Status: Just a few chapters left : )

You Idiot! You Weren't Supposed To Come Back!

Forty One

*Justin’s POV*

“They saved the bullet. It actually looks pretty cool, don’t ya think?” I heard an angelic voice laugh in my head.

Great, I was going crazy now. I swear I heard Maxx’s voice. Wait, I’m sleeping. I opened my eyes and lifted my head up tiredly to see it was 7:30 and Maxx was sitting in bed with a smile as she held a small cup with a dented and blood stained bullet in her hand, examining it.

Wait, Maxx was awake!

“Maxx!” I grinned and hugged her. She laughed in my ear and squeezed me back.

“Took ya long enough to wake up.” She smirked at me.

*Maxx’s POV*

“You’re one to talk.” He stated back with a smile. I grinned and he hugged me again. “Don’t ever do that again.” He scolded like I was a 5 year old crossing the street alone.

“What, save your life?” I smirked and he looked back at me with a smile before letting it slip into a frown.

“I was supposed to save you.” He mumbled and I gaped at him.

“You’re mad cause I saved you instead?” He rolled his eyes.

“No, I’m not that big-headed.” He emphasized on ‘that’ and I chuckled. “I mean you weren’t the one that was supposed to get hurt. You could of died!”

“If I didn’t take us both down you woulda gotten shot right in your back. I’d take me getting wounded over you dying any day.” I stated and Justin’s face changed.

I couldn’t recognize it at first but he suddenly smirked.

“So I mean that much huh?” He said cockily. I rolled my eyes and shoved him gently. He laughed at me and I laughed with him.


“OH! PONED! Told you!” I yelled and pointed my finger at Justin as we sat at the edge of this uncomfortable hospital bed watching the replays of Kobe Bryant’s 3 point shot from last season.

“Whatever, I still say it was traveling!” Justin argued.

“Since when would you WANT a call on Kobe? He’s on the Lakers, that’s our favorite team!” I exclaimed and Justin shrugged with a smirk.

“Just wanted to prove you wrong.” I rolled my eyes and smiled at the nice nurse that came into bring my breakfast for the day.

“Thanks Nora.”

“No problem sweetie, I know it’s horrible, but you gotta get something in your stomach.” I nodded with a grimace and she waved to us before leaving the room.

“Man, this stuff is sick.” Justin said disgustedly as he used the spoon to scoop up the ‘oatmeal’.

“No kidding, they should start putting complementary barf bags on the tray.” I said the same way while poking at the ‘jello’ with my spork. Justin laughed and I laughed with him.

“What’s so funny?” Chaz grinned as he walked through the room, everyone else following.

“Chaz!” I smiled and he laughed before hugging me.

“Aww Hales, don’t cry! I’m alive, see!” I gestured to myself and she giggled as she wiped away a tear and hugged me.

Collin and Ryan came and hugged me next before mom and Miss Pattie squeezed me a couple times. My eyes widened as I looked at everyone.

“Whoa, what up with all that?” They laughed and started handing me stuff.

Haley got me some fake flowers cause she knew I liked them better since real ones die easy with me. Chaz got me a funny card, Ryan gave me a balloon and Collin gave me a ring with a smiley face on it. I thanked all of them and Pattie shook her head.

“Oh, we’re not done.” I gave her a confused look and she grinned at the door. I turned my head and laughed.

“Aww Kenny!” I grinned and he smiled sheepishly before squeezing me tightly. Kenny had carried in a HUGE life size stuffed teddy bear, it was the greatest thing ever.

And it was HUGE!

I set the bear down behind me and Justin on the bed and Scooter came in with a mixed look on his face. It was almost like he wanted to smile but was restraining himself cause of something else.

“What’s up Scoot? Why do you look so conflicted?” I joked.

“Well…I’ve got some news.” He stated and I waited for him to continue.

“Good or bad?” I asked when he hadn’t spoken.

“This first news is good…well I think it is anyway. And the 2nd news…ehh, it’s fixable but I don’t know how you’ll take it.” Scooter stated with an unsure face and I shrugged at him.

“Let’s start with the ‘potentially’ bad news.” Scooter nodded and sighed before handing me a magazine. I raised my eyebrows and he shook his head. “Just look at the cover, then page 27.” I glanced at the title and saw ‘People’ on it before looking at the picture taking it up.

“Holy shit!” I all but yelled as I gaped at the picture.

“Language!” Mom scolded and I rolled my eyes before showing Justin. His eyes widened and he slapped his forehead before looking up at Scooter with a ‘help’ expression.

A picture of me and Justin laughing as we walked outta the bedroom the night he told me had ‘feelings’ for me was taking up the whole cover. The subtitle underneath was:

‘Bieber’s Opening Act, Or More?’

I turned to page 27 and pictures, captions, and an article all bout Justin and me took up 2 pages of the magazine.

In one corner, a picture of me and Justin during our pillow fight that night was taken and you could see someone taking it from outside, since the outline of the window was in the picture.

Damn, I gotta remind myself to shut the curtains.

Another was when I wacked him in the face with a pillow while straddling him, not the most innocent position. Then us screaming as we both fell to the floor. Thank god the bed was in the way or they woulda caught the kiss.

Then the last was taken when we were outside walking somewhere of a laughing Justin’s arm around a smiling me in a light chokehold while I had one arm lifted up to give him a nougie and mess up his hair.

“Read the article Maxx.” Haley stated and I started reading the first few sentences out loud.

“17 year old pop teen sensation Justin Bieber has been spotted by anonymous sources hanging out with a new girl. Sources tell us this girl is 17 year old Maxxalena Lopez, living in Stratford, Ontario where Justin happened to be this summer. We don’t know for how long they’ve been friends but our sources caught them in a very heated pillow fight and our pictures lead to a relationship other then friends.”

The rest of the article was pretty much talking bout where they’ve seen us and the chemistry or whatever crap they noticed that wasn’t true before I started reading again.

“Some of Bieber’s fans got excited when they found out Justin would be coming back to his famous life for his world tour coming up sometime soon but many were upset by the fact that he’d be leaving Lopez. Fans’ hopes were brought back up when we learned Lopez has a chance of getting signed to Island Def Jam Records, the same label Bieber was signed to.”

(In the article) “Maxx has definitely got talent,” One of Bieber’s back up dancers stated after Bieber’s concert in L.A. a few weeks ago, “I overheard from a few people backstage that after she sang Overboard with Justin, Def Jams wanted to sign her as soon as possible. I really hope they do, she’s got a great voice.”

“So who knows, maybe we’ll be seeing more of Maxxalena Lopez, whether it be as Justin Bieber’s new girlfriend or his new competition.” I finished and dropped the magazine in my lap before looking over at Justin.

“Well…what do we do?” I asked.

“You’re not mad?” Scooter asked and I shrugged.

“I think it’s weird how the paparazzi creeped on us like that but it’s not like it’s anyone’s fault. Let them think whatever they want, it don’t matter to me. But I think it’s lame, they’re not even smart with their facts. I haven’t been signed to Justin’s label. Idiots.” I stated with a chuckle but Scooter didn’t laugh, just smiled.

“Actually Maxx…would you like to sign with Island Def Jam Records?” Scooter asked sheepishly and I gaped at him.

“Huh?” I asked stupidly and everyone laughed.

“That sounds awesome Maxx! You can go on tours and sing at your own concerts and meet a bunch of people and go to all those cool famous people events! It’ll be sweet!” Chaz said excitedly and I chuckled at him before biting my lip.

“Mom?” I looked at her and she bit her lip too before asking Scooter questions bout my safety and yada yada. Scooter assured her of everything and then turned back to me for a decision. I sat there silently for a minute and thought bout it.

“How long before I have to decide?”

“You can take as long as you want…but I’m not waiting past Christmas.” Scooter grinned and I chuckled and nodded.

“Kay sounds good.” I smiled. “So when am I getting outta here?” I asked just as the doctor walked in.

“Well Miss Lopez, you’re mom needs to sign these release forms and we’re gonna do a couple more blood tests to make sure all the led is out and then we have to re-stitch you up and then you can leave.” The Doc smiled and I groaned while everyone else laughed.

“So I’ll get started up on those shots, check on some other patients, and I’ll be back in about an hour.” I nodded and mom handed the Doc his forms back and he left.

I groaned again. “No more needles.” I complained as I hid my face in to Justin’s shoulder tiredly and everyone laughed at me.

“Don’t worry Maxx, Justin will hold your hand.” Kenny smirked at me and I blushed slightly while everyone else laughed.

“Oh, Kenny’s got jokes now huh?” I reached behind me before chucking the scratchy pillow and getting him in the head. He gaped at me and everyone else laughed.

“You’re so lucky your in the hospital or I would pillow fight you to a pulp.” Kenny fake glared and I grinned sheepishly at him.

“Knock knock.” We all turned to the door and I felt Justin’s arm tense up before reluctantly moving it off my shoulder. I groaned in my head.

“Will?” I stated in more of a question type tone as he walked through the door with a small smile, carrying a bunch of stuff.

“Hey babe, how ya doing?” He asked concerned as he walked over to me.

“Just fine before you got here.” Justin mumbled too low for Will to hear but I hit him gently for it and he smirked at me.

“Better. Doc says I can leave soon, just gotta get some tests done before I go.” I shrugged.

“What happened?”

“I got shot, it was more of a ’wrong place, wrong time’ kinda thing.” I shrugged again and his eyes widened but he relaxed.

“Well I’m happy you’re okay then. I’m so sorry I couldn’t be here last night but when I was finally about to leave I knew visiting hours would have been over so I picked up this stuff for you and came over as soon as I could.” He rushed and I shrugged, seems like I’m doing that a lot lately.

“It’s okay, Will. I was sleeping, you didn’t miss much anyway. So what I get?” I smirked and he chuckled before setting the stuff on the bed.

There was a bouquet of real roses…awesome. Those were gonna die soon. Then a heart shaped box of expensive looking chocolate…too bad I don’t really like chocolate. Then 2 balloons that said ‘Get Well Soon’ on them and a white teddy bear holding a red circled pillow that said ‘Feel Better’ on it. The presents weren’t bad, in fact any other girl would love these when they were in the hospital.

Too bad I wasn’t any other girl.

“Aw, thanks Will.” I hugged him and gave a fake smile I don’t think anyone saw through and let him go. We all sat around talking for a little bit before Justin got off the bed and started to walk out the door.

“You leaving?” I tried and suceeded to ask him casually before he walked out and he stopped and turned around.

“Nature calls buddy, I’ll be right back.” Justin smirked and we laughed as he went out the door.

We talked for a few more minutes before we realized Justin had been gone for 15 minutes. We were just bout to send Ryan to see if he fell in the toilet or something when Justin walked through the doorway, hands behind his back, with a sheepish smile.

“Dang dude, did you fall in or something?” Collin smirked and Justin rolled his eyes.

“No idiot, there was a long line.” I furrowed my eyebrows.

“Long line for what?”

“For this.” Justin smirked as he moved his hands to show a Subway bag with what looked to be a foot long sandwich and a pop in one hand and the same thing in the other. My eyes widened.

“You went and got Subway while I’m stuck with this anti-edible oatmeal?” I stated while pointing to the tray of food me and Justin were poking at earlier that still hadn’t been eaten.

Justin rolled his eyes again. “It’s for you, airhead. Well, one of them anyway. The other one’s for me. I felt bad that I didn’t get to get you a present.” He said he handed it to me.

“You were in here the whole night, you didn’t have time to get her a present.” Chaz stated obviously but Justin shrugged.

“So? I felt bad.”

“He stayed all night?” Will asked with a blank expression and I nodded, silently wanting to punch Chaz.

“Yeah, somebody was allowed to stay the night and Justin did.”

“Why didn’t your mom?” Will questioned and I bit my lip.

“Because I asked Justin to stay.” Mom stated and we looked at her. “I had to work late last night for leaving early to come to the hospital and I wanted Justin to stay because I knew Maxx would have been safe with him.” Mom lied through her teeth and Will raised his eyebrows but nodded and said nothing else.

“Well now I feel bad cause I don’t wanna eat in front of you guys.” I pouted.

“So why don’t we all go buy something downstairs, cause I’m starving and Justin didn’t buy enough.” Ryan faked a glare and everyone agreed.

“Hey, gimme a break. I was here all night, I didn’t get to eat either.” Justin smirked and Ryan rolled his eyes as they all left.

“Thank you sooo much.” I dragged on before hugging Justin and digging into my food. He laughed at me.

“Really? Subway’s lame compared to what everyone else got you.” Justin stated as he glared at the presents from Will. I rolled my eyes.

“Your present was definitely better then Will’s. Kenny’s…well, I think he beat you,” We laughed as we looked at the huge teddy bear, “but seriously, I wanted to chuck his presents out the window. I cant have real flowers cause they all die, I don’t like expensive chocolate, and his teddy bear wasn’t anything compared to Kenny’s.” I joked and Justin smiled.

“So does that mean I scored a goal?” Justin smirked.

“More soccer analogies huh?” I smirked back and he nodded. “Well then I guess you got 1 point.” Justin shook his head and I raised my eyes.

“Nope, 2.” When I gave him a confused face, he continued. “I kissed you. That’s another point.”

“Will kisses me all the time.” I stated, almost taunting him.

“But mine are better.” I stayed silent, not wanting to encourage him but not wanting to lie either. Justin smirked at my silence. “Oh, mine ARE better.” He grinned now and I shoved him playfully.

“Shut up and eat your food.” We both took a bite and when he finished chewing he grinned sheepishly again.

“Mine are better.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So I gotta couple more comments that I liked very much : ) Seems like you guys want Justin and Maxx together right? Well more people gotta COMMENT and it might just happen sooner then you think ; ) So the score...
Will: 1, Justin: 2 : D