Status: Just a few chapters left : )

You Idiot! You Weren't Supposed To Come Back!


*Maxxi’s POV*

“Am I the only one sweating to death or is just me?” Haley questioned as she fanned her face.

“Dude, it’s me too. I feel icky.” I copied Haley’s actions and chugged my Gatorade.

“Well you didn’t look icky to me when you guys were dancing.” Ryan winked subtly at both of us, even though he meant it mainly towards Haley. She blushed and giggled while I just rolled my eyes.

“Okaaay, now that Ryan’s used his pathetic flirting line of the day, what are we gonna do?” Collin smiled but glared when Ryan smacked the back of his head.

“Well it’s like 1 already and that dancing had me beat. I vote we watch another movie and go to bed.” Haley suggested with a sheepish look. I chuckled at her way of offering sleep.

“Yeah that sounds cool with me. You guys can set up on the couch; I’ll make some more popcorn.” I stretched my sore arms and started walking towards the kitchen. A little bit later when I was cooking the popcorn, I realized someone had followed me in and opened the fridge. I jumped slightly.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you. Ryan and Collin just wanted some more pizza.” Bieber commented with a smile as he put the leftover pizza back in the fridge.

“Those lazy pigs won’t even get up to get their own pizza. Pft.” I smirked slightly at their laziness and grabbed the 2nd bag of popcorn out of the microwave.

“Ha, I know. It’s like hell will freeze over before they ever do something on their own.” He chuckled and I laughed lightly with him before realizing who he was and stopped. I heard him sigh slightly.

“Look Maxx, I just wanna apologize bout everything that happened before I moved. I was a real jerk and I don’t really know why but I just wanted to make sure you knew I was sorry and hopefully, we can move past it and just, ya know, be friends?” He glanced at me nervously before looking down to the floor.

“It’s cool Bieber. I get it, we were both younger and stupid and let’s face it, you weren’t the only mean one back then.” He chuckled at that and so did I. “How bout we both just forget everything and start over? Sound cool?” I stuck my hand out which he laughed at.

“Sounds cool.” He shook my hand and looked at me, I was sad to say I was pretty hypnotized at that point. His eyes were just so frikkin deep, they were screaming ‘you can’t look away’, just mocking me. We stood there for what felt like an hour before I heard an obnoxious cough coming from the kitchen entrance. We jumped back and looked towards Collin.

“Sup?” I said stupidly when Collin smirked at us. That idiot was thinking something stupid.

“Oh nothing, just waiting on my pizza.” He looked towards Bieber, who rolled his eyes and grabbed the plate of pizza and handing it to Collin. Collin just smiled, winked at us, and then walked back towards my room.

“Well that was strange.” Justin chuckled and flipped his hair.

“Very. Welp, we better get back in there before Haley gets raped.” I smirked, referring to Ryan.

“Hey, you can’t rape the willing.” Justin smirked back. I punched his arm and laughed, grabbing 2 popcorn bowls while Justin helped carry the drinks.

“It’s about time woman! I can only take these idiots for so long!” Haley pointed towards the guys, 2 of which were wrestling over the TV remote.

“Hey dipsticks! We’re watching a MOVIE, quit fighting over the flipper.” They laughed at my word choice; they always made fun of me for saying ‘flipper’. You flip channels with it, it’s a flipper.

“Ha…flipper.” Chaz mocked me. I flipped him off and turned the DVD player on.

“What movie?” Ryan asked as he sat next to Haley on the loveseat again. Oh god, he was gonna cuddle with her when she fell asleep, yuck.

“Probably a chick flick, Haley picked it.” I grumbled and mockingly glared at her. She glared back and muttered something along the lines of, “man, why can’t I have a GIRL best friend?”

I flicked a piece of popcorn at her and she goes, “Kidding! Dang!” She smiled and I laughed at her.

“So what movie will I be barfing at on this lovely night?” I asked with a smirk as Haley just stuck her tongue out.

“It’s not THAT bad, it’s funny too. You won’t puke too much.”

“You still didn’t answer my question.”

“The Proposal.” Oh, that movie was pretty funny. I shrugged, agreeing silently that it wasn’t that mushy and looking to find a seat.

“Where am I sitting now?” I mumbled, it seems like I always got the last seat. Ryan and Haley were already on the loveseat. Collin set out a blanket and pillow on the floor, and Chaz and Justin were sprawled out on the giant couch.

“Here” Chaz moved so he was on one cushion of the couch and Justin was on the other. I got the middle cushion. I smiled and plopped down, watching as Chaz pushed play after the commercials were done.

About a half an hour into the movie, I could hear Haley’s light snoring. I glanced over and chuckled at her. She was leaning back against Ryan’s chest and he was just lying back with a big grin on his face.

“I don’t get why you won’t just ask her out already, it’s obvious she likes you.” I smirked at Ryan. Chaz was snoring loudly from beside me, his head moving to get comfy on the arm rest and Collin was lying on his side, drooling on the blanket.

“Come on Maxxi, you know how nervous I get. Haley’s like, the best girl I’ve ever met-romantically anyway- and I don’t know how to talk to her.” He looked slightly nervous and I gave him a small smile.

“Ryan, she likes you man. A lot. And you talk to her all the time; you’re one of her best friends. Just don’t make it weird, tell her how you feel and go all mushy on her. She’ll love that.” I grinned at him; he smiled and nodded at me, then sunk lower so he could get comfy without disturbing Haley.

“Thanks Lena, I owe you one.” I just nodded and got comfy on the couch. A couple minutes later, I heard Ryan’s snore along with everyone else’s. I looked around to see if everyone was asleep, and turns out, Justin was still awake. He was just watching the screen, eyes half open.

“Dude, you’re still awake?” I asked him and he looked over at me with a smile.

“Yeah, this couch is pretty uncomfortable. I can’t get situated right.” I noticed how he kept shifting, I felt bad so I spoke up.

“You know, I gotta really comfy bed over there, you can sleep in it if you want.”

“No way, I’m not taking your bed, I’ll be fine.” He smiled reassuringly but I didn’t buy it.

“Justin, go ahead. I sleep out here all the time, its cool.”

“Nope, I’m not taking your bed.” I groaned at him and he just smirked.

“Well I’m not letting you sleep all uncomfy on the couch.”

“Yes you will.”

“Nope.” “Yep.” “Nope.” “Yes.” “No.” “Yes.” “NO.” “YES.”

“SHUT UP! Justin, take Maxxi’s bed. And Maxxi, go with him! That way neither of you is uncomfortable. Just go to flippin sleep!” Collin groaned into his pillow. Me and Justin just froze for a second before laughing at him. I shrugged,

“That’s fine with me. My bed’s huge, and I’m not bout to let you suffer with Chaz’s skunk feet in your face.” I nodded my head towards Chaz, whose body was already stretching across the whole couch. Justin just smiled and nodded, getting up and following me across the room.

“Hope you don’t mind, I sleep shirtless.” Justin smiled slightly and pulled his shirt over his head. I stared at his abs, biting my lip before flicking my head the other way quickly.

“That’s okay, I sleep in a sports bra. Hope you don’t mind all my…stomach.” I shrugged out of my baggy t-shirt and slipped into the bed. Justin just looked at me confused but then smirked.

“Trust me, I don’t mind. And you shouldn’t be so shy about it, you have a lovely stomach.” He winked at me before jumping in the bed too.

“HA! That’s funny. You must be really tired, you’re talking all crazy. Goodnight Justin.” I turned my head the other way.

“It’s not crazy, you’re beautiful Maxxi. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with your stomach.” I turned back towards him to see nothing but honesty on his face as he looked deep into my eyes. Damn those eyes!

I blushed and quietly thanked him. He just smiled and nodded. I turned back around, letting myself fall asleep, never thinking I’d be in the same bed as Justin Bieber, so much for still hating him.
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Sorry to the..well, 4 people that have been reading this story who hopefully like it. I know its been a little bit but I'm suffering with a horrible disease...writer's block : ) hopefully i made up for it a little bit? COMMENT! : )