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Love Is Hard

Time For A Visit

When I arrived at my moms house I explained that Justin and I were not staying at the house anymore because he was too busy so I wanted to take Aliah back home. She understood and I got Aliah's stuff packed in the back of my car and put her in her seat, I buckled her in and as I began to drive she fell asleep.

When we got back to the house I was lucky Justin was taking a shower. I went and grabbed my bags from the other bedroom. I wrote a little note and left it on the counter.

Justin, I'm sorry but I had to go get Aliah my mom needed to be somewhere with her friends and I missed her. Please understand it has nothing to do with anything you told me. I want to be here I do, maybe another time? Text,call or IChat me later. -Ava

When I packed all my stuff into the back of my car I drove off and Aliah was still sleeping. I turned on the radio quietly and it automatically went to the cd player. I was confused I didn't have a cd in there the last time I checked. Then the music began to play and I listened, I skipped the songs and realized what was in there, it was Justin's cd that he had in his car, the same songs. How did it end up there?

That night I was playing a game with Ali and I never got a text from Justin, he never called me and I had my laptop by my side waiting for him. Aliah was happy again. She hadn't smiled like this since before I started to hang out with Justin. She really was too important to give her to my mom all the time.

It had been at least 5 days since I had last heard from Justin. Time was going by and I was spending every moment with Ali again. But in a week Bailey was coming to visit. I was excited to see her. She video chatted me last night and said that she had to tell me something but she wouldn't tell me what it was.

I couldn't wait to see her, but to me on video chat she was hiding something really important, like she kept lying or something. I don't know what it was.

The next day Ali and I decided to go see a movie since it was raining out and we really hadn't gone anywhere all week. When I got to my car there was note on the drivers seat. The window was barely cracked I must have not shut it all the way. I put Aliah in her seat, buckled her in and got in my seat and shut the umbrella and put it in the passenger seat. I grabbed the note and sat down closing the door.

I began to read it before driving off, I wanted to know what it was.


Don't get nervous it is just me Pattie, have you heard from Justin in the past few days? I was going to call you but I didn't have your number. I went to Justin's house and got your address there. But when I buzzed your apartment you didn't answer and you needed this so when I saw Aliah's name on the booster seat in the back I knew it was your car. I am sorry for contacting you this way but please. I have been trying to call Justin and he just won't answer. He isn't at home and I thought maybe he was here but since his car isn't here I am confused. I am just worried. Please call me if you know anything.


Why hadn't Justin called his mom? As far as I knew of he called her at least 5 times a week. Maybe even more if need be. His mom is his rock and I didn't understand. I understood why Pattie would be so worried. I would be worried if Aliah just stopped contacting me too.

"Ali, do you mind if we go to the movies a little bit later? I have to go find Justin, ok? You can come," She smiled and spoke,"Where Justin? I want to come, I want see Justin." I smiled. At least she kind of wanted to see him. I mean she had been with me the past 6 days so it was understandable why she had finally warmed up to him. She just missed mommy daughter time, I think.

I drove to the house out on the lake. I didn't drive too fast but I drove faster than I normally would with Ali in the car. When I got to the house Justin's car was there. I heard music from the inside of my car coming from my house. I heard it over my running car, over the rain, and it meant it was really loud.

I got out of the car, "Ali, stay here ok? I will be right back." I ran to the front door quickly and it was luckily unlocked. Justin wasn't in the kitchen or the living room even though thats where the music was coming from. I turned it off and ran upstairs. I went into his room and he wasn't there. He wasn't in his bathroom either. I ran to the other bathroom and bedroom. He wasn't there. Where was he?

I went downstairs and out the back door. He wasn't there either. Then I decided just to go get Ali and I was soaked from head to toe by the time I ran all the way to the car. He was sitting in the backseat with Aliah. She was laughing. I got in the front seat and he looked at me. I was literally dripping of water.

"Why are you here?" He asked, "I thought maybe I should pay you a visit, plus your mom was worried about you," "Justin, are you upset with me for leaving? Did you not want me to leave? I mean I left you the note," He nodded, "I saw the note but I just didn't understand why you would leave, I know you had Ali but still," I shrugged my shoulders.

"Please just come over, call your mom and leave this house, you look like you haven't slept, haven't showered, and haven't eaten in a couple days, come to my house and clean up. Please." I begged, maybe begging was the only way to get him to understand everything happening around me.

I waited and then he answered,"Ok, but let me go and lock everything up inside and I will go in my car." I nodded he got out and Aliah began to talk, "Where is Justin going?" She asked, "He went inside to go get some things and he is gonna come to our house," She smiled. Why had he come out here right after I went in the house? Was he out in the backyard and heard the car pull up so he saw Aliah and decided to keep her company. I had no idea but then I saw him come out of the door, lock it and get into his car. I backed out first and waited for him to come up the driveway, I was going to follow him.

As he came out and began to drive I followed along until we ended up at my apartment. Once we got inside I let him go take a shower and wash up. I decided to make a late lunch for us to eat. Pasta was ok, and I boiled the sauce. Once he was done in the shower the pasta was done.

I put some on a plate for the 3 of us. We sat down at the table and ate. Justin didn't say anything to me. I finished and Aliah finished, "Mommy, I tired," I nodded,"Ok, lets put you down for a nap," I turned to Justin,"We are talking when I get back," He nodded and I walked away with Ali to put her down for a nap which I rarely did.
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So I got another chapter done. Hope you like the story. Anyways, I got some big changers happening in the next chapter!