Status: Just a few chapters left : )

You Idiot! You Weren't Supposed To Come Back!


“WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!?!” I yelled at the piece of clothing Haley handed me.

Actually, this couldn’t even pass as clothing. It was just a piece of cloth stitched to some thin other cloth…reeeally thin cloth.

“THIS is what your wearing to sleep tonight.” Haley smirked and chucked the bag at me, which I swatted away in disgust.

“I cant wear that, the guys are staying tonight and Justin sleeps in my bed!”

“That’s the whole point!” Haley grinned and I gaped at her, ready to say something but was interrupted.

“Hey guys, you coming back upstairs or what? We wanna show you something.” Ryan’s excited voice came from behind the door in the living room.

“Yeah babe, be right up!” Haley yelled back, smirking at me and walking up the steps. I grumbled, kicked the bag under my bed, and walked behind her.

“So what did you and benchwarmer talk bout?” Justin smirked as I made it up the steps and sat next to him on the couch. I rolled my eyes.

“Still with the soccer references, huh? Well if you must know, the game’s over.” Justin raised his eyebrows and I just had an indifferent expression.

“So…I won?” He smirked and I shook my head with a smirk back.

“Nope, it’s still a tie.”

“How so?” Justin pouted.

I bit my lip and smirked lightly before leaning in closer to him, making him think I was going to kiss him. I put my arms over his shoulders and made sure to push my chest against Justin lightly as I turned my legs to gently straddle him. His breath caught in his throat and I leaned into his ear.

“Cause Team Justin didn’t make any moves to score.” I whispered seductively in his ear before getting off him, almost laughing at his shocked expression at my sudden movement. “I’m thirsty, anyone want anything to drink?” I asked before walking into the kitchen, laughing to myself lightly.

“Damn, miss tease. I didn’t think you could do anything like that!” Haley chuckled and walked into the kitchen.

“You saw that?” I asked and she nodded with a grin.

“I’m a sneaky spy, aint I?” I rolled my eyes but chuckled.

“What should I do next, love genius?” I smirked and she clapped her hands together excitedly.

“Well, make him want you more then he already has. Torture him even. But you gotta show him the relationship aint just bout ’that‘. Show him you want more then just the physical stuff.”

“What makes you think I want more then ‘that’?” I smirked and she rolled her eyes.

“You may say you don’t believe in love, Maxxalena Lopez, but trust me, Biebs is gonna prove you wrong.” Haley laughed and walked outta the kitchen as I flicked some water at her to shut her up.

Yeah right, that wasn’t happening.

*Justin’s POV*

Oh my god, I just wanna die!

I for real cant handle this anymore, I feel like I’m gonna explode! Not only has Maxx got me completely confused bout what she wants us to be…she’s torturing me with it.

First I find out that her and Will break up, so it’s obviously got my hopes up. Then she goes and tells me I didn’t win her over either cause I didn’t make a move. So did that mean she wanted me to make a move? Or was she just trying to screw with my head? Cause right now, Maxx has got me on the verge of taking the longest cold shower of my life.

She’s been teasing me all damn day! Touching me in places she usually don’t, then pulling away before I can do something. Then Haley made some comment bout how hot it was and she couldn’t believe Maxx was wearing jeans, so Maxx went to change into some short shorts that showed off her long, tan legs I just wanted to wrap around my waist and…other things not needed to be mentioned.

“Man-” Maxx cut herself off with a yawn after we finished watching some movie I couldn’t pay attention to, “-I’m so tired. I think I’m going to bed.” She stretched and as her arms raised above her head, she gave me a perfect view of her flat stomach, along with her ass and chest pushed out a little more.

Oh god.

“You coming J?” Maxx turned around and I almost glared at the slight smirk on her lips.

The lips I desperately wanted to consume in my own. How the hell was this fair?

“Uh…yup.” I answered stupidly and she smiled before turning around and walking downstairs to her bedroom. “Lord, give me strength.” I mumbled under my breath and followed her.

“I’ll be back, I’m just gonna change and brush my teeth.” Maxx said simply and I nodded before jumping into her comfy bed.

I noticed her sigh and shake her head before grabbing some bag under her bed and walking to the bathroom. ‘I wonder what that was bout’, I thought before shrugging it off and hearing the door open a couple minutes later. I turned to see Maxx and dropped my jaw, my eyes bulging…along with something else.

Oh fuck.

“Like my new pajamas? Haley bought em for me today.” Maxx stated innocently and twirled around lightly before flicking off the light and jumping into the bed next to me.

“Y-y-yeah, th-they look nice.” I stuttered and mentally slapped my forehead for being so obvious. I heard her chuckle.

“Calm down J, I wear a bikini in the pool and that’s way more revealing then this.” She gestured down to herself in the dark.

‘But bikinis don’t lead me to thinking bout…things…like her half pjs, half lingerie.’ I thought before sighing.

“What is all this Maxx?” I asked bluntly.

“What’s what?” She asked back and I scoffed.

“This.” I grabbed at her ‘pajamas’. “And everything…the teasing, the touching, breaking up with Will…everything.”

“Well, me and Will didn’t work out and agreed to break it off and be friends. As for everything else…I really don’t know.” She sighed and I furrowed my eyebrows.

“What do you mean you don’t know?” I sat up straight and she rolled over so her back was flat on the bed and I was kinda hovering over her, looking down at her.

“I mean I don’t know.” She grumbled, frustrated. “Haley bought this stupid thing for god knows what reason and then she starts talking bout what’s gonna happen between me and you now that Will and me are over and I said nothing and she asked why so I told her you didn’t make a move and-”

“Wait, what do you mean I didn’t make a move? I’ve been making moves this whole time!”
I interrupted and she rolled her eyes and gave me an ‘are-you-stupid’ look.

“Yeah, when me and Will were dating!”

“Well I didn’t know you wanted me to make a move so soon!”

“I didn’t!”

“Well what do you want?”

“I don’t frikkin know!” Maxx yelled in frustration and I sighed.

“Do you wanna be with me?” I asked her and she looked up at me.

“Do you?”

“You know I do.”

“No, I really don’t. Cause you didn’t even start saying anything bout how you felt until after I got a boyfriend. And then when you did tell me, the only thing that happened between us was making out and all that other physical crap.” She rolled her eyes and I raised my eyebrows.

“So that’s why? You think all I want from you is your body?” I asked, offended.

“No! You’re my best friend Justin, I know you better then to be a douche like that. It’s just…I don’t even know. Why does this shit have to be complicated?” She groaned and put her face in the pillow.

I laughed lightly and turned her over, getting closer to her face and looking at her big brown eyes.

“It’s not complicated, you’re only making it that way. You’re just trying to find excuses to get outta being in a relationship with me cause you scared.”

“Pft, scared of what?” She scoffed and I smirked.

“Loving me.” She gaped at me and I laughed at her.

“Love’s not real. It’s just for sappy fairytales parents tell their little kids to keep the dream alive when they get their hearts broken when they’re older.” Maxx stated with a roll of her eyes.

“If that’s true then why do you love me?” I asked confidently.

“I never said I loved you.”

“You didn’t have to.” She stared at me for a second before pursing her lips and letting one corner of her mouth lift up lightly to a small smirk.

“Well let’s just say I…maybe love you. Then what would you say?” I felt my lips pull into a smile and I leaned in closer to her face.

“Then I’d say I maybe love you too. And I’d probably ask you to be my girlfriend.”

“Hmm…interesting. And I’d probably say yes. That is, if you ask anyway.” She kept up her smirk and I chuckled and shook out my hair.

I let my forehead touch hers gently and I grinned at her. Her smirk turned into a slight smile and I could see her pearly whites as she shook her head and laughed. Both Maxx’s arms wrapped around the back of my neck and rested there gently and I put both hands on either side of her head to support my weight. I glanced down at her plump lips before looking back into her eyes, silently asking for permission.

She didn’t object so I slowly leaned down and let my lips connect with hers.

*Maxx’s POV*

I felt him smile as his lips finally hit mine. One of my arms moved so my hand could rub circles on one of his arms as Justin’s lips moved with mine. It took a minute but once we got over the whole ‘lovey dovey’ kissing, it got a little more lustful, which I definitely wasn’t complaining bout.

Justin rolled over so I was on top of him and he put both hands on my hips, gripping lightly while licking my bottom lip lightly. I, of course, denied his entrance and he growled sexily before rolling us over again quickly so I gasped and opened my mouth enough for him to stick his tongue into my mouth. I chuckled breathlessly and we fought for dominance until I got lazy and let his tongue roam around my mouth.

I moaned quietly when Justin’s hand squeezed my hips a little rougher, but not enough to hurt. I could feel his smirk as I pulled away from lack of air but he just moved down to my neck and getting straight to the sweet spot and nibbling and sucking on it. My back arched up off the bed and I felt Justin’s growl vibrate against my neck from both my hand tugging at his hair along with my thigh rubbing against his…ahem.

My breathless laugh was cut short when Justin grabbed my leg and lifted it completely so it wrapped around his waist. He bit down a little harder against my sweet spot and I moaned into his shoulder since my head was resting against it. I could feel his smirk at my moaning and figured I should change it up a little.

I pushed him off me before getting on top of Justin and quickly kissing down his neck until I hit a spot that made him stop breathing. I started licking, sucking, and biting gently and couldn’t keep the smirk off my lips when I heard his groan of pleasure.

“Maxx.” He groaned.

We continued this for a little while longer until Justin’s hands moved from up and down my sides to squeezing my ass. I moaned while laughing and Justin chuckled along with me. Justin’s hands went back to my sides and rubbed all the way up to my bra line, then back down. He grabbed the end of the tank top thing and lifted it up to my bra before hesitating.

I pulled my lips away from his for .5 of a second and he lifted the shirt above and over my head before flipping me over again and scooping his arm underneath me and holding me closer to him.

10 minutes later and we were both only in our undergarments; Justin with his boxers and me in a bra and underwear. Justin was kissing down my shoulder and reached my bra strap before slowly pushing it down and letting it lay limp against my arm. Justin’s arms went behind my back and rubbed against my lower back until moving up slowly.

He was cautious and kissed me until I realized his fingers were tracing over my bra line, right where the hook was. I pulled away and Justin’s eyes were already open, looking directly at mine. I searched his eyes and found the golden specks in them with the obvious lust, the want, maybe even the love.

I bit my lip and I breathed out slightly before stretching and kissing Justin again. He got the hint and kissed me gently as his fingers pulled at the hook and 3 seconds later, I felt the bra’s wire on my back loosen. Justin’s hand reached to my shoulder to pull the other strap down and I moved my arm, ready to pull the bra off until I stopped myself.

Well, the obnoxious pounding on my bedroom door that echoed to my room down the stairs stopped me. Me and Justin both gasped and pulled away from each other, completely panicked. Justin threw himself off me and I reached behind my back to clasp my bra and pull the straps back to my shoulders.

“Shit.” We both muttered at the same time.
♠ ♠ ♠
So what do you think? : ) I'm not really great with this whole 'sexual' stuff and if you feel violated or whatever then please stop reading, I REALLY dont feel like being reported. Thanks! : )