Status: Just a few chapters left : )

You Idiot! You Weren't Supposed To Come Back!


“Hello?” I heard heavy breathing over the phone and I furrowed my eyebrows.

“Will? Are you alright?” I asked and the breathing stopped before coughing slightly.

“Hey Maxx, yeah I’m fine. Just got done jogging and I’m a little winded.” Will breathed and I rolled my eyes.


“Oh, okay. Well I’m on my way back home now and I was just wondering if you wanted to come over at maybe…4? I really need to talk to you bout something.” I stated and he hesitated before answering.

“Yeah, 4 sounds good. See you soon May.”

“See ya.” I hung up with a roll of my eyes and looked up to see eyes on me.

“What was that all bout?” Haley smirked and I shrugged.

“I just gotta talk to him bout something.” Haley raised her eyebrows but nodded.

The limo took us from the airport to my house and we hung out there til 3:30. At that time, I told everyone to go away and come back at 5, giving me enough time to talk to Will. The doorbell rang at 4:10 and I got up to answer it, seeing Will standing there with a sheepish smile.

“Sorry I’m late, I wasn’t paying attention to the time.” He said and hugged me before kissing my forehead and shutting the door behind him.

“It’s alright, want something to drink?” I asked as I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a Dr. Pepper outta the fridge.

“Nah I’m okay. So what’d you wanna talk bout? Cause I wanted to talk to you too.” I sat down on the couch next to him but shifted so I was facing him.

“Do you wanna go first?” I asked and he bit his lip before shaking his head.

“No, you can go ahead.” I nodded and took a breath before slipping my knees up and wrapping my arms around them.

“Ok. Well…I’m sure this wont be hard for you to hear or anything, but…I think I wanna break up.” He looked at me with a shocked expression before breathing a sigh that almost sounded like relief.

“Really?” I nodded and he smiled. “I wanted to break up too.” I smiled slightly, then chuckled, then laughed, and soon enough me and Will were cracking up laughing.

After about 5 minutes, I wiped the stray tears away from laughing so hard and looked back at Will. He bit his lip and smiled lightly before pushing a strand of hair from my face and reaching to kiss my forehead. I closed my eyes and smiled before opening them.

“So may I ask why we’re breaking up?” Will smirked at me and I laughed with him.

“Well besides the fact that you love someone else…what else could there be?” I smirked at him and his eyes widened.

“Wait, how’d you…but I…what the?”

“Don’t confuse yourself Will, I could tell. I don’t think you’re a bad guy at all, I understand. We’re just better off as friends. So tell me bout this girl.” I grinned at him and Will shook his head and laughed.

Will talked about Cara, apparently she was one of the girls at his sister’s birthday party a few weeks ago. They talked for a while after the party and used to be best friends when they were little. She was one of the few people at the party who was really nice to me too. She felt guilty about her and Will being together but it hadn’t been for that long and she said she wanted Will to tell me. She suggested coming too but Will said it was alright and that he should do it.

I laughed with him about all the stories he told me about the 2 when they were younger and couldn’t drop my smile the whole time. Will was surprised that I was so cool with the whole thing because even though he’s never cheated before, he didn’t expect any girl not to throw some huge fit and start balling or screaming at the dude. I just explained to him that I honestly didn’t care and if I was a good girlfriend, I would have.

Too bad Will didn’t exactly accept that answer.

“Tell me the real reason why Maxx.” He raised his eyebrow at me with a smirk and I gave him a blank look.

“There really is no other reason Will.”

“So you didn’t have a guy on the side?” He smirked and I was bout to say no but stopped.


But we weren’t together.

“Not exactly.”

“Ohhh, I see. You have feelings for another guy.” He smirked at me and I gaped.

“What? No, absolutely not. I mean…I don’t think I…no, nope I don’t.” I smiled and he raised his eyebrows at me.

“Come on May, we’re friends now. I just explained my lover to you and you wont even tell me bout my replacement?” Will winked at me and I shook my head with a chuckle.

“Will, really, I have no other feelings.” I smiled innocently and he shook his head, opening his mouth to say something but getting cut off by my phone ringing in my back pocket.

“Hey.” I answered.

“Hey, you ready for us to come over yet?” Justin asked from the other side of the phone. I looked over to Will and smiled before staring into space again and answering.

“Yeah, how long before you guys get here?”

“Wow, someone’s in need of my company.” Justin stated sarcastically and I laughed.

“Please, you’re Chaz’s ride over here.” I smirked and he gasped the same time I heard Chaz yell ‘yeah baby’ in the background.

“How hurtful. And here I thought it was ME who was the ladies man.” Justin grumbled and I laughed.

“Nope, Chaz is the only one for me. See ya guys later.”

“See ya.” I hung up and turned back to see Will smirking at me.

“You like-”

“I have no feelings for Chaz, I just said that to mess with Justin.” I rolled my eyes with a chuckle and Will smirked.

“Ahh, I knew it was him! And I wasn’t gonna say Chaz, I was gonna say Justin. I saw the way your eyes lit up as soon as he answered you on the phone.”

“They did?” I asked confused as I reached to touch under my eyes. “How weird. Must be the lighting.” I smiled and he rolled his eyes.

“Yeah, THAT’S it.” Will shook his head with a smirk and I just grinned innocently. “Well I better be going; me and Cara are going to the zoo later.” Will grinned and I laughed and nodded before walking him to the door.

“Say hi to the penguins for me!” I yelled as he walked across the street. He laughed and yelled back.

“As long as you say hi to my replacement for me!” I shook my head and flipped him off and he laughed at me. About 5 minutes later, the guys showed up.

“So how was the talk with lover boy?” Haley wiggled her eyebrows as we sat down on the couch, the boys raiding through my fridge.

“You mean ex-lover boy? It was good.” I smiled and Haley gasped.

“You guys broke up?!” I nodded with a chuckle and Haley’s face changed like 8 times.


“Wait…so your single, which is awesome, but what now?” She asked and I gave her a blank look.

“What do you mean?” Haley rolled her eyes and gave me a look before turning towards the kitchen to see the boys still not paying attention.

“I mean-” She started to whisper, “what’s gonna happen with you and Justin?”

“Uhh…nothing?” I shrugged, not seeing the point.

“You’re not gonna be with him!?” She said a little too loudly and I shushed her before shaking my head.

“It’s not JUST up to me, ya know.” I rolled my eyes and she smirked.

“Ohhh I see, so you think Justin wont make a move?”

“I don’t think he wants to. I mean come on, he didn’t even show any interest in me until I found a boyfriend! Now that Will’s gone, the game’s over. What would Justin want from me now? Nothing.” I stated obviously.

“Uh, try EVERYTHING. He’s been like in love with you since the day Ryan and the guys brought him to go swimming. But you have to remember he’s a guy, he’s not gonna notice what he’s losing until someone else takes it from him.” She rolled her eyes at boys’ stupidity and I scoffed.

“I’m not property that gets taken away.” I grumbled.

“Well I know that but boys don’t see it that way.”

“No kidding. But Justin’s not gonna make any moves whether I’m with Will or not so it’s pointless.“ I scoffed.

“Nothing’s pointless when it comes to love, my child.” Haley winked at me and I smacked my forehead. What a cheese ball.

“So what do you expect me to do then, oh wise one?” I mocked and she giggled.

“Well YOU aren’t doing anything. Justin, on the other hand, well…you’re gonna make him see what he’s missing.” Haley smirked evilly and I got scared for a second.

“And HOW exactly am I gonna do that?” I asked, confused.

“Oh, you’ll see.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So what do you guys think Haley's gonna have Maxx do to REALLY get Justin's attention? : ) And wow, they FINALLY broke up : D hope you guys leave comments on that too! Thanks, love you guys! : D OH, sorry if these chapters have been shorter then usual!