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Love Is Hard

The Best Ever

Justin was coming over again for like the 3rd time this week. Actually, he had come over everyday after our date. He would come hang out with me and then he would play with Aliah for a little bit. Justin and I have come close to kissing but it hadn't happened yet. I didn't want to rush into anything.

That morning I got a call from my mom.

"Hi honey," she said, "Hi mom why did you call?" She started to tell me off, "First of all, I would like to say I am not too happy that you are bringing Justin around Aliah, second of all, why does he need to be over there everyday?" I rolled my eyes, "Mom, first of all Justin's my boyfriend and I like him, you can't judge me I am the mother to Aliah not you, and you were barely a mother to me so don't say shit." I hung up. Why was my mom in such a bad mood?

I went to go get ready for the day. Justin, Aliah and I were just hanging out probably going to watch a movie or something. I was too upset that my mom didn't like that Justin was over here. Like I get I'm her daughter but I am an adult, and Aliah is my daughter.

I was straightening my hair and I put on this cute outfit for just hanging around the house in. Aliah was watching cartoons and eating breakfast.

Justin had arrived and he was playing a game with Aliah while I was eating my breakfast. It was good she had someone to keep her occupied and then he spoke, "How about you come meet my mom today? You can bring Aliah." I finished the chewing the cereal in my mouth and looked at him, "Justin," He looked at me, "Please, I know you really don't know if it's right or not, but I want you to meet her please," I just looked at him, "Justin after the conversation I had with my mom this morning, I'm not too sure I want to deal with parents," I forgot to tell him about the conversation with my mom.

"What conversation?" He asked. I walked over to him and sat next to him on the floor, "My mom was upset that you've been spending so much time here, since Aliah is here," I was going to cry. Why did my mom have to control my life? I let a tear slip out of my eye, "Hey, look at me, maybe going to meet my mom would be good, she raised me by herself you know? Maybe you should just talk to her," I nodded.

"Justin, maybe I should meet her, call her, tell her we will go out for lunch somewhere," He smiled, "I knew you would warm up to her if I told you that."

I hit him playfully, "You had that planned out the entire time, just in case I said no huh?" He nodded. "You are such an idiot."

"Yeah but you love me," I heard the word love and my heart stopped. I didn't know what to say I just looked at him wide eyed. I stood up quickly and ran to my bedroom. I closed the door behind me and I went and sat at the top of my bed. I looked at the picture of me and Dylan. I held it in my hands and I starting whispering, "I can't, I can't love. I thought I could but I just can't."

Then a voice spoke,"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that, I didn't mean to," I looked at the doorway and Justin was standing there, "Justin I just, I'm not too sure this is what I want to do, I mean I have a daughter, you don't want her, you have a life, and a career. I will just hold you down,"

"Ava, you are the best girl I have ever met, I haven't had a girlfriend in a year and a half," I butted in, "I haven't had a boyfriend in 3 years." With that I just laid on my bed and wondered what I just had done.
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so this chapter kind of sucks. the reason i shouldnt write chapters at 2 in the morning. hope you like it. got 2 more subscribers!!!