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Love Is Hard

Perfect Stories

The date was great. We ate a good dinner and then he wanted to take a walk. He was getting serious and he spoke.

"Look, I haven't wanted to tell you this but it's not good news." I was worried. I got nervous what was happening? My mind began to create endings that were possible and ones that were horrible. Not one I could think of could end up good.

"In 2 weeks, after we leave for Canada." Oh yeah 2 weeks we were going to Canada. So I guess he wasn't breaking up with me. One off the list only about 50 more possible situations left.

"So like a month from now." I nodded following his talking but I was nervous.

"I'm leaving on tour." A month? Did he just say a month? From today he was supposed to be leaving in 2 and a half months not one month. Not one but 2. How could this have happened? I hadn't said a word to him. Was I supposed to? I didn't know what to say. So I just stood there and looked at him.

"Say something, anything." I had the feeling that tears were coming to my eyes. "Why so early?" He answered my question,"Because the sooner I leave, the sooner I can come back to you." I smiled. "Really? That's why?" He nodded. He pulled me over to a bench.

"Ava, you are so important to me. You mean a lot. I want to be here with you. But I won't get done with my tour until a little after my birthday. I am gonna miss you." He was pulling something out of his pocket. It was a little box. "Here take this, it was our one month anniversary the other day and I know we decided not to talk about it or make a big deal about it, I got you this."

He opened it up. It was a beautiful necklace.

"Justin," I started he stopped me,"No I wanted to get you this ok? It's for you and I don't care what you say you are keeping it." He smiled. I smiled too.

"Now onto my last question," I stared at him,"There's more?" I asked he nodded, "Don't worry this one isn't bad, I have this dinner thing I have to go to and I have a plus one. I want you to come." I thought about it.

"When is it?" He answered, "Next weekend." I nodded, "Ok, Justin I will come." He smiled.

"Now do you want help putting on that necklace?" I nodded. I turned and lifted up my hair and he put the necklace on me. I adjusted it after but then I turned back to him.

"Justin, thank you, for everything." He looked at me nodded and kissed me. It was one of the best kisses he had ever given me. It was perfect. The whole night was just perfect.

He brought me home and we went up to my apartment. I opened the door. The lights in the kitchen were on and I walked over. It was about 9:30. I heard talking. Then I heard Aliah scream. Well I guess she wasn't awake. As Justin and I walked in the kitchen we saw Ryan and Bailey chasing after Ali. I was laughing as the couldn't catch her so I walked up behind her and picked her up.

She began to laugh and then screamed, "Mommy," She hugged me. "Honey it's time to go to bed ok?" She nodded. I put her down,"Go get ready for bed I will be right in." She ran off.

I walked to the kitchen table and sat down. Ryan, Justin, and Bailey sat down after me. "Was she a lot of trouble?" I asked. They shook their heads.

"No, she was perfectly fine," Bailey said laughing. Ryan looked at me,"Yeah she was a lot of fun, she ate dinner and she was fine. Couldn't get her to bed though," I realized that. "About that." I began to stand up but Justin stood up,"I'll go put her to bed, you sit here," I smiled.

I sat back down and watched him walk out of the room. "Wow you are letting him go?" Ryan asked. "Yeah I will go check in a minute, I really just wanted to sit down." Bailey laughed.

After talking for about 4 minutes I stood up and walked to Ali's room.

Justin was talking to her so I listened. "Why is mommy not here?" He answered her question,"She was tired."

"Tell me a story."

"Once a upon a time lived two people they loved each other very much, but the boy had to leave for a long time. He was worried about what to do, if the girl would miss him. He didn't admit to not wanting to leave but if it was his choice he would've stayed with her forever. Their love was perfect. They hadn't said 'I love you' but it was about to be said soon. At least he wanted too. He was worried it wouldn't happen right." She interrupted him.

"Why not he say it?" She asked.

"He didn't want to get her upset. She didn't like those 3 words. She was afraid to move on from her past. A past she couldn't get back. She didn't understand that. He was her future. The past was her past. She had a daughter. Her daughter was only 4."

"Like me!"

"Yes like you, she didn't want to bring her daughter around someone that could end up hurting the both of them. But she didn't know how much they both meant to him. He was ready to give up everything for them. They hadn't known each other long but it seemed like they knew each other for a very long time."

"Well what happened?"

"Well Ali, when I know I will tell you the rest of the story. Goodnight. You're mommy says goodnight too."

"Goodnight." She said with a soft voice. I saw the light turn off and I walked into my room. I saw Justin look in. He saw me sitting on my bed in the dark.

"What are you doing?" He asked me.

"Just thinking." And that's exactly what I was doing. I knew the story was about us. So I was just thinking about the story and how he wanted to say 'I love you' but wouldn't risk our relationship. The perfect story to tell my daughter.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I had my first week of school. So much hw already kill me now. HAHA! So I probably won't update till the weekends now and its a long weekend so maybe I will get 2 out. But most weekends only expect one.
Hope you like it. 2 new subscribers. Please let me know if you like the story and when I should start my other one or even if I should. Should I just keep going with this story? Let me know.