Love Me and You'll Be Okay!

CHAPTER 6: The Lovely Kira

CHAPTER 6: The Lovely Kira

It was early in the morning and Takeru was heading towards Hinami's room and he entered his room and saw Hinami turn around and grin wide in anticipation and welcomed him in. "Takeru, I'm so glad you came early before school hehe we're going to have lots of fun," Hinami said in a cheery voice. Takeru nodded nervously as he gave a smile at Hinami then Hinami pulled from behind him cat ears and a tight cat outfit for Takeru to get into and Takeru's eyes widened then his eyebrow twitched as he began to turn pale and yell out, "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" Takeru woke up from in his bed sweating bullets then he sat up breathing hard, shivering and said, "It w-was j-just a-a...b-bad...d-d-dream..." Takeru walked the school halls slowly while rubbing his eyes and reached Hinami's room and walked in and Hinami turned around and grinned wide in anticipation just like in Takeru's nightmare and Takeru flinched then gulped. "Takeru, you look like you got no sleep, that's no good for a model's face," Hinami said softly as he walked up to Takeru and examined his face then said in a low voice, "Yuki didn't try to do anything to you last night, did he?"

Takeru's tired eyes widened and he blushed then shook his head frantically and Hinami laughed then ruffled up Takeru's hair and said gently, "You don't have to model today, you look really tired," then Hinami said, "Were you dreaming about me?" Takeru flinched and laughed nervously then said "N-noo…" "Knock, knock," Kira said while entering the room then he paused when he saw Takeru, then he said, "Oh my, it's the clumsy little cutie from yesterday, Asuka was it?" Takeru's cheeks turned a light-pink when he saw those golden-blond curls and heard the soft angelic-voice from yesterday again. "Ahh, my lovely Kira," Hinami blurted out in excitement and he gave a big bear hug to Kira and Kira whined then laughed in defeat to Hinami's tight bear hug. Hinami smirked in victory then he blinked and looked at Kira and asked, "You've met Takeru, already?" Kira smiled softly and looked at Takeru then nodded slowly and said sarcastically, "Of course, I've met a cutie like him."

"So why is Asuka here anyway," Kira asked curiously. "He's the model that you're going to be working with Kira," Hinami grinned and Kira's eyes widen in shock then lowered slowly and then his lips curved upward into a devilish smirk as he gazed intensely at Takeru making Takeru flinch a bit. "Hmm," Kira smiled and then walked to Takeru, wrapping his arms around Takeru and then dug his nails into Takeru's shoulders and Takeru's eyes widen then he flinches, Kira smirked then whispered softly and roughly in Takeru's ear, "Please take care of me, Takeru." Kira smiled innocently and let go of Takeru then held his hands and looked at Takeru then said in a cheery voice, "You look so cute when you're scared." Takeru looked at Kira and his body was shaking a bit and that made Kira laugh joyfully. Hinami came over to them and grabbed them both, wrapping his arms around both of them and then smiled happily and squished them all closer together then said in a cheery voice, "Let's all get along!" Kira looked at Takeru and smiled sweetly then Takeru began to smile slowly feeling confused and nervous. Hinami let go of them both and turned to Kira and said in a sad voice, "Takeru hardly slept at all last night so he's going to sit out today but you can show him what you can do." "Aw, that's too bad," Kira frowned and then sat on top of a desk and swung his legs impatiently waiting for Hinami to set up his camera then he turned to Takeru and shouted out in a excited manner, "Please watch me, Takeru!" Takeru nodded then scratched at his head gently wondering who exactly is Kira Osaka and then he looked at Kira and Kira noticed Takeru was looking at him deeply then he smiled in satisfaction.

"Okay, we're all ready Kira, just be cute as you always are," Hinami said softly then turned to Takeru and smiled then whispered, "Watch closely." Takeru blinked then looked at Kira, Kira looked totally focused and different he watched as Kira loosened his tie and made himself look casual then unbutton a few buttons and he posed on top of the desk with his fingers through his hair. His eyes were looking right into the camera with a confident and sexual look and attitude then Takeru blushed intensely as he looked away for a moment. Kira smirked in amusement at Takeru's shy and embarrassed nature. Hinami's eyes glowed with excitement as he smiled and gave Kira both compliments and different poses to try.
How am I going to compare to Kira's confidence in modeling, and what will happen when it is time for me to model with Kira?!
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I love Kira haha his personality is kinda like Alois from Kuroshitsuji just a little. So does Kira like Hinami or Takeru? idk lol gonna have to wait a bit and sorry the chapter is short haha but that means more in Chapter 7! D: no Yuki in this one sadly lol don't hurt me!