Love Me and You'll Be Okay!

CHAPTER 11: Mom Meets King Yuki!

CHAPTER 11: Mom Meets King Yuki!

Yuki's face was masked with an angelic smile and Takeru's mom covered her eyes, shouting Who are you, why are you naked?! Yuki tried to cover his dick nervously then hesitated and tried to touch Takeru's mom then she slapped him hard on the cheek. Yuki stumbled a bit and his eyes widen, as he blinked touching his red aching cheek, That actually hurt a bit... Yuki muttered a bit impressed then saw that Takeru's mom grabbed her purse from the counter and came at Yuki with full force. Yuki's eyes widened in surprise as he dodged her full on attack then he grabbed her arm gently as she used her other arm smacking her purse at Yuki roughly. Let me explain, Yuki said impatiently as he was being attacked with a purse, then Takeru's mom said sarcastically, Explain what, why you drank my orange juice without even thinking of using a cup?!

Yuki's lip started to quiver as he started to laugh uncontrollably and Takeru's mom blushed as she took a moment and saw that the young man had a beautiful model's face. Yuki paused when the mom stopped attacking him, then noticed she was blushing then he smirked, gazing at her. So Takeru takes after his mother, hehe~ Takeru's mom flinched then looked at Yuki intensely then she asked softly, How do you know my son? Yuki paused then said softly, I go to school with your son, I slept over last night. I see..., but why on earth are you naked, Takeru's mom asked curiously. Yuki smiled then said cheerfully, I took a shower but I didn't know where the towels were.. Takeru's mom was silent for a moment then sighed, Takeru, should have told me that we have such a handsome young man as a guest. Takeru's mom began to pout then muttered softly, He's been so busy lately, hmph... Yuki blushed lightly seeing the characteristics of Takeru in his mother.

We should get you some clothes and a nice good breakfast, Takeru's mom said cheerfully as she patted Yuki's shoulders and said, Call me mom! Yuki smiled and then put his hand over his chest and bowed his head politely then said, And you can call me Yuki. Takeru's mom blushed red and then hurried to her room and picked out an outfit of her husbands' then scurried to the kitchen and gave Yuki the clothes. Yuki took the clothes from her carefully then said softly, I see where Takeru gets his good looks from~ Takeru's mom blushed embarrassed and pushed Yuki softly on the back to hurry to put the clothes on. Yuki smiled then headed towards the bathroom and sighed then said, I might as well take a shower. Yuki then noticed a shelf of towels then said, Ahh, so there are some... Yuki began to laugh softly and thought it was very funny how Takeru's mom was trying to look at him while talking but kept looking down at his lower body.

Takeru's eyes began to open slowly as he heard the burst of shower water turn on then he sat up and stretched his arms out then wrapped his arms around himself and muttered, I feel so dirty. Then Takeru thought to himself, "Who's in the shower? Yuki? Or mom? Mom... MOM!! Has Yuki bumped into her?!" Takeru jumped out of his bed then noticed that he was still naked and he rubbed his forehead and sighed. I'll have to wait in my room, till I can go in the shower. Takeru's mom began to hum happily as she fried up some bacon and pancakes, she looked in the refrigerator and was about to grab the orange juice then she had a flashback of a few minutes ago then she whimpered and pulled out some apple juice instead. The cruelest thing you can do to a person is drink their orange juice, Takeru's mom muttered sorrowfully then she became pumped at the thought of talking about school with Takeru and his unusually beautiful friend, Yuki.

Takeru began to smell the yummy aroma of bacon then smelled sweet pancakes, Takeru's stomach began to growl then Takeru pouted and wrapped his arms around his stomach then muttered, That's right, I didn't even get to eat dinner last night, ....but Yuki did.. Takeru blushed red at the memories of last night, his body began to get goosebumps. Yuki was in the shower holding his hair up in a ponytail letting the hot and soothing water hit his neck. Mmm, I feel refreshed.. Yuki noticed he was taking a bit too long in the shower then he started to turn the shower off and grabbed the towel off from the top of the shower curtains and dried himself off. Takeru's mom finished setting up the table cutely, and even popped out toast as an accessory to the breakfast meal they all were going to have. She made 3 plates containing bacon, and scrambled eggs and set it on the table along with the cups of apple juice. Yuki came out the shower with a towel patting his hair dry, then walked into the kitchen unintentionally when he smelled the delicious aroma of a home-cooked breakfast. Takeru's mom noticed Yuki and smiled wide, welcoming him to the table and complimented him on how the clothes fit him so well. Takeru heard the shower water stop and the bathroom door open and waited a few moments then grabbed a pair of clothes and bursted out his room into the bathroom, locking the door behind him.

Takeru decided to take a quick shower as he turned the water on and jumped into the shower in a hurry, he washed his lower body carefully and moaned softly as he felt the hot water pour down his back. Takeru felt very relaxed and his mind felt at ease for a couple of moments, until he started to turn the water off and start to get dressed as if he were late for his own wedding. Takeru's mom sat across the table and Yuki sat on the opposite gazing intensely at his plate. Is something wrong, Yuki, Takeru's mom said in a worried and soft voice. No, it's just.. the food looks and smells so delicious, Yuki said in a flattering voice as he looked at Takeru's mom, giving her a thumbs up with a charming smile. Takeru's mom blushed red and looked down fidgeting, Thank-y-you.. Takeru's mom looked up at Yuki seriously, How old are you? Yuki blinked as he sipped his apple juice a bit disappointed, that it wasn't orange juice then smiled, I'm turning 18 this year. Takeru's mom sighed then thought to herself quietly, "Damn, he's too young." Yuki smirked at her response then Takeru came into the kitchen with his eyes popping out and with his jaw dropped. Oh my, Takeru your finally up, Takeru's mom said happily then Yuki said sarcastically, I'm sorry if I made you tired from playing so much with you last night, but it was fun wasn't it Takeru?

Yuki smiled innocently as he turned to Takeru, Takeru clicked his tongue and resisted the desire to punch Yuki in the face. So you both have met already, Takeru asked relieved. Takeru's mom giggled and nodded, Yuki introduced himself to me in such a daring way haha. Yuki smirked and looked at Takeru growing super curious as he sat next to Yuki pouting. Is that so, Takeru said a bit annoyed as he began to sip his apple juice then he pouted his lip out. Mom, do we not have orange juice, I can swear I saw some, Takeru said a bit suspicious. Takeru's mom flinched and began to laugh nervously, and Takeru got up walking to the refrigerator and opened it, and there was a carton of orange juice. I thought there was none, Takeru said mockingly as he picked up the orange juice carton and tilted his head up drinking all of the orange juice, then he licked his lips and said, Ahh, that tastes so good.

Yuki began to smirk then laugh uncontrollably and so did Takeru's mom, Takeru turned around confused and frowned. Wha-WHAT IS IT!? Yuki smirked and sipped his apple juice, I'm glad it tastes good to you Takeru. Takeru's mom finished laughing then shouted, Do you kids even know what a cup is used for?! Takeru itched his head and said sorry softly, as he went back to his seat. Yuki sat quietly as his cup and plate were both finished while Takeru and his mom were still eating. How is school, Takeru? Takeru flinched as he bit into a piece of toast, then he gulped the piece down and said softly, It's interesting... Takeru's mom looked a bit confused then asked Yuki, Is Takeru behaving well at school? Takeru turned to Yuki and gave a threatening glare, Pfft, Takeru acts very rashly and doesn't take orders seriously. Takeru! Mom, I am behaving well in school, Yuki is just messing with you. I don't know Takeru, you do act rashly like yesterday, you don't tell me your bringing a guest home and your locked up in your room till morning! I was tired yesterday, I'm sorry mom. Takeru gave a comforting smile to his mom and she nodded and smiled pleased. What year are you, Yuki? I'm a third year. Oh my, Takeru you must be popular with Yuki around! Takeru smirked and sighed, You have no idea.. Yuki smirked at Takeru's response and then looked at Takeru's mom. May I have permission to take Takeru out on a little play date? Takeru's mom blushed and giggled, Of course, you seem like a very respectable young man maybe you'll make my son become more cuter. HEY, Takeru shouted as he became annoyed then Yuki held Takeru's hand gently and gazed at him sincerely then whispered softly, Do you want to go out on a date with me? Takeru blushed red and folded his arms, looking away then said a bit happily, Sure, might be fun. Takeru's mom looked at the two boys curiously and smirked, then said to herself, "A very daring young man, indeed.."
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Chapter 11 for Love Me and You'll Be Okay :D
I love Takeru's mom and I think Yuki does too xD