Status: Just a few chapters left : )

You Idiot! You Weren't Supposed To Come Back!

Thirty Nine

“Stop apologizing Will! It’s fine, I promise.” I repeated myself for what felt like the 80th time.

“But what my mom said was-”

“Extremely bitchy, I know. But she obviously doesn’t like me and now she knows I don’t like her. Now it’s all up to you how you wanna take that information but I honestly don’t care if your mom likes me or not.” I shrugged.

Will had a doubtful expression before smiling. “Ok, as long as she don’t effect anything between us, I don’t care either.” I nodded and let go of Will’s hand to open my front door.

“Well it wont, I promise.” I smiled. Will leaned in and gently kissed my lips before walking off the porch.

As I watched him leave, I noticed devil woman shaking her head from the window before dropping the curtain. I was beginning to doubt my promise…could I really handle stalker lady?


“Calm down Hales! I said I was confused, I’m not jumping the gun on anything yet!” I exclaimed to Haley after her sudden outburst. She sighed.

“I know, I know. I’m sorry, it’s just…Justin’s so perfect for you and-”

“Haley!” I scolded and she sighed.


“OK! Now I gotta go cause mom left me a note on the door saying go pick up some file for work or something like that.” I shrugged as I hopped off Haley’s bed.

“On the door? Like outside? That’s weird.”

“That’s what I thought too.” I shrugged it off. “But call me later and I’ll check and see if you can come over.”

“Kay, when?”

“Like 9?” I suggested. Haley nodded and waved.

“Love ya!”

“Love ya back!” I said as I walked out. I took Alex’s truck since he used my motorcycle for him and Kayla for the weekend and pulled outta Haley’s driveway.

*Haley’s POV*

“Ahh! Stop tickling me! AHA! The phone saves me!” I grinned when my phone started going off, making Ryan finally stop tickling me.

“Thank god, the yuck fest is over!” Chaz shuddered and Ryan wacked him in the head when I answered the phone.


“Haley! Have you seen Maxx?” I hit the speaker phone in the middle of Maxx’s mom Nicole’s question. Ryan, Chaz, Collin, and Justin all stopped what they were doing. My face turned to confusion.

“Yeah, she left here bout 10 minutes ago. She found your note. She’s not answering you?”

“I called but her phone beeped out, she was in a no reception zone. Wait, my note?” Miss Nicole asked confused.

“Yeah, Maxx said you left a note on the front door saying pick up a file from your office, she thought it was weird but left to go get it.”

“Haley, I never wrote a note.” My eyes widened.

“Well then why…” I trailed off.

“Is Maxx alright? You don’t know where she could be?” Miss Nicole was getting worried now.

“It’s Toby.” Justin hissed. Justin jumped up and took the phone outta my hand as I stayed frozen. “Miss Nicole, it’s Justin. Stay at home and keep trying to call Maxx. We’re gonna go find her, don’t worry.”

“Okay Justin, thank you. And please, hurry.”

“I will mam.” The line went dead and we all ran downstairs, heading to the Range Rover. Justin barely waited for all of our doors to shut before he pulled out.

“Justin, do you even know where your going? What makes you think it was Toby?” Chaz questioned.

“I just have a bad feeling. We gotta get to Maxx quick, something bad will happen.” I shuddered at Justin’s comment. He spun quickly around a corner causing all of us to lean.

“We gotta go faster then Justin, Maxx’s got 10 minutes ahead of us and you know how she drives. She could already be there by now.” Ryan stated and Justin nodded once before speeding up.

Around 5 minutes later, I noticed something. A huge shadow pulled around a deserted gas station on the corner of a deserted street, with a huge thing of forest behind it.

“Justin, up there! The gas station, pull over!”

“Haley, we don’t have time to-”

“NO!” I interrupted Collin. “That’s Alex’s truck up there! Maxx was driving it when she left my house!” Justin’s tires squealed as we pulled up to the gas station.

The driver’s door of Alex’s truck was open and the keys were still in the ignition. Maxx’s phone was under the gas pedal and there was a crack in the windshield. The seatbelt was ripped in half and the driver’s window was shattered.

Now I was really worried.

“Collin and Chaz, come check around the gas station. Haley and Ryan, go inside and check. Come on.” Justin ran to circle around the gas station with the guys and Ryan gripped my hand and tugged me inside.

After running around the whole tiny gas station, we saw an old fat guy in a manager’s outfit come outta the supply closet. Ryan ran and got his attention.

“Excuse me sir, did you see anyone come in here?”

“As a matter of fact, yeah. Kinda shocking since were in the middle of nowhere.” He chuckled. “A boy, looked to be bout as old as you actually, he was strange. Had a weird glint in his eye. He just ran in and asked if we had any rope, it was weird.” The man shrugged and my eyes widened.

“Did you see a girl? Bout this tall-” I gestured with my hands, “long and wavy brown hair, wearing a Pierce High basketball hoodie with some shorts, brown eyes, really pretty?”

The man shook his head. “Just the boy. But a minute later, I heard a truck’s engine. I went to look outside thinking it was a customer but there was nothing there.”

“Thanks for your help.” I stated nervously and me and Ryan left.

He heard the truck but didn’t see it because the truck was parked around the back of the gas station, it’s understandable he didn’t look around completely.

“Anything?” Chaz said outta breath and the guys shook their heads.

“The manager in there saw Toby and said he was asking for rope.” I gulped.

“We need to find her.” Chaz hissed.

“She could be anywhere around here, we gotta call the cops.” Collin said. Justin growled and swung his fist into a nearby tree.

“God damnit! WHERE IS SHE?!” He yelled before punching the tree again.

“Justin, I know your upset but punching trees isn’t helping Maxx! We need to move quick.” I said and Justin breathed out before nodding.
“Let’s start with the woods.” He muttered.

*Maxx’s POV*

“Son of a-”

“No swearing, Pezzy. Potty mouths aren’t very attractive.” Toby smirked from the tree across from me. I glared.

Mother fucker kidnapped me! The idiot wrote that note and threw a tree branch at me when he saw my truck driving by down the street. Naturally, I stomped on the brakes right behind the gas station. Next thing I see is Toby charging at my window. I tried to restart the car but the engine stalled.

Thanks a lot for your cheap truck Alex.

Anyway, when I knew the car wouldn’t start, I reached for my phone. Since the door was obviously locked, Toby swung his fist and broke straight through the window. I screamed when the glass crashed over me and tried dialing 911 when Toby tried getting me outta the car. I was strapped in by the seatbelt so he tore it in half and grabbed at my waist. I kicked and swung and he aimed to punch my waist but hit my arm instead, sending my phone flying by the foot pedals.

I continued to scream as he tugged me. Eventually, he got me while I was stretching to get the phone. Since I was stretched out and he pulled me straight outta the truck, I hit my head against the truck, knocking myself out.

I just woke up. And waking up to this psycho guy’s ugly face, I’m gonna swear. No doubt bout that.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck-ity, fuck, fuck.” I mocked and he glared at me.

“You know what? I think we need to clean your mouth out a little.” Toby got up and walked over to me.

I would move if it hadn’t of been for the evil little pistol in his hand, taunting me, waiting for me to make a move so it could get me. I watched with narrow eyes as Toby came to a stop in front of me. He pushed me down to wear I landed on my knees and held my face right in front of his…area.

I fought and shook my head around to avoid it but he used the gun to bust against my cheek. I heard the zipper and next thing I know, his itty bitty junk is sticking out at me. I grimaced and backed away.

“Suck it baby.” He taunted and I smirked up at him.

“My mom taught me not to put small things in my mouth.” And it was small, I’m shocked he got so many hoes.

He glared and smacked my cheek again, making the blood leak more. I winced and moved my head back. I inched closer and he thought for a second I would actually do it.

Yeah right.

I reached my hand out and grabbed the first thing I could…a thin stick. Ehh, this’ll work. I lifted it and poked his junk when he wasn’t paying attention. He screamed in pain and backed away and I got up and punched his area without actually touching it and dashing off through the woods.

Too bad I had no idea where I was going.

I didn’t wanna scream in risks of Toby finding me again but I didn’t wanna run around in circles in the middle of the night either. I was running full speed for about 2 minutes when I started getting tired.

You know those annoying girls in movies that run through the woods only to trip over their own 2 feet and get caught by whoever it is they’re running from? You do?

That was me, just now.

But in my defense, it was a huge log and I was tired. But I didn’t get caught and I wasn’t planning on it. I ran harder once I hopped back up and ignored my scraped leg before finally seeing some light at the end of the forest.

This is usually the part where the audience gets excited since the victim found her way back to civilization or whatever but they all secretly know the killer’s gonna pop out and get her before she can be rescued.

That happened too.

“AHH!” I yelled as I was tackled into the dirt.

“MAXX!” I heard someone yell.

“HELP!” I screamed before Toby punched me in the face. I squirmed and squiggled before kneeing him in the crotch and getting away again. He got up quicker though but I kept running.

I ran straight through where I found people. All the guys and Haley were scanning all through the woods except for Justin, who was running towards me at that point.

“Justin! No, go back!” I ran faster and we collided. He squeezed me tight and I hugged him back before pushing him harshly since he wouldn’t let go. “Justin, we have to go, Toby’s still out there!”

Justin grabbed my hand and started to run but a loud and frustrated voice yelled at me.

“We coulda been happy Pezzy! Together forever like I always wanted. But you had to ruin it didn’t you, there’s no hope for you anymore. But if I cant have you, nobody can!” Toby brought the gun up and didn’t hesitate to fire.

Justin twisted around so he was facing the gun and I woulda been shocked if I actually had the time to be.

He was gonna take the bullet for me.

“GET DOWN!” Chaz yelled at us and I yanked as hard as I could to get me and Justin both on the ground.


The shot was fired. And after that…to both me and Justin, was a huge blur.

*Justin’s POV*

I heard Chaz scream duck after I twisted me and Maxx so she wasn’t facing the gun and she pulled us both down. Too bad the bang came before we had the chance to duck.

Me and Maxx both fell to the ground and were both shaking from fear. Outta nowhere, a cop car with loud sirens pulled up and shot Toby in the chest twice.

Toby dropped the gun and fell to the ground, eyes wide open. Everything all happened at once.

Toby shot.

We fell.

Toby died.

And I felt the blood.
♠ ♠ ♠
So....whatcha think? : D Pretty dramatic right? Oh, there's one important detail.


I dont think I told you guys that ; ) Guess you'll just have to COMMENT or SUBSCRIBE to find out : D