Status: Updating as often as Ryan makes weird tweets :D

Cemetery boy

Well his not a dancer.

So Brendon, the guy I met in a cemetery, went to school with... showed me my very dead mother, and saw me cry. It doesn’t take much for me to hate someone. A boy in fourth grade called my mother a zombie, I never made him forget about it. He still runs if he sees me coming down the hall.

So needless to say. I absolutely loathe Brendon Urie.

I was smoking on my way to school; I don’t usually, because the place is swarming with teachers ready with detention slips, but at this point and time I didn’t even care.

“Hey!” A voice came from behind me.

I tried to stop my hands from shaking as he casually fell into step beside me, our hands brushed against each other’s momentarily, and I cross my arms around my chest. I forced my eyes to stay on the path in front of me and not straying off to look at his face. Especially his eyes, they were such an unbelievable colour....I could probably stare at them for a lot longer than necessary.

I think he expected a polite greeting of fuck off, he waited for me to say something; instead all he got was silence. He kept on staring at my face, it made my skin feel electric and cold. Don't look at him, don't look, he's not like you....

“Ryan,” Being then idiot I am I automatically look up at him saying my name before realizing my mistake—he saw my face, it was only for a second, he still saw it though—my face filled with uncertainty. I hate people knowing I was clueless about something, no matter what it was. He grabs hold of my wrist to stop me from walk away and forces me to look into his eyes, “You’re shaking.” He whispers.

He's right, I think, as I look down at the cigarette I’m holding in-between my fingers. It’s turned into a weird sort of blur of orange and white as my hands have a mind of their own.

“Let go of me.” My voice wavers, I can’t look at his eyes, I can’t look at him.

His grip on my thin wrists loosen, as if his only just become aware of what he was actually doing, I don’t keep on walking as I should have and neither does he. I took a long drag nervously.

“Sorry,” He whispers.

“You’re not human,” I find myself saying, it sounds more stupid than I could possibly imagine.

The most terrifying thing was his answer. A slight shrug and, “...More or less.” I was almost hoping he would laugh at me, "I have a heart beat though!” He says brightly and grabs my hand to place it on my chest.

There it is. A heart beat, the act was strange to say the least, but in its own weird way it made my own heart beat slow down and calm me down. I pull my hand back to my side slowly.

“Wanna ditch?” I’m not quite sure if my smile was genuine. It’s hard to tell after a while
Brendon smiles back, which gives me the impression it must have been convincing.

“Sure.” His eyes are a very odd colour....they shift in the light.
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God I wish I'd thought of that! Brendon being a timelord would be awesome! (there is a whovian in the house guys :D) anyway I promise you'll find out what Bren is exactly soon :D
I'm dropping no hints! Love you guys! (all 16 of you lol)