Love Me and You'll Be Okay!

CHAPTER 7: I want to devour you, Takeru.

CHAPTER 7: I want to devour you, Takeru.

Takeru took a deep breath and then balled his fists tightly then shouted, "I want to try modeling with Kira right now!" Hinami turned in surprise to look at Takeru and Kira was shocked as well then it faded as he smirked feeling impressed and then he turned to Hinami and said, "Yeah, you should go ahead and let Takeru feel comfortable and relaxed when he models with me anyway, so why not let him?" "I don't know, he still looks a bit tired in the eyes, Kira," Hinami said a bit worried as he looked at Takeru then Kira clicked his tongue impatiently then he swung off the top of the desk and wrapped one arm around Takeru then looked at Hinami and smiled then said, "He'll wake up if he's modeling with a beauty like me, no?" Hinami sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair then began to smirk and then he said softly, "You win, but Takeru are you sure?" Takeru smiled then nodded and Kira began to laugh a bit as he grabbed Takeru's hand then looked at him closely and said, "I'll take the lead."

Takeru sat in the desk Kira was on top of and fidgeted in nervousness of what to do and Kira came and grabbed Takeru's tie gently then tugged it close to his chest as he looked at Takeru then he kissed the tie gently. Takeru began to turn red and Hinami giggled a bit then snapped a photo and Takeru stuttered a bit in shock, "D-did y-you take a picture of th-that?!" "Of course, silly," Hinami said flat out as he smiled and signaled to Kira to keep going, and Kira nodded then pulled Takeru's tie making Takeru's head jump forward then Kira leaned closer and closer to Takeru's lips till he was just inches away from it and then he could hear Takeru's loud breathing. Takeru looked away from Kira then glanced back and Kira was staring with desire in his eyes and Takeru was sucked in as he inched closer to Kira then they were both so close it almost looked like they were kissing. Hinami blushed a bit and took the picture then he clapped his hands once and said, "That's enough for today, good job as always Kira and Takeru you looked very beautiful hehe but you need to relax." Takeru snapped out of Kira's hypnotizing eyes right when Hinami clapped and slowly nodded then Kira frowned a bit disappointed then moved towards Hinami stretching out his arms while he walked while Takeru touched his lips and turned red. Kira turned to look at Takeru then he smiled and shouted, "I told ya, I'll make ya awake my sleeping beauty!" Hinami laughed and said, "Don't tease my sweet Takeru so much, Kira." Kira pouted and folded his arms then wrapped his arms around Hinami's neck and kissed his cheek gently then rubbed his cheek against Hinami and said in a playful tone, "Your not cheating on me with little sleeping beauty, are you Hinami?" Hinami smirked and stayed quiet for a couple of moments and Kira got annoyed then started shaking Hinami playfully and called him a baka, a hundred times and he laughed genuinely then Hinami brushed his finger against Kira's cheek and sighed, then said softly, "Baka. Thats for teasing Takeru." "Gahhh, I didn't tease him that badly," Kira said lowly while he pouted then turned and looked around and Takeru was gone.

"Aww, you scared my Takeru away," Hinami said in a teasing way and Kira punched Hinami's head then shouted, "BAKA!" Takeru blushed as he covered his mouth in the scene he saw then went to the infirmary to rest for just a little while before the school fills up with noisy people. Takeru entered and saw a man behind a desk writing and Takeru said softly, "Excuse me." The man turned and smiled and said in a soothing and calm voice, "How may I help you, young man?" Takeru almost had a nosebleed, the nurse had lovely purple eyes and long eyelashes, his skin was a white as powder and his hair was short with silver and white highlights and his glasses made him look very attractive. Takeru walked in and looked down then said shyly, "I didn't sleep too well last night and thought I'd rest here." The nurse smiled gently and stood up and helped Takeru fine a suitable bed to lay in then made sure to give Takeru a glass of water and some medicine to help him doze off easily. He smiled and left Takeru alone to sleep. Takeru blushed feeling a bit special then he closed the curtains around his bed and yawned then slowly got into the bed and began to drift into a dreamy, quiet state. Yuki was on Takeru's bed dressed in a white lab coat and his hair was up in a ponytail that drifted onto his shoulders beautifully and he wore sexy framed glasses that suited him then he leaned down to Takeru's ear and said in a raspy voice, "I need to examine you." Takeru blushed and pushed at Yuki's chest and began to feel hot again like the other time Yuki had touched him then he breathed fast and gently. "Please..don't," Takeru said softly into his pillow and began to drool a bit then he felt a hand touch his shoulder and his eyes flung open in surprise as he turned and saw the nurse standing there uncomfortably, itching his head trying to act like he didn't see anything. Takeru came back to reality and then wiped his drool off his mouth frantically then blushed hard looking down in embarrassment and looked away, the nurse giggled as he" covered his mouth and said softly, "Excuse me, ... but it's 1st period now." "Oh. Thanks for telling me, I'll be going now," Takeru said low and softly as he got up from the bed and hurried out the infirmary and the nurse smiled then got back to his desk. Takeru hurried to Hinami's room and noticed a sign on the door: Period 1 is outside taking photos. Takeru rushed down the stairs and hurried to the the side exit doors and rushed outside when the sun hit his eyes making him flinch. Then saw a group by some flowers and trees and he ran towards them then stopped when he was close enough and bent down and panted heavily trying to catch his breath. "Takeru," Yuki shouted. Yuki rushed to his side with his hair swinging in a long beautiful blond ponytail just like his dream then Takeru stood and stretched a bit then looked up and blushed red when he saw Yuki's ponytail and then he asked, "Why did you put your hair up, Yuki?" Yuki blinked and touched his ponytail and said, "Does it look weird, I just put it up because it's hot out today." Takeru couldn't stop from gazing at Yuki then he pouted as he folded his arms and then said shyly, "It looks good on you." Yuki blinked then began to smile as he covered his lips with his finger trying not to laugh and Takeru looked at him ans got annoyed then shouted, "Never mind, I take it back!" "Aww, Takeru your so adorable when your mad like that," Yuki said with a charming and sweet voice then he wrapped his arms around Takeru and rubbed his cheek on Takeru then asked softly in Takeru's ear, "Where have you been?" Takeru blushed when he remembered the events from this morning then said nervously, "I was modeling for Hinami this morning." Yuki's eyebrow twitched and he squeezed Takeru a little tighter then smiled innocently and said, "Why do you look so tired, what did he do.." Takeru turned and kissed Yuki on the cheek softly and Yuki blinked then turned red and then he rubbed his cheek shyly. "Don't worry, Yuki, I'm your pet," Takeru said as his face began to turn from pink to a scarlet-red. Yuki smiled and grabbed Takeru's hand and lead him to the group and Hinami smiled wide then waved at Takeru making Takeru hide behind Yuki. "Eh, Takeru," Yuki said surprised and then Hinami walked towards them and pouted thne lowered down and turned to see Takeru behind Yuki then frowned and said in a sad dramatic voice, "Takeru, did I scare you away this morning?"

Yuki's fist twitched and Hinami itched his head trying to figure out how to make it sound like he didn't make a move on Takeru then Takeru came from behind Yuki and held his hands together fidgeting then looked up at Hinami and said, "No, I was just kinda surprised when you and Kira...." Yuki rubbed his fists together and cracked his neck then smiled innocently at Hinami and started to speak softly then his voice turned to shouting, "Hinami and this Kira person grouped together and tried to play with my pet, that's my job to make him cry and ask for more not yours!" Hinami began to laugh with his hands raised up in the air like he was innocent then he said teasingly to Yuki, "We'll we did get some beautiful photos out of Takeru this morning, he just had to relax a bit to get comfortable." Takeru turned red in embarrassment to how the conversation looked like in people's minds and he tried to speak but Yuki cut him off. Takeru is not being your model anymore for your perverted uke loving ass! Hinami flinched then smirked amused and grabbed Yuki's tie and pulled him close to him then said in a raspy, seductive voice, "I would really love to see you being the uke, Yuki I would have so many poses and outfits for you to wear, I think you'd look lovely hehe and this ponytail really is tempting me." Yuki turned pale and remained motionless then Takeru poked his arm and nothing happened and then he poked again and laughed a bit then Hinami turned to Takeru and asked with a worried motherly look, "Did you get enough sleep in the infirmary?" Takeru blushed then nodded and Hinami ruffled up Takeru's hair relieved then Takeru asked, "What's that pretty nurse's name?" Hinami blushed red and covered his mouth then said low and shyly, "His name is.. Ibuki Tadase..." Takeru noticed Hinami's face was red and then noticed Yuki was laughing menacingly as he began to smirk devilishly then he said, "I'll tell you who Ibuki is, hehe Takeru, Ibuki is the one that is making Hinami...." Hinami coughed and flicked Yuki's forehead with intense force and Yuki fell to the ground and Takeru lowered down then rubbed Yuki's head softly and asked frantically if Yuki was okay. Hinami smiled then said innocently to Takeru, "He'll be fine, Takeru." Hinami patted Takeru's head and handed Takeru a old vintage camera then waved bye and headed to the rest of the group to take questions. Yuki's eyes began to open and he clicked his tongue at the minor sting on his forehead but smiled when he saw Takeru above him with a worried face then he turned to his side and pouted, "Don't see your Master like this." Takeru laughed and took a picture of Yuki's broad and long beautiful back then blushed and looked away. "Takeru, just ask me next time if you want to take a picture of my butt, jeez..," Yuki said teasingly and Takeru blushed then shouted, "I would never take a picture of your butt!!!" "I just accidentally clicked the shutter button on the camera is all," Takeru said low and softly messing with the camera in a shy way. Yuki turned to look at him then he grabbed the camera and pulled Takeru onto the grass and Takeru landed on Yuki's chest nice and softly then Yuki said in a cheery and low voice, "Say I love Yuki!" Takeru blushed and turned his head to look at Yuki to protest and the camera flashed catching Yuki smiling and Takeru blushing while pouting and looking at Yuki. "I think that'll be a cute picture...," Yuki said while messing with the camera and Takeru blushed then sat up and folded his arms, "I wasn't ready." "Yuki, since I'm modeling in place for you can I take a f-few pictures of you...," Takeru said while scratching at his head trying to look like he wasn't blushing. Yuki smiled softly and said, "Of course." Takeru blushed then smiled at Yuki and then started directing Yuki where to pose at and Yuki stood beside a tree and folded his arms looking at the sky and began slowly to smile softly making Takeru blush and become awestruck for a moment then Yuki's eyebrow twitched and he turned to Takeru and shouted, "Did you take the picture yet!?" Takeru looked down at the camera and the film was still full and he said, "N-no, I wasn't ready!" Yuki sighed then walked up to Takeru and frowned and looked at Takeru and said softly, "Can't I take cute pictures of my pet?"

Takeru blushed then looked at Yuki's puppy dog eyes and smiled then laughed, "Yes." Yuki started to direct Takeru seriously and Takeru blushed red in embarrassment as he slid off his uniform blazer then looked up at Yuki with watery and red cheeks. Yuki smirked devilishly and snapped a picture as Takeru put a hand over his mouth and blushed shying away making Yuki smile and take many snapshots of Takeru. Takeru blushed and felt like Yuki's deep emerald-green eyes were staring through him then he began to get hot and Takeru touched his chest as he groaned softly while Yuki still stared directly and only at him. It feel like Yuki was consuming all of Takeru's heart and it made Takeru's heart beat with yearning and excitement.

Yuki paused and smirked in a evil way as he crouched down onto the grass and leaned forward and crawled up to Takeru's neck and pressed his soft moist lips against Takeru's neck lightly at first then roughly like a beast in a matter of seconds. Takeru's eyes widened and his body was ready and wanting Yuki's dangerous and strong body to grab a hold making Takeru moan softly and high in Yuki's ear. That sent Yuki smashing his lips against Takeru's and Takeru felt Yuki's powerful body pour on top of him in a way that made Takeru's body shake then grow weak. Hinami was under a tree and smirked in satisfaction as he snapped a digital picture of a beast devouring an uke then he sighed as he covered his mouth and looked away, "Sorry my sweet Takeru, but opportunities like these hardly ever come to a photographer like me." The group of students blushed while watching with Hinami and nodded in agreement then Yuki looked at Takeru with eyes of a hungry beast and Takeru blushed red as the sun hit Takeru's eyes again it snapped Takeru out of Yuki's seductive eyes and he grabbed Yuki's arm gently and whispered, "We should stop." Yuki's eyes widened then softened and then he kissed Takeru's forehead softly to agree and then he heard booing from behind him. Hinami frowned and Yuki blushed and clicked his tongue. Hinami walked toward them and the class followed behind Hinami while Takeru started to get his school blazer back on and Yuki had a death glare locked on Hinami making Hinami feel loved and special. Hinami helped Takeru up and looked at Yuki then said teasingly, "Yuki, your a pervert." Yuki flinched and began to laugh insanely and he cracked his fists and shouted, "You better watch your back, Hinami!" Hinami smirked and said while waving goodbye to Yuki, "I think you should watch your back actually, Yu-ki." Yuki blushed and smirked, pounding his fist into the grass and said to himself, "I'm going to kick that guy's ass one day...I swear it..."

Hinami looked down at Takeru and whispered lightly in his ear, "You have a hickey on your neck..." Takeru blushed and rubbed all around his neck in embarrassment making Hinami smile and say to himself, "I love my job." Yuki and Takeru reunited at lunch and they were quiet while they headed towards Kaname and Hiro's lunch table and they sat still making Hiro look from Takeru to Yuki and blurt out in shock, "EH?!" Kaname looked from a book he was reading deep into and noticed it was unusually quiet then blinked when he saw Yuki and Takeru quiet, and he smirked then said sarcastically, "I knew it was only a fling." Hiro leaned in and waved his hand infront of Yuki's face and Yuki bit his finger making Hiro shout out in pain and whimper. Kaname turned Hiro to face him as he looked at Hiro's finger through his glasses then he leaned in and pressed his lips against Hiro's finger gently and kissed it as Hiro turned red. Kaname let go of Hiro's finger and Hiro stared at his finger like it was his rival. It was quiet for 5 minutes and Kaname started to get annoyed and then slammed his book down on the table and stood up making everyone in the lunchroom stare at Kaname then Kaname coughed and sat back down politely. Hiro frowned and then shuddered and whispered to Kaname, "This is weird..." Yuki glanced through his right eye at Takeru and he still had a bit of lust wandering in his green eyes. Takeru peered away feeling Yuki's eyes on him. Hiro grabbed Kaname's arm and lead him to another empty table freaked out by Yuki and Takeru, Kaname blushed and followed Hiro. "Hey..Takeru," Yuki said in a raspy voice. "W-what is it, Yuki..," Takeru said blushing and shutting his eyes tightly looking away. "I'm hungry, Takeru," Yuki said low and softly as he turned and leaned in closer to Takeru. Takeru blushed and his body started to quiver then he said calmly while looking away, "Then go get some food..." Yuki shook his head and Takeru turned and looked at him then shuddered when he saw Yuki's lustful eyes and he stuttered while asking, "W-What do you w-want...?"

"I want to devour you so badly, Takeru..," Yuki whispered in Takeru's ear breathlessly and Takeru heard Yuki's breath grow heavily making him blush beet-red. "I-i'm sorry I can't help you feed th-that kind of hunger," Takeru said nervously looking away. Yuki grabbed Takeru's hand from under the table and forced his hand to touch Yuki's lower body that was growing hard and Takeru snatched his hand away as he turned away from Yuki his body shaking uncontrollably. Yuki's face hardened as he stood up and stood behind Takeru then leaned into Takeru's ear, "I'll see you in class.." Yuki ran his fingers through Takeru's hair slowly and then walked away and Takeru wrapped his arms around himself and shuddered at his body's high temperature. Fifth period began and Yuki already was in a seat by the window and Takeru walked in and was surprised to see the teacher was a female with long red curls and she wore dark red lipstick to match with it and then Takeru asked, "Do we have assigned seats?" She smiled and said in a lovely voice, "No, you may sit anywhere you like, but if you and Yuki skip class again you will have assigned seats." Takeru laughed nervously and then felt his body move backwards as Hiro wrapped one arm around Takeru and smile wide. "Ah, I see you and Yuki finally showed up to class, hehe," Hiro said teasingly. Takeru smiled and nodded then Kaname grabbed Hiro and they sat next to each other in the front row. The other students began to pile in and Takeru decided to sit in front of Yuki, he sat down then sighed as he looked out the window. Fifteen minutes into class and the door opens loudly and in walks in Kira Osaka smiling as he walked with poise into the room and the teacher began to turn red when she saw Kira's smiling face. She sighed and Kira began to sweet talk her with his puppy-dog eyes then she decided to let him go with a warning. Kira paused and looked around then smiled wide and blurted out, "My beautiful Takeru is in the same class as me, hehe it's like destiny." Takeru blushed and forced his head down as he hid his face and then he heard light footsteps come toward him, he felt Kira poke at his head teasingly. Then he looked up and Kira smiled innocently and said, "Hi!" Yuki picked up his pencil and bit at the tip of the eraser, feeling annoyed and Kira eyed him and he began to smirk then blush, "Oh my, is this the King Yuki I've been hearing so much about, hmph he's not as beautiful as me..though.." Kira pouted and took a seat in front of Takeru then turned and waved at Takeru making Takeru blush and look at the window. Kira laughed enjoying Takeru's cuteness. Hiro and Kaname looked at each other and said in a twin like way, "This is gonna be a long period."
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This is my fav chapter so far!! Hehe love chapter 7 haha like everyone is in this chapter and this chapter is long and many things happen in this chapter wooot! Please continue to support and love this series!