Love Me and You'll Be Okay!

CHAPTER 4: Kaname's Got No Luck

CHAPTER 4: Kaname's Got No Luck

"Hey Kaname, what do you think of King Yuki's little pet, Takeru", Hiro asked while drinking his carton of chocolate-milk through a straw at their lunch table. Kaname flinched and then smirked, brushing Hiro's cheek with his finger and saying, "If he was cute as you, then I'd be little worried but he's not, he's just a new toy to Yuki anyway Hiro." Hiro blushed red and slurped loudly on his straw and Kaname pulled Hiro's cheek, and Hiro started whining. "Ooowwww Ow Ow, Kaname," Hiro shouted. "You know that annoys me, Hiro," Kaname said while pulling and stretching Hiro's cheeks. "I gwot it, I gwot it," Hiro said in cheek-pulling pain language. Kaname's lips started to curve into a smile and he even started to laugh genuinely and Hiro blushed thinking Kaname looked so cute. Everyone in the cafeteria was silent and they're eyes were glued at Kaname's smile and laughter, Kaname felt many eyes on him and stopped and noticed this sudden outburst on his part and started to blush in embarrassment and he lowered his head then even started to fidget. Hiro smiled and giggled and then wraped an arm around Kaname's neck and shouted out, "I'm sorry my brother, Kaname is so shy at times but as you can see he does have his cute moments doesn't he?" The boys whispered compliments over the two brothers and boys started to question if Kaname is really that scary and quiet.

Kaname was grinding his teeth and looked up at Hiro making Hiro flinch at his glare and notice how it became more intense when light from the school windows hit Kaname's glasses giving it a intense glare. "S-sorry, Kaname, GAHHH don't hurt me or my cheeks," Hiro yelled. "Eh, why aren't you hurting," Hiro said then he looked at Kaname gazing at Yuki and Takeru entering the lunchroom together, Hiro frowned looking at Kaname's face and then Hiro slurped his milk quietly. "Do you want me to invite them to our table, Kaname," Hiro asked softly then added a fake laugh and said, "I bet you could get more dirt on Takeru." Kaname turned to Hiro and smiled then said, "Yeah but make sure you don't anger Yuki again." Hiro flinched and smiled, "Wouldn't dream of it, Kaname." Hiro got up from the table and made his way to Yuki and Takeru and he led them to him and Kaname's table, then Hiro said, "Here is our table!" Takeru smiled and Hiro grabbed Takeru's hands and pushed Kaname's tray aside and sat him right next to him. Yuki smiled sweetly and said, "Nooo No no buddy, that's not gonna work." Hiro flinched and looked at Yuki's scary glare and he laughed nervously, "That's right hahaha... the master sits next to his pet... S-sorry Yuki, Kaname made me do it," Hiro whined.

Kaname flinched and sighed, Yuki stared at him and walked up to Kaname and leaned to his ear and whispered lightly, "I don't play the bottom part so don't like me." Kaname flinched and looked at Yuki's devilish snake-green eyes and smirked, Yuki flinched when Kaname ran through Yuki's beautiful blond hair and then kissed it gently, and said "I'm used to being underneath you, King Yu-ki" Yuki blushed lightly in embarrassment and smacked Kaname's hand away from him and called out to Takeru angrily. Hiro and Takeru were talking so much they weren't even paying attention to Yuki nor Kaname, and Yuki got even more pissed. Kaname smirked and looked at Yuki, "I heard about the fight you had with Mr. Hinami, you should let the pet runaway if it's being bad to its owner, Yuki." Yuki paused folded his arms, ignoring Kaname's smirk and looking at Takeru and then saying, "I just need to train him and make my pet obey his Master. Right now I'm just letting him get used to his new home, is all Kaname. So no need to worry about my pet but how's your pet doing?" Kaname laughed and looked at Yuki and said, "I don't own any pets." Yuki smirked and let out a little laugh and looked at Hiro and said, "Oh really, my bad then..I thought you did." Kaname positioned his glasses and stared at Yuki heading towards his table and clicked his tongue and said to himself softly , "I will have a stuck up princess, that I must teach manners though." Y-U-K-I," Hiro shouted as Yuki returned to the table and Takeru blushed seeing Yuki look only at him while walking back. Hiro moved automatically with his and Kaname's tray and moved to the opposite side of the lunch table and Yuki smiled and patted Hiro's head.

"Thanks Hiro, I didn't even have to hurt you," Yuki said smiling and Hiro laughed and smiled. Kaname came back and sat with Hiro and watched as Yuki sat beside Takeru and made him feed him like he was royalty and he did a little laugh. "What's wrong, Kaname," Hiro whispered lightly to Kaname and Kaname smiled blankly and ruffled up Hiro's hair as he stared blankly at him. Hiro blushed and clung to Kaname's arm and rubbed his head on his arm softly and looked up at Kaname and spoke low enough for Kaname to hear, "I love you." Kaname flinched and brushed his arm away from Hiro rashly as he looked away and then smiled back then said to him softly, "Of course, you love your brother." Hiro turned red in embarrassment and clicked his tongue as picked up his tray and threw it away then headed to the bathroom in a hurry. Takeru looked at Kaname and then noticed Hiro was gone and asked, "Where is Hiro, Kaname?" "Don't call me by my first name, like your familar with me Azuka," Kaname said coldly as he got up and took his tray to the trash and headed to the bathroom as well. Takeru's eyes widened and he became a little pale and frowned a bit and Yuki clicked his tongue and lifted Takeru's chin up and Takeru whined pushing him away and Yuki kissed Takeru's forehead lightly then hugged Takeru gently. "You did nothing wrong, Takeru," Yuki said in the most gentle and soft voice. Takeru blushed and clung to Yuki tighter and said softly, "Yuki." "I'm such a good Master, huh..Takeru," Yuki said and Takeru pouted then pushed away from him and looked away blushing while touching his forehead and said, "Your not so bad, I guess." Yuki smiled and put his hand under his chin and tilted his head to look at Takeru and said, "Your such a cute pet." Takeru blushed redder and pouted, about to get up and throw his lunch tray away when Yuki handed him his too. "EH," Takeru grunted looking at Yuki's devilish grin and started a temper tantrum.

"I don't want to take your tray away do it yourself," Takeru said carelessly and Yuki's eyebrow twitched and he began to smile innocently and he gave Takeru a threatening smirk that sent Takeru throwing both trays away. Hiro was in the boys bathroom in a stall crying, wiping his tears frantically, and then he heard the door open and he became silent as Kaname walked in and paused for a second then looked at the occupied stall and laid his head on the door and said softly, "Hiro, you know I love you." Hiro hiccuped and shouted, "Baka, I really love you more than a brother, Kaname, I like you and you just push me out the way when Yuki is in the picture and I can't take this pain I feel anymore, Kaname. It hurts so much that you remind me everyday that I am your blood brother." Hiro cries louder and whimpers and Kaname makes the stall door open with force and picks up Hiro and holds him tightly in his arms, and says in a soft voice, "I'm so sorry...Hiro." Hiro's eyes water more and he hits Kaname's back with all his might and says, "I hate you, I hate you so much, Kaname!" Hiro slowly stopped hitting Kaname and held onto Kaname more tighter and whimpered and then whispered softly in Kaname's ear, "Your mine..not anybody elses."

Takeru blushed while looking through the hole of the bathroom door and shuddered and said, "Kaname...really" Takeru's heart beated hysterically and throbbed painfully and he clutched at his chest in pain as he turned away from the bathroom door and Yuki stood infront of Takeru worried and said, "Takeru, wh-what's wrong?" Takeru looked up at Yuki and said hesitantly, "N-nothing, your face is annoying me, I'm tired of looking at it." Takeru brushed past Yuki on purpose and Yuki turned to look at Takeru's back and then the bathroom door opened with Kaname coming out of it and Yuki clicked his tongue and grabbed Kaname by his tie and Kaname's eyes widened when he saw Yuki's glowing snake-green eyes again. "What did you do to Takeru, Kaname?"
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Love Me and You'll Be Okay Chapter 4 :]
This chapter gets you to know more about Hiro and Kaname the twin brothers, and this chapter may be a little shorter but Chapter 5 will be longer don't worry. ^-^ Hope you guys enjoy it!