Falling in Love with Fangs!

CHAPTER 1: I'm Getting A Bad Feeling!

Falling in Love with Fangs!
CHAPTER 1: I'm Getting A Bad Feeling!

I don't like this new teacher we got all of a sudden, he's so suspicious-looking I can't help but stare at him... His eyes are crimson-red even if he tries to hide the color of his eyes behind his framed-black glasses; they are a bit scary if you look at them for too long it's almost as if they are following your every move. He's pretty young looking for a middle-aged man, he almost looks like a high school student, how is that…? His eyelashes are long and his hair is short and messy, his black hair really makes his eyes pop out more. He is very pale and looks tired all the time; I bet he has bags under his eyes when he comes to school. To make it even more suspicious his name is Masashi Kurotsuki, in Japanese it means "Elegant Black Moon." I don't know maybe, I'm thinking too much since I was forced to watch a vampire movie with my younger sister last night… "Lily Shizuka", Masashi shouted as he walked by her desk, smacking his ruler across her desk loudly, making her jump in her seat. "Y-yes", Lily blurted out in surprise as she looked up at the tall scary, Masashi. Masashi began to smirk slowly then said, "I was doing attendance and I called for your name, Ms. Shizuka." Lily blinked and looked down and muttered softly, "I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention…"

Masashi lifted Lily's chin up with his ruler slowly and she glared at him then Masashi said softly, "If you weren't paying attention to me then why were you staring at me, Ms. Shizuka?" Everyone in class whispered and Lily turned red in embarrassment and shouted, "It's not what you think, you just look...strange to me, Mr. Kurotsuki." Masashi smiled and lowered his ruler and stared into Lily's brown eyes then said softly, "Whatever the case, please refrain from staring at people, it's very rude, Ms. Shizuka." Lily nodded and she looked down at her notebook to avoid the eyes of her classmates, then she folded her arms, staring at Masashi write on the blackboard. She stuck her tongue out at him and Masashi stopped writing and smiled feeling amused then said aloud, "Ms. Shizuka, stick your tongue out at me again and you'll be staying after class with me and my ruler~" Lily flinched and her eye's widened and she said to herself, "He couldn't have saw me!?" Lily was quiet for the rest of the time in class and the bell rung, everyone rushed out the room and Lily finished packing up.

She was about to leave out the doorway, when she felt a ruler brush the side of her neck gently and she shuddered. "Ms. Shizuka", Masashi whispered softly, and Lily squeezed her fists and turned around and said feeling annoyed, "What?!" Masashi smirked devilishly as he lifted a long scarlet-red strand of Lily's hair, running his fingers through it and letting it fall down onto her chest lightly. "I hope that we'll get along better tomorrow, Lily-chan~" Lily blushed red and left the classroom quickly and stopped by a nearby water fountain and splashed water on her face. "He's very suspicious", Lily muttered softly as she touched a long strand of her red hair gently.

Lily walked out the main school entrance, sighing loudly as she carried a backpack full of books. She went down the front school steps and stopped when she hit the ground and turned her head around. She scanned around and felt someone was watching her then she started to walk home when one of her friends came behind her and hugged her. Lily jumped and she turned around and shouted, "You almost scared me to death, Ayumi-chan!" Ayumi giggled and then walked beside Lily then said excitedly, "I heard your new English teacher is a hottie~" Lily's eyebrow twitched in anger at the thought of Masashi then she looked at Ayumi and said, "He's really not; he's a big-headed and stubborn teacher!" Ayumi blinked in surprise at Lily's response and then her cell phone started to ring. Lily grunted loudly and said, "Let me guess it's your boyfriend, taking you home again?" Ayumi laughed nervously and then hugged Lily and said, "Sorry Lily, umm…maybe we can walk home together tomorrow?" Lily sighed and smiled, "Fine, you better hurry Ayumi." Ayumi smiled wide and nodded as she waved good-bye to Lily as she headed back the opposite direction of Lily. Lily started walking down the sidewalk and a couple of minutes into it she ended up at a stop sign and she saw a black car pull up and stop. Lily ignored the car until it honked at her, she looked at the car window slowly slide down and it was Mr. Kurotsuki waving at her. Her eyes widened and she began to walk fast but he honked at her again, she bit down on her lip feeling frustrated then she walked up to the car window. "What do you want, Mr. Kurotsuki," she asked with a fake smile on her face. Masashi smiled and said, "I wanted to know if you wanted a ride home, since I'm headed the direction you're going anyway." Lily smiled and said, "No, thank-you." "Are you scared, Lily-chan," Masashi said teasingly. Lily's cheeks turned red and she yelled, "No, I'm not and don't call me Lily-chan!"

She walked around to the other front passenger seat, opening the car door and sliding herself into the car seat. Masashi looked away covering his mouth, trying to hide his laugher and she clicked in her seatbelt and folded her arms, pouting quietly. Masashi got control over himself and started to drive and then he asked Lily, "Do you act like this at home?" Lily sunk low in her seat and looked at the car window, ignoring Masashi then she asked softly, "Do you like scary movies?" "I'll answer your question once you answer mine," Masashi said sarcastically. Lily muttered, "Smartass." Masashi smirked and stopped the car all of the sudden and Lily gasped moving forward and backward in her seat. Masashi turned and stared at her intensely, "Ms. Shizuka, I can turn this car around and make you have detention with me, so this is your last warning." Lily blushed red when she looked into Masashi's seductive-red eyes and she leaned in closer to him without knowing and Masashi flicked her nose. Ow, Lily shouted and Masashi said teasingly, "You're too young for me, Ms. Shizuka, grow up a bit more and then you can kiss my lips~" Lily blinked and her fist twitched and she punched Masashi in the face then she stared at her fist.

Mr. Kurotsuki, I-I didn't m-mean too, Lily said nervously as she stared at Masashi repositioning his glasses then he looked at Lily in the corner of his eye and that sent shivers down Lily's spine. Masashi smirked and revved up the car and did a U-turn. He speeded down the streets and Masashi said softly, "I warned you~" Lily gripped her car seat at the thought of what Masashi would do to her in detention and Masashi gripped the steering wheel with a wide smirk on his face. "I'm getting a bad feeling about this," Lily thought in her head.