Love Me and You'll Be Okay!

CHAPTER 3: Don't Play with My Pet!

CHAPTER 3: Don't Play with My Pet!

"Yuki", Takeru said. "Hm," Yuki said softly. "Why did you tell me to avoid Kaname and Hiro," Takeru asked quietly. Yuki was silent for a moment then stopped walking and turned to Takeru, "To put it simply, Kaname is obsessed with me." "Huh...," Takeru said. Takeru laughed the reason off. "It's true, and Hiro loves his brother," Yuki said. "Cause Kaname is his brother," Takeru protested. "No he "loves" his brother," Yuki said. Takeru blinked and turned red at the thought of Kaname and Hiro "together." Yuki smirked pleased. "You don't know that Yuki, do you even have proof," Takeru questioned. "Don't question, your Master," Yuki said with warning in his voice. Takeru blushed red and folded his arms, "Fine." Yuki smirked, and then the first bell rang sending Takeru flinching. "We're gonna be late, Yuki," Takeru shouted. "Takeru, it'll be okay if we hurry," Yuki said with a smile on his face. Yuki grabs Takeru's arm and runs down the hall and up the stairs flawlessly. Slow down, Yuki," Takeru blurts out. "Can't let my sweet Taku, be late now can I," Yuki said softly. Yuki winked at Takeru and Takeru blushed turning his head away smiling. Yuki and Takeru flung open the 1st hour door, out of breath and the late bell rung. "You gentlemen are late," said the teacher. "S-sorry," said Takeru. "Please stand infront of the class and introduce yourselves," the teacher said. "Tch, I'll go first," Yuki said carelessly walking to the board and looking at the class. "Good morning class, my name is Yuki Shihiro, and I'd appreciate it if you don't tease or play with my pet," Yuki said with a low intimidating voice. Yuki smiled so sweetly, all the guys blushed, then one classmate blurted out, "What pet?!" The teacher looked at Yuki as well for the answer, Yuki smirked and pointed at Takeru, and all eyes were on Takeru. Takeru started to fidget around nervously. "Wow, he's so cute", one classmate shouted. "He looks like a girl," said another classmate. Takeru stood beside Yuki and tried to quiet his nerves, "M-my name is Takeru Asuka, um.. please take care of me." Takeru bows, squeezing his eyes shut, regretting the embarrassing introduction and Yuki pats Takeru's head gently. "Takeru sit by me," two classmates shouted out. "No here," a bunch more classmates shouted.

"Calm down, I will pick what seats Takeru and Yuki have," said the teacher. The teacher glimpsed at Takeru then Yuki and smirked, "Yuki, row 3, last seat." Yuki turned to look at Takeru then walked to his seat as if he were royalty. "Takeru," the teacher said softly with a sweet smile. Takeru blushed and couldn't help but smile back. "1st row, 1st seat, okay," the teacher said. Takeru went and sat in his seat and turned to look at Yuki, his face seemed stern and irritated. "So we got our seats," the teacher said. Yuki rose his hand interrupting, "I can't see Takeru from here, can I move up a seat?" The class snickered and the teacher smirked walking to the board, beginning to write his name. "For those of you who just arrived, my name is Mr. Hinami," said the teacher. "Hi-na-mi...," Takeru said softly. Hinami walked to Takeru's desk and gave a charming smile to Takeru and said, "Correct, Mr. Asuka." Hinami looked at Yuki and smirked and asked, "Is there something you'd like to say, Mr. Shihiro?" Yuki laughed and smiled looking at Hinami and said, "Nothing at all, Hi-na." Hinami twitched and grinned then asked, "Yuki, can we talk after class?" "Of course," Yuki said. "Good", Hinami said. "Hmm..," Takeru said while staring at Mr. Hinami, he could pass as a god. "Hinami had long hair like Yuki but his hair had chocolate-brown curls in it that complimented his soothing light-brown eyes. He wasn't skinny and lanky like other teachers, I had. He was thin and built he truly did look like a god," Takeru said to himself. Hinami noticed Takeru was staring at him and smiled, Takeru started to blush while Yuki sat still with a poker face in the back. "Today class, I need to know if you have cameras you can bring from home or if I need to provide you with one," Hinami said aloud. Hinami goes down his student list, and stops at Takeru's name first and looks at him. "Takeru, do you need a camera," Hinami asked. "Umm..y-yes," Takeru said shyly. "Okay, then I can provide you with one," Hinami said while smiling. Yuki clicked his tongue and blurted out, "I can get him a camera!!" "No I don't want to be in your debt Yuki," Takeru said. Yuki folded his arms and let Hinami go down the list and finish.

"We have 15 minutes left of class, I want you to look through the photography book and notice how photographers use different techniques to capture the life in their photos." "Because tomorrow, we're going to go outside in groups and take photos," Hinami said. Hinami sat in his desk focused typing on his laptop, Takeru began to get excited for tomorrow and suddenly a wide smile popped on his face. "Mr. Hinami, can we read with partners," asked one classmate already paired with another. Hinami looked up and sighed nodding his head, Takeru turned his head to look at Yuki, to see if he was on his way to his desk. Yuki met Takeru's gaze and Takeru read Yuki's lips: "Come here." Takeru clicked his tongue and got up, moving towards Yuki. "Will you be my partner, Yu-ki," Takeru asked looking down with his cheeks burning red. Yuki put a hand on his mouth to hide his laughter then smirked patting a spot on his leg for Takeru to sit on and Takeru's eyes widened. "N-nnoooo.. I can sit in that empty desk beside you...," Takeru said softly feeling the classroom's eyes glued on him and Yuki. Yuki stared at Takeru with yearning lingering in his eyes and he pulled Takeru onto his lap and wrapped his arms around his waist then laid his head on Takeru's shoulder and licked up Takeru's ear slowly with his hot, wet tongue and then whispered roughly, "Do I need to train you, Takeru?" "Do I have to punish my cute pet...," Yuki whispered. Yuki bit and sucked on Takeru's ear and Takeru flinched and shuddered, turning red and panting heavily, shaking his head. "I'll behave Yuki, so please stop...please..everyone is looking...", Takeru whimpered softly and Yuki brushed his finger against Takeru's cheek, and looked at Takeru with hunger in his emerald-green eyes. "Don't make me like this, or you'll think I'm cruel, my cute pet," Yuki whispered softly in Takeru's ear then smirked, everyone in the class was blushing and started to look away when Mr. Hinami came to Yuki's desk looking at Takeru then Yuki. "Mr. Shihiro, a lap is not a seat for your partner, and let go of Takeru, your scaring him!" Takeru looked at Hinami embarrassed and tried to get off of Yuki but Yuki tightened his grip on

"Yuki, let go of me," Takeru shouted. "Let go of him now Yuki," Hinami said sternly. Yuki looked at Takeru's watery eyes and clicked his tongue looking away and loosening his grip and Takeru got up and stood beside Hinami clutching his sleeve. Hinami looked down at Takeru and brushed a finger across a tear coming down on Takeru's cheek and caught it on his finger and licked it off. Takeru blushed harder and then looked down, "Hinami can I please go wash my face," Takeru asked quietly. "Yes you may, Takeru take your time," Hinami said gently and patted Takeru's head and Takeru was on his way. Yuki's face looked pained and then Hinami gave a nasty glare at Yuki making Yuki flinch and tighten his fists. Yuki got up from his seat and punched Mr. Hinami on his right cheek hard and Hinami stumbled a bit and smirked then the bell rang. Yuki's eyes looked like it was glowing a violent green color and Hinami noticed and he said, "Class get out, there's nothing to see here." The class whispered and left the room frantically and Takeru was just heading back to class, and he heard two boys whisper: "King Yuki looked so scary, I can't believe he punched Hinami in the face. I know, right? I thought Hinami was going to fight back but he is a respected teacher to just take a hit like that and do nothing." Takeru's eyes widened in horror and he ran inside the classroom and saw Hinami smiling running his fingers through Yuki's hair and Yuki looking down letting him. Takeru became flustered and walked right in and grabbed Yuki's arm and looked at Hinami. "What were you two doing," Takeru asked hysterically. Yuki blinked and Hinami started to laugh out uncontrollably, Takeru looked at Hinami confused. "Since Mr. Shihiro punched me I thought it was a great opportunity to make him do me a favor that I have asked him many times to do but he has rejected. "What is it," Takeru asked curious.

Yuki looked away and Hinami patted his cheek and smiled, "To become a model for me." Takeru's eyes widened in shock and he looked at Yuki, and said, "Ooohhh...!" I won't expell him if he models for me, but he still is reluctant to agree fully to this proposition, said Hinami sadly. "Why should I model for a pervert like you, I bet you watch porno on your laptop," Yuki said smirking. Takeru squeezed Yuki's arm tightly and then looked at Hinami and blushed while shouting, "What about me standing in place for Yuki?!? "EH," Yuki said in shock. Hinami smirked in pleasure at the idea and said, "Really?" Yes, but Yuki won't be expelled if I model in his place," Takeru said proud fully. "Hmm, okay, sounds like a reasonable deal", Hinami said. Yuki pulled Takeru aside and whispered lightly, "Your my pet, Takeru and I own you. Your not modeling for him, he is attracted to you, do you not see that?! He obviously knew this was gonna happen and now he thinks I'm gonna let him take you from me, he must be.." "Yuki! I won't be your pet if your expelled, baka," Takeru shouted. Yuki looked at Takeru and sighed wrapping his arms around him and said softly, "I feel like I'm giving my pet away to a perverted vet." Takeru blushed and couldn't help but laugh and looked up at Yuki and said, "This is punishment for touching your pet the wrong way, huh." Yuki grunted and smirked, "Fine..but if I hear he's touching you or anything, he's dead." Yuki smiled innocently and Takeru got shivers, they went back and Takeru agreed to the deal.

"Thanks so much, Takeru, I now have an even more beautiful model to capture with my hands," Hinami whispered and Takeru blushed and smiled nervously. Yuki looked at Hinami and folded his arms, wondering if he let a annoying dog play a little too much with his pet.
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Love Me and You'll Be Okay Chapter 3 yay!!