I DID like it. But this was wrong, I’m dating Will! I’m a horrible person, I need to stop kissing Justin! But I couldn’t, especially once the ‘peck’ became a little more. Justin’s hand slid down my waist, my hands went through his hair, and his lips moved in sync with mine.

‘So much better then Will’s kisses.’ My evil thoughts said. At the thought of Will, I finally found the will to pull away…or push. I gently shoved Justin off of me and we both sat up, panting lightly.

“I’m sorry Maxx, I couldn’t help it.”

“No, it’s my fault. I shouldn’t of let it happen.” We both calmed our breathing and I ran a finger through my hair.

“Actually, I take it back. I’m not sorry and I’d do it again if I could. And I think you would too.” Justin said confidently and I looked taken back.

“I have a boyfriend Justin.” Justin sighed but kept his smirk.

“Soccer has a goalie, don’t mean I cant still score.” I gasped and hit his arm. “Come on, you know that was a good one.” He laughed.

It took me a minute before I started laughing too. Once we calmed down, Justin started staring at me again and I stared back. He leaned in but this time I sighed and turned my head the other way.

“Why now Justin?” I asked frustrated and Justin gave me a confused look before sighing.

“I didn’t think it would change anything.”

“Are you kidding me? I’ve been waiting for you to do something for like half the summer! And you being a total idiot decide to wait until AFTER I get a boyfriend to actually make your move!” I confessed/yelled before realizing what I said and covering a hand over my mouth with wide eyes.

“Wait…you WANTED me to make a move?” Justin asked incredulously but with a smiley smirk.

I smacked my forehead and sighed while nodding.

“Why didn’t you say anything?”

“Why WOULD I say anything? You made no signs giving off the fact that you…thought…about me that way and even if you did, how the hell would I notice?” I grumbled.

Damn my idiot lack of experience in the ’romance’ area.

“I gave off EVERY sign I could think of! I did pretty much everything I could-”

“Other then kiss me. Cause ya know how not obvious THAT is.” I said sarcastically and Justin rolled his eyes.

“Well now what?” He asked and I just thought.

I’m dating Will and the kiss that just happened, no matter how I felt bout it, was wrong and I shouldn’t have done it. But what I just confessed and what was all just said, got me thinking. What if I did end up doing…something with Justin? What would happen then? So many answers were running through my head as I thought bout every question. But there was only one question that kept running through that I never had the answer to.

Will…or Justin?

It scared the crap outta me cause I had no idea. And how was I supposed to figure it out? It’s not like I can just flip a stupid coin over it or something. But man did I wish it was that easy.

“What do you want to happen?” I asked and Justin gave me a ‘duh’ look.

“You know what I want Maxx.”

“Well what if I said we cant always get what we want?”

“Then I’d expect it. You have a boyfriend and it’s my own fault for not growing the balls to make a move faster then he did. I’m sorry if I put you in a bad position and I know you feel guilty for kissing me. I don’t want you to feel guilty bout the kiss, your feelings before you got Will, or for saying no to me. I just want you to be happy Maxx. If Will makes you happy, then I’m all good.” Justin gave a small smile at the end of his speech, but I could tell even such a tiny smile was forced.

“Justin, I-”

“Maxx, really. It’s cool, I don’t want you to worry bout it. Now can we please go back downstairs and watch this movie cause I can smell the butter on that delicious popcorn and it’s calling my name.” Justin joked and I laughed lightly before nodding.

We grabbed the pillows and blankets and walked downstairs laughing before plopping a seat on the couch me and Justin had all to ourselves. By force of habit, I laid against Justin’s chest and kinda cuddled up with him, I guess you could say. But I realized this might be weird for him so I looked at him and gave him an ‘is-this-ok’ type of look. He chuckled and rolled his eyes.

“Chill Maxx, if it helps, forget everything that went on upstairs. This is normal for us, it’s not a big deal to me. I promise.” Justin smiled, genuine this time, before slipping his arm around my waist and holding me tighter. I bit my lip but ignored the fluttering feeling as we started the movie.

*Justin’s POV*

‘This is definitely a big deal!’ I thought as Maxx squeezed herself to me more.

I mean, don’t get me wrong, I LOVE holding her but it was just so hard! I was trying with everything in me not to just flip her over and kiss her like there was no tomorrow. And I’m not talking bout the sissy, hesitant kiss we had upstairs. No, I’m talking bout full on ‘you’re mine and no one else’s’ kinda kiss.

I REALLY hate Will right now. I don’t know how much longer I can stretch my self control before I just lose it and blow my hormones on the first person I see. Guess whose closest? Maxx, of course. She’s ALWAYS closest.

By the time the movie was over, Maxx was asleep. I looked down at her peaceful face and smiled lightly before scooping her into my arms gently and taking her back to the guest bedroom, knowing Haley would let us all stay. I was ready to walk back downstairs but a soft hand reached for my own.

“You carried me all the way back to the bedroom, you’re not going back to the couch.” Maxx mumbled groggily and I grinned.

“How’d you know I was going back to the couch?”

“How bout we call it a best friend’s intuition?” Maxx smirked before tugging me back to the bed.

Not like it was that difficult, I wasn’t resisting much. Maxx sighed and scrunched herself closer to me before closing her eyes again.
“Thanks Justin.” She mumbled.

“For what?” I asked, confused as I wrapped an arm around her waist.

“For just being an awesome best friend. Night J, love you.” Maxx muttered before falling asleep.

“Love you too Maxx.” Too bad she didn’t even know how true that was.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I got some really nice comments that I appreciate very much : ) If only more people would comment like that! : D COMMENT! RATE!--- I only have 4 stars : ( SUBSCRIBE! READ! I'll update again soon!!