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Love Is Hard


Lunch was fun. Bailey told Justin and Ryan that she's pregnant and they handled it perfectly because I forewarned them. I'm not sure they would have reacted the same if I didn't tell them.

Aliah kept trying to get everyone's attention and it got really annoying. We were having a conversation and then here she is like crying. I had to take her into the bathroom and explain to her how to act. I don't think I have ever been mean to her.

At the end of lunch Justin decided to just drive us around a little. Showing Bailey all the ins and outs of LA. Justin had to stop at a gas station and while he was loading up the car Bailey and Ryan went to go get some snacks and stuff because Bailey wanted chocolate.

I went to stand out by the gas pump with Justin.

"Wanna go out tonight?" he asked me. I looked in the car at a sleeping Ali. "We have Bailey and Ryan." I nodded. "But she is a lot to handle Justin, you saw her at lunch today. I can't just leave her with them. Not that I don't think they could watch her but," He shook his head,"You just are afraid to leave her with them, you don't want something to happen." I nodded.

"It will be ok, please, I wanna go out, we are leaving for Canada in a month and well I just want to make sure I really want to bring you." He said laughing. I shook my head and hit him.

"Come on that was funny," I smirked,"Oh hilarious." He smiled. He kissed my lips quickly and everything seemed perfect. I finally had someone I could trust.

"Bailey see thats what I have to deal with," I heard Ryan as I was standing there,"Ryan shut up you were only here for one more day than Bailey." Justin said.

"Well actually I had to listen to you talk about her for hours on end." He said. Justin shook his head. I was a little embarrassed that he talked about me to Ryan for hours.

Justin finished and went to the drivers seat and I went into the car too. Bailey was eating a bag of chips, I was like gonna hurl if I ate any more food. I couldn't even look. Ali was still sleeping and then Justin began to speak,"Do you guys think you could watch Ali while Ava and I go out?" I wasn't mad that he asked. But the fact that I told him I didn't want something to happening to Ali and that fact that he still mentioned it made me a bit upset.
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So Irene just came through. Who knows what's gonna happen? Anyways it's short but I wanted to update before I went back to school. Hope you all like it. Message me if you wanna.