Status: Just a few chapters left : )

You Idiot! You Weren't Supposed To Come Back!

Thirty Eight

“You’re sure I look okay?”

“YES Maxx, you look beautiful. Why are you so worried girl?” Haley asked me as I ran my fingers down this annoying dress to smooth it out as good as possible.

“Cause I don’t wanna make a huge ass outta myself.”

“Seems like you’re a little uncomfortable Maxx. Shouldn’t your boyfriend’s family make you feel welcome?” Chaz urged with a smirk.

“Ya know, like Justin’s does.” Collin continued, smirking as well.

I rolled my eyes and looked over to see Justin winking. I stuck my tongue out and he licked his lips in a jokingly seductive way, causing me to slap my forehead.

“Shut up all of you.” The doorbell rang. “Okay, I’m leaving now.” I stated with another eye roll before opening and closing the door right behind me, ignoring all the statements from my idiot friends.

“Whoa.” Will’s eyes were wide as he looked me up and down before smiling at me.

“Whoa, good whoa or whoa, bad whoa?”

“Perfect whoa.” Will grinned and I sighed in relief.

“Let’s just hope everyone else likes it. I let Haley put me through a lot of primping for this. Guess what I heard ALL day? ‘Oh stop complaining Maxx, beauty is pain.’ Do you have any idea how annoying that is?” I mocked Haley and Will laughed at me and slid an arm over my shoulder.

“Actually, yes. That’s how my mom is. Always wants everything to be perfect.”

“Awesome, she’s definitely gonna love me then.” I stated with heavy sarcasm.

“She will, just let her warm up to you. She’s a tough lady.”

“No kidding.” I muttered as Will led me to the backyard.

Once he opened the huge white fence, I wanted to run away already. There were so many people here. Men in fancy pants, collared shirts, and ties while the boys ran around the yard in the same things, minus the ties, shockingly.

The women had tight fitting formal dresses that weren’t slutty but made them look like serious business women, most of them blonde, holding their hair in either tight buns or had it curled perfectly and pinned back. Their were a few girls who looked to be around my age but most of them looked snobby. Then the little girls had poofed out flowy dresses with their hair done all pretty.

It was times like these I was glad Haley did me up fancier then usual.

Besides this dress, Haley had crimped my long brown locks lightly, but only shortening my hair enough to wear it was still at my lower back. She had pinned back a little of my hair on each side of my head after twisting them lightly. Overall, it looked pretty sweet. She even put a mini flower clip in my towards the pin on the right side of my head.

As for my shoes…flip flops. Although I couldn’t say the same for every other woman, they had them really sharp heels on that were like 6 inches off the ground! Seriously, this whole yard is grass and they’re walking around in heels. Stupid.

“Wow.” I muttered nervously and gripped Will’s waist a little tighter. He squeezed my shoulder and chuckled.

“Don’t worry, I got you.” He smirked and I rolled my eyes before smiling lightly.

“Will, don’t you think you should wish your sister a happy birthday?” Will’s mom walked over with a tightly fake smile on her face. I almost gulped, this chick was a monster.

“Yes mother, I was just doing that.” Will gritted his teeth lightly, obviously annoyed. “Come on Maxx, you ready to meet the birthday girl?” Will grinned at me and my eyes widened.

“I-uh-yeah, sure. If that’s okay with her.” I stuttered lightly and his mom looked at me, almost in a ‘scoffing’ way. Shit.

“It is, she’s been dying to meet you. Let’s go.” Will chuckled and tugged me over to a group of girls.

It was obvious which girl was his sister. I’m usually not good with facial features but Will and his sister looked so much alike they could be twins. Except for the fact that she’s 21 and he’s only 18. She had shoulder length blonde hair and shiny green eyes. She was thin and was probably around 2 inches taller then me. She smiled right at me when we walked over.

“So you must be Maxxalena, little Will talks about you ALL the time. I’ve been waiting so long to meet you. I’m Sarah.” She grinned and came to give me a hug. I was shocked but hugged back lightly with a small smile.

“It’s nice to meet you too, you can just call me Maxx. My full name’s kind of a handful.” I stated and she laughed lightly.

“Well my little brother never told me you were THIS pretty, I love your hair. It’s so long.” Sarah smiled and picked up a piece of my hair.

“Oh, so he was calling me ugly, huh?” I joked as I fake glared at Will, who dropped his mouth in shock. Sarah giggled. “Well thank you, you’re really pretty too. And yeah, my friend Haley did it.” I said, gesturing to my hair.

“It’s so pretty.” She grinned again. “Well Maxx, I’d love to have a little chat with you over here away from my baby brother’s eavesdropping ears.” Sarah smirked and Will gasped.

“I’m not a baby!” He whined and I laughed.

“Okay, now I’m just gonna warn you bout the reigning terror that is my mother.” Sarah started and I bit my lip. “Now I don’t want you to panic but I don’t want you to go into battle with no armor if you get my drift.” I nodded in understanding. “So my mom’s a REALLY tough woman. Has to have everything perfect or she’s not happy, which means she’s never happy, which equals one grumpy woman.

“Since Will’s the last of us kids and he’s becoming a ‘man’ now, mom’s afraid of losing her little ‘baby’. One way of Will’s new maturity is getting a girlfriend, A.K.A. you. Which means, your gonna be first target at the dinner table. I just want you to stay calm and collected and whatever you do, don’t panic.

“Don’t let her get to you and don’t quiver under pressure. She hates that. Also, don’t suck up. You don’t look like the type of girl to do that, so you should be good.” Sarah smiled. “So you got everything?” I bit my lip.

“So basically, no nerves, no quivering, no sucking up. Be calm, collected, and don’t panic. I think I got this.” I breathed and Sarah nodded.

“Kay, just remember. You got Will AND me. Cause I think you’re pretty cool and I’ve only known you for 10 minutes. Mom, on the other hand, isn’t as welcoming.” I nodded.

“Time to cut the cake!” Will’s dad, Andrew, yelled to all of us. Sarah smiled and grabbed my hand and we walked to the table with everyone, looking like best friends.

We all sang happy birthday to Sarah and she never let go of my hand once, which I was thankful for considering her mom was glaring at me the whole time. Once the cake was cut and Sarah blew out her candles, her dad cut the cake and I went to go sit by Will. Once we started to eat, that’s when the conversation started.

“Maxine, was it? I was wondering-”

“It’s Maxxalena, mom.” Will interrupted his mother as she butchered my name.

“Maxx is fine.” I said evenly, fighting the urge to roll my eyes. His mother glared for a short second before putting a disgusted emphasis on my name.

“Don’t interrupt William. Now ‘Maxx’, where do you go to school?” She said as she brutally cut into her casserole.

“Pierce High, I’ll be a senior this year.”

“Any plans for college?”

“I’m not-”

“Not going to college?” She interrupted, almost in a smirking tone.

“Actually, I was going to say I’m not sure yet. But I have a few ideas of where I’d like to live so I’m thinking of just looking for colleges around those areas.” I said and she raised her eyebrows.

“That seems a little unorganized, don’t you think? How would you know if you’ll make it into those colleges?” She said snidely.

“Mom.” Will hissed and I used one hand to squeeze his, saying it was fine. His mom didn’t seem to like that too much. I wanted to laugh at her face.

“I’m not really a planner. I think it’s better to not pressure myself onto things so early and just take my time.” I almost mocked.

“That seems sensible. I like that.” Will’s dad said with a smile and I smiled back, almost gratefully.

“So you’re grades are exceptional? I mean, you cant get into a good college without good grades.”

“MOM.” Sarah said this time.

“My grades aren’t perfect, well, nothing ever really is.” I said with almost a smirk. “But I think they’d be good enough for the colleges I’m looking towards.”

“And can your mother afford this college?” My eyes almost narrowed. I don’t like this bitch at all.

“MOM!” Will and Sarah both said and I smiled a little.

“My mom works at a very professional law firm, she’s really good at what she does. Whatever a scholarship doesn’t cover, she can handle on her own.”

“Scholarship?” Devil woman-that’s her new nickname- almost scoffed.

“Yes mam. A couple college scouts have been watching our school’s sports teams and they sent out a few recommendations for colleges. If me and my teammates work hard enough this last year, certain colleges are offering scholarships.” I said proudly, but not bragging.

“I see.” She said disapprovingly. “And how does your father fall into all of this? He wont be supporting your mother?” Devil woman had a full on smirk now as she ate her food.

“I don’t have one.” I said normally.

“I’m not sure I understand what you mean.” Will sighed from next to me and gave me an ‘I’m sorry’ look. I shrugged it off.

“I don’t have a father. My designated father figure left us a few days after I was born. I guess I cried a little too much or something, I don’t worry bout it. My mom has been taking care of me and my brother on her own since even before he left. She’s an amazing woman.

“I would suggest you meet her. But then I rethought it. I don’t think she could contain herself from punching you after grilling her like you did with me. I guess it’s a good thing I have self control.”

Devil woman gaped in shock and I gently got out of my chair and smiled at everyone else.

“I’m really sorry if this was awkward. Thank you for dinner, it was delicious.” I smiled at Will’s dad, knowing he cooked it. I then looked at Sarah, who was looking at me with a grin. “Thanks for the party Sarah, it was nice meeting you. Happy birthday.” I turned to Will, who was almost smirking. “I’ll see you later.” I smiled and bent down to kiss his forehead since he was still sitting.

I went to walk but Will pulled me back and kissed my lips gently. PDA was awkward for me so I didn’t appreciate that much but I wasn’t gonna be rude and push him away. Especially since he only gave me a light peck. I waved and mostly everyone waved back before I walked out of the gate and back to my house. But something was bothering me.

Was this what I had to deal with if I stayed with Will?


Maxx's dress:
♠ ♠ ♠
So... what do ya think? If you didnt like the dress, I guess you can just picture something else : ) COMMENT! RATE! READ! SUBSCRIBE! Thanks : D