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Love Is Hard

Three Months

When Justin and I arrived at the house I got out and grabbed my bag that I packed. He came over and grabbed it from my hands like a gentleman. He really did treat me the right way.

"I'm happy my mom really wasn't mad at you," I spoke up to him as we were walking in the house.

"Don't ever think your mom would be mad at you. She loves you. She really does I could tell by the way she was looking at you when you were at the house today. It's the same way my mom looks at me sometimes." I smiled. We got in the house and I went in the living room and turned on the television. Justin came and sat next to me.

He tried to grab the remote from me. But I didn't let him.

"So where did you have to go before?" I asked him right after he lost to the remote control war. He looked at me sighed and began to explain.

"So about that, I have to tell you something. You see maybe you don't remember but I am famous. So I have to go on tour soon." I stared at him and was a little dumbfounded. He didn't have a new cd and he didn't have something to promote himself for.

"When is it?" I asked. I really didn't want to know. I just wanted to start off our relationship still. This was not going to be the way to do it.

"I don't know when yet. I had to go talk to everyone about it today. That's where I was. I don't want to leave but I know if I want to come back I have to go. The longer I wait the longer it will be before I come back." He knew what he wanted to do and I was happy that he knew what he wanted.

That day we spent just relaxing and not doin much. We cuddled and watched a few movies. While watching an old 80's movie, Sixteen Candles, he got a phone call. He answered and then he got up and walked out of the room. I paused the movie and just sat there. I tried to listen to him talk and he was quiet but I could make a few words out.

"Why?" "I don't think so." "she wouldn't want to." and some few other things. But the one thing he said that hit me the most, "She has a daughter." he was so serious when he said it. He even sounded upset about it too.

I felt the tears hit my eyes and that was it. They were streaming down my face. Justin didn't come back into the room right away instead I heard some slams and some glass smashing so I wipe the tears from my eyes and went to the kitchen. I saw Justin and he looked upset. I just went next to him and hugged him.

"When do you leave?" I asked carefully not to sound rude. He whispered, "A little less than 3 months. Gone for like 7. I can't be away that long." I hugged him close an he did too.
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I wrote this on my iPhone so don't judge. I won't be home for a week and I had an idea but didn't bring my laptop so I had to write it. Another subscriber woo! I am kind of at a point in the story where I don't know what to write about. I know where I want it to go so if you have an idea feel free to message me.