Status: Just a few chapters left : )

You Idiot! You Weren't Supposed To Come Back!


*Pattie’s (Justin’s mom) POV*

“Hello?” I asked with a smile as I picked up my phone.

“Miss Pattie? It’s Chaz, you need to come to Mercy Hospital right now.” Chaz stated urgently and my eyes widened.

“Why Chaz? What’s going on?” I panicked. Scooter and Kenny had been in my hotel room with me and suddenly turned to pay attention.

“I’ll explain it when you get here Miss Pattie, 3rd floor, room 13. It’s the ICU.” Chaz said sadly and my eyes got bigger.

“ICU?! Chaz, I’ll be there soon.” I hung up the phone and ran to the lobby and outta the hotel, Kenny and Scooter running confused behind me.

I wasn’t about to run all the way to the parking lot so I got the attention of a taxi driving by and he pulled over, we all hopped in.

“Mercy Hospital, drive fast please.”

“Hospital? What’s going on Pattie?” I explained the phone call to Scooter and Kenny and after forever, we reached the hospital.

Once we were on the 3rd floor, I turned in the hallway that was labeled ‘Intensive Care’ and I noticed kids sprawled in uncomfortable chairs looking upset. Now I got really worried.

Chaz was obviously okay, but where was Justin? Was he hurt? What kind of accident? What was going on? I continued to panic as we ran closer. When they heard us coming, the kids looked up.

“Pattie, you’re here.” Chaz stated and I nodded breathlessly.

“Chaz, what’s going on? Where’s Justin? Is he okay? Wh-”

“Pattie, you need to calm down. What happened was-”

“Haley! I came as fast I could, what happened? Whose hurt? Why are we at the hospital? Will someone please tell me what’s going on!” Nicole, Maxx’s mom, asked breathlessly as she ran down the hallway towards us, probably looking much like me.

“Miss Nicole, you might wanna sit down. You too Miss Pattie.”

When we sat down, it was then that we noticed everything. Haley was sitting in one chair with wet tears dripping down her face while Ryan was trying to comfort her, though you could spot the tear stains on his cheek too. Collin was sitting on the ground with his head in his hands and Chaz looked like he was trying to keep from crying.

“Please Chaz, just explain. We’re freaking out here.” Nicole said and I silently nodded. Just then, a man in a lab coat with thick rimmed glasses came to us, he looked to be no older then me with a nametag that said ‘Dr. Clark’.

“Here’s the doctor, hang on.” Chaz stated and Dr. Clark turned to Chaz.

“It took a little bit of time but we finally got the bullet out.”

“BULLET?!” Nicole yelled with me.

“Yes mam, it was very close to hitting a major organ but was missed at a perfect angle. Your friend is stabilized and will be waking up soon, just gonna be a little sore is all.” Dr. Clark stated with a generous smile.

“And as for your other friend, they’ve calmed down now and will be coming out of my office soon.”

“Who was shot Chaz? You need to explain now!” I urged, without any more patience. I was worried for my son’s safety and Nicole was obviously worried for her daughter’s.

Because out of everyone here, both of our kids were gone.

Chaz sighed as he started to explain.

“Okay, but please don’t interrupt and wait for the story to be over.” Me and Nicole silently agreed as we sat down and Chaz continued.

He explained everything from the fake note to Maxx all the way to finding her in the woods. At the mention of this Toby kid, Nicole started tearing up. Chaz had to explain how him and Maxx were in a relationship and he abused her, causing me to tear up too. But by the end of Chaz’s rant, he still had us confused.

He only told us Justin twisted toward the bullet but Maxx pulled them both down, leaving me to think Justin was the one who was shot. But if Maxx pulled them down too then nobody knew what happened.

“Chaz, you need to be clear on this question. Who was shot?” Nicole asked in a whisper.

We waited in anticipation as Chaz sighed. Just as he was about to speak, my heart lifted, but only slightly.

Justin came from around the corner with tears leaking down his cheeks and an angered expression. I choked a sob as I ran and hugged him, thanking god he wasn’t hurt. But I still felt horrible because Maxx, who was like a daughter to me, was. And Nicole’s cry let her know the same thing.

“Mom, I’m okay.” He muttered gently and I cried again.

“You scared me!” I squeezed. “Where were you?!” I asked.

“Justin rode in the ambulance with Maxx but when they took Maxx into another room Justin went to follow. The doctors were trying to hold him back but he was freaking out cause he wanted to be in there with Maxx. The doctors threatened to sedate him if he didn’t listen but he wouldn’t stop so Dr. Clark handcuffed Justin to his office desk until he calmed down.” Collin explained and Justin rolled his eyes, still angry.

“They still wont let me go in there.” He grumbled and I watched him sit down and sulk. As I studied my son, I realized something.

He loved this girl. Not just love, though.

Justin’s IN love with this girl.


*Justin’s POV*

After my mom hugged me, I felt another set of shaky arms reach out and squeezed my shoulders along with light drops of salt water on my already blood stained shirt.

Maxx’s blood.

I wanted to cry all over again.

“Thank you.” Miss Nicole whispered before kissing my forehead and letting me go.

“For what? I mean, I didn’t help her.” I stated, completely ashamed.

“No, you did. Chaz told us what happened. You tried to take that bullet and if it hadn’t of been for Maxx, you would have.” Miss Nicole chuckled lightly.

“She saved me.” I muttered and Miss Nicole nodded.

“She loves you.” She stated like it was nothing and I looked at her. She held a happiness in her eyes but a light smirk on her face, reminding me of Maxx. “She’s not gonna tell you that and she wont admit it to herself either but she does. Just like you love her.”

This woman was smart.

“Okay, you may go in there now.” I jumped up and reached for the handle. “But-” I groaned and cut off the doctor, which mom scolded me for, “She’s sleeping. When she wakes up is all up to her.”

My hand twitched against the doorknob and the door opened. Everything was white. White walls, white floor, white bed, everything. A white chair lay beside the white bed and I went to it. But the first thing I noticed was Maxx.

Her body lay on her back with her head laying lightly towards her left shoulder with her long brown hair sprawled gently around her head. One arm was laying over her stomach while the other was pinned to her side by the IV running through her veins. Her once tan skin that was replaced with the pale after she got…you know…was going back slightly to her original color and her beautiful, plump lips were slightly dry.

Her nose twitched every so often in her sleep and when her mouth would move the light dimples in her cheek became visible. I grabbed the hand pinned to her side and played with her fingers softly while looking into her closed eyes. I kissed her hand gently laid my head against it.

“Wake up soon Maxx.” I mumbled, almost inaudibly.

As everyone else came into see her, we all waited around and chatted quietly waiting for something interesting to happen. The guys talked to me but quit trying after the realized I wouldn’t say anything until Maxx woke up. Eventually, the kinda-sorta silence was broken.

‘What the Hell’ by Avril Lavigne started blasting through the room and we all looked around and realized it was Maxx’s phone that Haley had grabbed from Alex’s truck. Haley looked at it and her eyes widened before answering it.

“Hello? Yeah, it’s not Maxx…she’s in the hospital…there was an accident and-…no, she’s okay, she’s sleeping-…the doctor’s not for sure, it’s up to her…well, I guess not yet…okay?…yeah, bye.” Haley hung up the phone and sighed before putting it back up on the table. She rolled her eyes at our waiting glances for an explanation.

“It was Will.” I scoffed and half the room made knowing smirks that I just ignored. “I told him she was sleeping and he asked when she would be up so I told him we didn’t know and he was like ‘so I don’t have to come to the hospital yet’-” My thoughts caught off what Haley was saying.

What kind of ass wouldn’t come see his girlfriend in the hospital?

“But he said he had to do something and he’d be here soon.” Haley finished and I scoffed again.

“Sorry guys, visiting hours are over. One of you can stay but the rest have to leave. You can come back tomorrow at 8.” We all nodded and I didn’t let go of Maxx’s hand.

I sighed. I didn’t wanna leave her here, I didn’t like that idea at all. But I had to. Her mom would want to be here and she deserved to be here more then I did. I sighed again and kissed the hand I was holding and reaching one of my hands to brush some strands of hair off Maxx’s forehead before kissing her forehead.

“See ya tomorrow Maxx.” I turned and saw Miss Nicole smiling at Maxx but shaking her head before looking at me.

“You stay Justin. I know you don’t like the idea of leaving.” Dang, is she a mind reader?

“But Miss Nicole, you deserve to be here more then-”

“I’m completely fine with leaving my daughter in your care.” She chuckled lightly. “Besides, she’d much rather wake up to your pretty face then mine.” I smiled slightly for the first time since I’ve been here.

“Only if your sure.” She nodded.

“See you at 8. Goodnight Justin, thank you again.” She came over and hugged me before kissing my forehead again, kissing Maxx’s cheek, whispering I love you, and leaving, shutting the door softly behind her.

I turned back to Maxx and sat down next to her like I had earlier. I rubbed her hand softly with my thumb and laid my head down facing her. I started humming a couple of my songs before falling asleep, dreaming of Maxx waking up.

I hope it’s soon.

*Maxx’s POV*

God damn it, open your eyes!

I continued yelling at myself considering all I could see was the annoying blackness. I’ve been sitting in this itchy hospital gown for what feels like forever and I’m completely annoyed by the fact that I cant get up and tell Justin to stop feeling horrible cause I’m okay!

Yeah, I can hear everything that’s going on. I knew that Haley answered my phone and talked to Will, that the doctor told everyone to come back at 8, and that my mom thinks Justin has a pretty face.

Speaking of Will, I didn’t want him to visit. I didn’t care bout that fact that he wanted to do something before coming to the hospital, cause even though that’s ‘bad boyfriend’ material right there, that didn’t matter. I just didn’t want him to come.

I feel like we’re becoming ‘distant’ or whatever. I mean, yeah we see each other, but I don’t like being with him as much as I used too. I find myself having more fun with the guys, Haley, even Alex.

Even Justin.

But those were bad thoughts. I was supposed to be completely happy with my boyfriend right? But I’m not. And that’s wrong…right?

I groaned in my head. Why is this crap so confusing?

Getting shot really gives me time to think. I hate thinking. I hate getting shot too. That bullet stung like a mother fucker. He got me right in the freaking hip! Betcha that’s gonna leave a pretty cool scar though. It’s like a battle wound. I can imagine getting asked bout it.

‘Oh this? That was when my psycho abusive ex boyfriend kidnapped me and my friends rescued me but not before I pushed by best friend Justin Bieber outta the way so I could get shot by the psycho abusive ex-boyfriend kidnapper instead.’

‘Yeah, that definitely wouldn’t put me in a crack house for the wacked out.’ I thought sarcastically.

I don’t know, maybe I just need to try harder with Will. I’m letting things go too easy and I don’t act like I care. I don’t know, I’m done thinking.

Open your eyes idiot!

Aaand I’m back to yelling at myself…great.
♠ ♠ ♠ was Maxx : P But hey! Atleast Toby's dead. He was annoying right? : ) So what's gonna happen between Maxx and Will? Or even better...Maxx and Justin?
Who do you guys think she should end up with?
COMMENT it! SUBRSCRIBE! READ! RATE! Please and thanks! Oh, I wanna give someone a special thanks!

booknerd12 ----I love your comments! : )