Status: Active

You Put The Sun To Shame

She Had It All Figured Out

"Ash!" Garrett yelled as he ran offstage to me, sweat dripping from his hair.

"Hey, Gare! Great show!" I smiled as he picked me up and hugged me.

He looked down at me. "Why are you so short?"

I laughed and slapped his arm. "Garrett!"

He smiled and said "Well, you are!"

"I am not, you're just super tall!"

"Oh yeah, that's it," he mocked, grinning widely.

"Sooo," I heard Kennedy say from behind me and I turn around. "I hear tomorrow's someone's birthday."

"Oh, yeah I think I heard that, too," John commented, rubbing a towel through his hair.

"You know what's funny?" Gare asked. "Tomorrow's Ashlie's birthday!!

"And guess who we invited to your party?" Pat asked.

"Ryan Gosling?" I joked.

"No, silly! All Time Low!" he yelled.

"Who?" I wondered.

The whole band gasped theatrically. "You don't know All Time Low, Ash?" Jared stared at me with wide eyes.

"Three of them used to be in a band with me!" Kenny giggled.

"Well I guess I'm gonna have to meet them, then!" I smiled. Any friends of The Maine were friends of mine.

Garrett was throwing the party at his house, a tradition since freshman year. I was really excited; these partied never ceased to amaze me. Nearly ever year, the cops are called to break it up and someone usually gets taken into custody. God, I love my friends.

I could hear the music thumping a block away from Garrett's house.

I parked a ways away from his house because of all the cars lining the road. I walked confidently up to his front door, took a deep breath, and pushed it open.

"ASHLIEEE!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" Garrett and Kennedy screamed right as I walked in the door.

"Thanks!' I smiled at them as they pulled me into a crowded kitchen.

"Okay, you are going to meet All Time Low. They are really good friends of ours," Kenny told me.

"Okay....?" I said nervously.

"JACK, YOU FUCKER, GET OVER HERE," Garrett yelled.

"What the fuck, Garrett?" The boy said, and then he saw me. "Oh, hey! You're Ashlie, right?"

"Yep," I replied.

"Jack. Nice to meet you." He opened his arms for a hug, which I gladly accepted.

I smiled. "You, too."

"Now I'm gonna go chase down Alex; that fucker never stays where he should," he told me.

I laughed as Jack dragged a handsome boy away from a girl and towards me.

"This is Alex. Alex, this is Ashlie."

"Hey." I waved at him and smiled as he did the same.

"Can I go bang that chick over there now?" he asked Jack and I giggled.

"Sure," Jack said, and Alex started flirting with that girl again.

Kennedy pulled me toward two boys talking together.

"Ash, this is Zack and Rian," he informed.

"Hey, guys," I chuckled.

Rian stuck his hand out towards me. "Hey, I'm Rian." He seemed really friendly. He grinned warmly at me.

"Ashlie," I replied.

"I'm Zack," the other boy said. "How are you?"

"I'm good, thanks. And you?" I said.

"I'm great." He smiled shyly.

"Well." I coughed and said, "Let's get drunk, bitches!"

Everyone cheered and I smiled. Those boys made me so happy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay this really sucks and I'm sorry....

Ashlie's outfits here

comments are appreciated! <3