Status: One-shot. Complete. Won Second Place!

Give Me Some More


I watched him from behind my book, my eyes following his every move. I ignored the musty smell of the old volumes surrounding me, focussing only on him. I always only focussed on him. I can’t help it. There’s just something about him that keeps me captivated. It’s not just the colourful tattoos on his chest and arms that are usually hidden by long sleeve shirts, and the warmest blue eyes I’ve ever seen, along with the friendliest smile. Not to mention he’s absolutely gorgeous. Broad shoulders, tall, thin hips, brown hair just on the right side of messy, and just enough facial hair to look cool. And don’t even get me started on his glasses. So adorable! Not many people can pull off glasses, but he really can.

And he doesn’t even know my name.

“So this is where you disappear to every day after school!”

I shrieked softly and spun around in surprise, glaring at my two best friends Theresa and Martin. Then I blushed deeply. Shit, they’ve found me out!

“How did you even find me?” I asked, chewing my lip rings.

“We followed your car. You didn’t turn right out of school, you turned left. You’re really not that sneaky, mate,” Martin snickered.

“The library, Jamie? Really? I didn’t even know you could read!” Theresa giggled, plopping down next to me, her long bright blue hair swishing from side to side.

I scowled and rolled my eyes. If they only knew why I was really at the library…

“Hmm, you’re not really here to read, are you, Jamie?” Martin smirked, sitting down on my other side.

“Why else would anyone go to the library?” I sighed.

“For the insanely hot tattooed librarian sitting at the front desk. Who happens to be directly in your eye line. Who also happens to be looking right this way right now,” Martin smirked even harder.

I blushed deeply and flicked my eyes up. Sure enough, the librarian I’ve been watching was staring at me us. His name is Dylan and he’s 23, only 5 years older than my 18. I only know this because I come here so much that I overhear him talking to the other librarians. Y’know, when those old women ever feel decent enough to talk to him. I don’t understand what their problem is with Dylan. He’s one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met, he really is. So charming and polite. Not only that, but because I’m usually one of the last people in the library, Dylan sometimes puts a book on my table for me to take home. I asked him why he did it once, and all he said was that he thought I’d like it. If that’s not thoughtful and compassionate, I don’t know what is!

“He’s coming over! Ooh, he must like you too!” Theresa squealed.

I blushed again. He probably heard that. Shit, Dylan really is coming over here! W-Why is he? He never comes over!

“If you two aren’t going to read quietly, can you leave?” he said quietly, but firmly.

“Excuse me?” Martin shot back, raising an eyebrow.

Don’t make a scene, Martin. Don’t make a scene.

“You’re disturbing the peace. Quiet down or leave,” Dylan replied calmly, staring my obnoxious friend down.

Martin narrowed his eyes but stood up, Theresa standing up with him. Martin left without another word but Theresa winked at me with a grin, twirling a strand of blue hair around her finger as she followed him out. I really don’t understand them sometimes. Hang on, Dylan’s still here! What does he want? Shit, he’s not going to throw me out too, right?

So I spoke before he could. “I-I’m sorry about them. They don’t usually come in here and I promise they won’t unless absolutely necessary,” I squeaked.

“Good. I don’t like noisy people in when I’m working. I can’t stand it when people don’t respect and appreciate books, but I’m glad you do,” Dylan said, smiling slightly at me.

I blushed. “Thanks,”

“If you’re staying until closing again, I’ve got another book for you,” Dylan said softly, staring down at me with those baby blues.

I was so close to drowning in his eyes that I almost forgot to reply. All I could do was nod, so Dylan smiled again and walked back to the front desk. If he wants me to stay, then there’s no way I’m going anywhere.

Closing time took so long to come because I kept glancing at the clock, desperate to be able to spend time alone with him. He never talks to me as much as that, so I wonder what changed? Hopefully he’s not going to tell me never to come back. I don’t think I could deal with that. What if he’s figured out that I like him?! I would be completely mortified, I really would. I don’t look like the kind of guy who gets easily embarrassed, but this would…gah, this would humiliate me for weeks. Shit, now I’m even more worried.

But eventually it was only Dylan and I left in the library. I nervously walked up to the front desk, wringing my hands together as he watched me with a soft smile.

“Have you read much Dickens?” Dylan asked hopefully.

“A few things,” I shrugged. Only because he recommended them.

“Great! Okay, have you read David Copperfield?” Dylan asked with the same grin.

I just shook my head. I’m still too nervous to really speak to him. Why does he have to be so perfect?

“It’s about the life of a young boy who lost everything and had to struggle through so much to finally achieve happiness. It’s a great read, if you want it,” Dylan said.

“Sure,” I nodded.

Dylan smiled at me again, looking away to put the book through the computer system before he could see the effect the butterflies in my stomach were giving me. I noticed that my palms were sweating a little, so I subtly wiped them on my jeans. Imagine if he’d seen them when handing the book to me! That would’ve been horrible.

“So, uh, I’m guessing you figured out that I didn’t just want to give you a new book, huh?” Dylan said after clearing his throat.

So I was right…but I’m not going to say that.

I just shrugged. “I thought it was different than usual,”

Dylan chuckled softly, getting up out of his chair and walking around to my side of the desk. I inhaled sharply as he sat down, patting the space beside him to sit down too. Should I? The inviting look in his eyes gave me my answer. I swallowed heavily as I realised how close we now were, arms brushing and hands just about touching. Holy shit. Is this actually happening?!

“I just…I know you’ve been coming here the last 5 months to stare at me,” he blurted.

I blushed heavily. He would sound so big-headed if it wasn’t true.

“Have not!” I squeaked.

The corner of Dylan’s lip curled into a smile. “I figured since today is the start of the sixth month, I really should talk to you,”

“Why would you talk to a random teenager who practically stalks you?” I muttered, hanging my head in embarrassment.

“Because you’re the most beautiful boy I’ve ever seen,” he murmured.

W-What? That did not just happen, right? Shit, did he actually say that? Oh my gosh, he did! Dylan thinks I’m beautiful! Oh if only you could feel the ecstasy running through my veins. Holy fuck, I can’t believe he just said that to me.

Before I could reply, his smile fell. “Shit, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. I totally crossed the line. Shit, I’m so sorry,”

As he started to stand up, all I could think to do was to grab his sleeve and pull him towards me, our bodies crashing together. Dylan looked confused but still curious, so I swallowed heavily, gathering as much courage as I could. Then I did it.

I leant up and kissed him. Holymotherfuckingshitballs. His lips are just like I imagined them. Soft, but not too soft. Demanding, but not too demanding. And addictive. Oh so addictive. Fuck, even a couple of hours ago I would’ve laughed at anyone who said I would be kissing Dylan pressed up against the front desk right now. But I am. And I fucking love it.

I don’t know how long we were kissing for, but I do know that when I pulled away to gasp for air, my lips were slightly swollen, Dylan’s the same.

“Wow,” he whispered.

I blushed and rested my forehead against his collarbone. I can’t believe that just happened. I must be dreaming. This can’t be real.

“I don’t even know your name,” Dylan chuckled, cupping my face with his hand so he could lift it to look at him.

“J-Jamie. My name’s Jamie,” I said softly, smiling shyly.

“Jamie. Huh, that suits you – it’s just as adorable as you are,” Dylan said smoothly.

I just blushed again, making him laugh.

“Well, Jamie, I don’t know about you, but I would really like to do that again some time,”

“What, here? Or…”

I trailed off, not really sure what to say. What if he doesn’t want to be seen with me outside of this library? What if he finds me embarrassing?

“Jamie, stop overthinking things. I’d like to take you out for coffee. That is, if you’ll let me,” Dylan said confidently, taking my hands in his.

“I’d love to,” I said happily, trying desperately to control the urge to do my happy dance.

“Fuck, I thought you might say no,” Dylan chuckled, making me giggle. He’s so cute. “Saturday, 2pm? Meet here?”

I nodded, grinning wildly, Dylan laughing at my enthusiasm before leaning down and kissing me again. I could definitely get used to this.

“Mm, Jamie, I can’t believe I waited so long to do this,” Dylan said against my lips, his breath mingling with mine.

I can’t believe I waited so long either, if this was going to be the outcome. But I tell you now, I can’t fucking wait to see where this goes. And by the looks of things, it’s going to be amazing.
♠ ♠ ♠

Feedback is appreciated =]
I hope you liked it!
