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Love Is Hard


I woke up the morning after and found myself in the bed alone. I decided to put on my jeans because I was cold but left Justin's sweatshirt on. I walked downstairs and he had already made the pancakes and was continuing to make a few more.

"Good morning," I said, he must have not heard me because he looked startled. I just laughed.

"Are you cold?" He asked. I nodded. I was a little cold. The a/c made the house cold. A little too cold.

"Well you must have been cold because last night you were shaking. I had to keep you like wrapped under the sheets and stuff," I was embarrassed. "So when are we going to go to my apartment? I kind of want to stop by at my moms and see what is wrong with Aliah. If that's ok?"

"She's your daughter it's fine." I was happy he understood. We ate breakfast and shared a few laughs but nothing important was talked about.

As 11:00 rolled around we decided we would go to my apartment early so we could spend the day doing other things.

The car ride seemed shorter the way back than the day before on the way there. Justin dropped me off at my apartment, he said he had to go do something so he would be back in about an hour and a half so I could have time to go see Aliah. He figured with my mom's situation with him it would be best if he didn't come. I agreed that I had to figure out what was wrong. I packed up a bag of clothes for about 3 days. I didn't want to stay there that long. It was nice but I want to get back to Aliah eventually.

I changed into some comfortable clothes. Once I was all packed I grabbed my car keys and the bag and went to my car. I was going to take my own car when we went it was just going to be easier. I drove to my moms and I knocked on the door. Aliah came and answered it. I knelt down and hugged her. She hugged back.

My mom stood at the door with a face so mean looking. I hadn't seen it in a long time. I stood up and picked up my daughter. I walked in the house and she started to talk, "Mommy why do spend so much time with Justin?" I put her down on the couch and sat next to her, "I like him, he makes me happy, I still love you Ali, I do. Don't think that just because Justin is here I can't love you, because I do. You are the only person in my life that means this much to me. I love you." She hugged me and I wiped the tears from my eyes.

She was my daughter, she came first. Not Justin. He was always going to be second. My mom walked in the room. "Justin's here. Please just leave." I stood up. He wasn't supposed to meet me here. But maybe he saw I wasn't home so he came here. "Mom why do you hate him? Please I love him. He makes me happy. I haven't been this happy since Dylan died. I didn't know how to be this happy. I love you and Aliah but I can't replace you guys. He is the only person I can tell things to. It may have only been 2 weeks. But it's been the best 2 weeks of my entire life. Of course I miss Dylan, I wish he was still here. I wish I could see him and still be with him but mom he is gone, I finally have moved on why won't you accept Justin? He likes me for me and he treats Aliah perfectly." She looked at me.

"I didn't know you felt like this." I was basically crying, "I never said I didn't like him, I just didn't like that you kept giving me Ali so you could go out with him. Now she doesn't even want to go home to you she wants to be here. I don't get it but maybe she doesn't feel like you care anymore. And before you butt in I know you care, I know you love her, she's all that you have, and have had. But shes daughter, when you and Jess were little I stayed home and cared for you guys while dad worked 18 hours a day. I spent my life raising you two. I just don't see that happening with you and Aliah. Maybe its because you're young and you want to have a life. But she is your responsibility. Not mine." I nodded. I just hugged my mom.

"Do you want me to take her?" I asked. She shook her head. "No, just this last time, go have some fun." I smiled. I heard a knock on the door and I ran over to answer it and saw Justin. He was standing there smiling. I hugged him. "Well I wasn't expecting that." He let go and I did too.

My mom came over to my side and Aliah did too. My mom started to talk to Justin, apologizing for being rude but making him realize that I have Ali. He already had understood that but I think my mom was just making sure he realized that.

I picked up Aliah and moved her to one side. She started to talk to me, "When will you be back?" She asked in a cute voice and she seemed upset, "In 2 days I promise." I kissed her cheek and she smiled. I put her down and she ran off. Justin put out his hand and I took it. My mom said goodbye and we went to our cars. He was a little mad that I wanted to take my own car but it was going to be easier in case I wanted to come see Aliah or he had to go do something.
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So its short and ends horribly but I think the next chapter will be better. I hope you all like the story.