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Love Is Hard

Sisters, Surprises, and Shopping

As the weekend neared closer I was excited. Jess, David and the kids were coming Sunday, Justin and I had some dinner thing to go to Saturday night, which he wouldn't give me any info on except that it was fancy.

I knew I was going to have to go shopping. So on Friday that's exactly what Bailey, Ali and I were going to do. We got up and got ready by around 11 ish. We were going out for lunch and then shopping. We couldn't be gone too long before Aliah would get whiney.

We pulled up in front of the little local restaurant I loved. The food perfect and the nice atmosphere.

We went in and sat ourselves down. They came over and smiled at me, recognizing me from the times I had been in there. They handed Ali a little kids menu even though she wouldn't even look at it and handed Bailey and I regular menus. Although they had handed me one I knew what I was getting, I had been wanting it since we walked through the door.

"Mommy, I want grilled cheese." I smiled at my daughter, "Of course, what do you want to drink?" She looked up and said, "Milk." I nodded and looked back at Bailey who was reading the menu up and down.

I started to laugh at her because she had that confusing look on her face,"What?" She asked barely looking up from the menu, "Nothing you just look funny," She smirked, "Haha, I'm pregnant and every just sounds so good." As if it was timed her phone rang. She looked at it stood up and walked out the restaurants front door.

I looked at Ali who was coloring in the pictures funny and it was cute. She was bouncing her legs up and down. I checked my phone which I knew wouldn't have messages, Justin was at rehearsal all day. But I did have one message.

Hey, so we are getting everything all packed into the moving truck which should get there on like Tuesday. We are flying in Sunday. David is going with the moving truck. Yeah he had a change of plans and he just is going with the truck. So I am being the pregnant lady with 2 kids on the plane. YAY! So you better be picking me up on Sunday. Text back. Love ya

I was so confused why was David going with the moving truck? I decided just to call.

"Hello?" Answered Jess after 3 rings. "Jess, why is David going in the moving truck?" I asked,"Well there is some things that he didn't realize and well we just decided it would be easier for us 3 to fly there and he drive. He has to drive our car anyways. He wants to watch our belongings and stuff. We hadn't really thought it all through."

"Well then why don't you just go with him, you, Danielle and Jackson just go in the car?" She was silent before answering. "I don't think I could handle a 3 day car trip with Jackson and Danielle." She said laughing. I nodded my head understanding where she was coming from.

"Well please be safe. Be careful have a good flight and call me when you land. I will be waiting. Love you."

"Love you too Ava, tell Ali I say hi." I hung up. Bailey came back with a huge smile on her face.

"What?" I asked her.

"He's coming, Levi is coming out here like next week." I smiled. But really did that guy have a right to come into my house? Was he going to start drama? Would Aliah be ok around him? The lady came over to take our orders and then like 10 minutes later they brought over my delicious turkey club sandwich with waffle fries, Ali's grilled cheese, and Bailey's chicken soup with a BLT and regular fries.

Bailey and I talked about what our plans would be for the week. He was apparently coming around Saturday. Seeing as I was going to Canada with Justin sometime around there I guess I wouldn't see him much. I thought about leaving Aliah with my sister for the few days we were gone just so Justin and I could be without her. I still had to ask her if it would be ok.

As we paid for the lunch and left Bailey accidentally slipped something out I'm sure I wasn't supposed to hear, "Justin told me to make sure whatever you get has to be like really fancy and beautiful." She stopped herself, "Wait when did you talk to Justin? How do you know?" She looked at me,"Don't worry, I promised I wouldn't tell you, but he just wanted me to make sure that you looked perfect and he accidentally told me."

I smiled. I took Ali's hand as we began to walk to the car. I unlocked the doors and put Ali in her car seat. Bailey walked over to the passenger seat car door. After buckling in Ali I closed the door and got into the car.

"Where should we go?" I asked Bailey, she shrugged her shoulders. I decided just to drive and we would probably end up at a store with some dresses.

I parked the car and got Ali out. She wanted me to hold her so I hiked her up on my right side. We walked into one store and I began to pick out a few things. Bailey came over with one and she forced me to try it on.

As I was trying dresses on Bailey kept telling me they weren't fancy enough or pretty enough. I didn't get anything at the first 3 stores. At the 4th store there was a lot of choices. I tried on one which looked really cute on me, Bailey of course said no. I was aggravated but she came over with one. The minute I saw it, that dress was the one.

It was as I put it on and looked in the mirror, that was the dress. It reminded me of prom and how many dresses I looked at and loved and how that one dress at the end was always the one. Well it was just like that.

I walked out of the dressing room to Bailey and my daughter. They looked at me and Bailey nodded. "Mommy you look pretty," I smiled,"Thank you Ali-bug."

"This is it, I knew it was somewhere," I smiled, "Thanks Bailey." She laughed, "No problemo chica." I laughed and rolled my eyes. I went back to change into the clothes that I was wearing before.

As I went to buy the dress Bailey brought over these cute pair of heels. I nodded. They went perfectly and I felt like I just needed them. Ali was getting restless by the time we were leaving the store so I was kind of glad just to go home and rest. I was excited for tomorrow and excited just to see Justin again.
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Sorry for not updating. But I have a five day weekend so there is still 2 days left to update more. I am going to start my other story soon. I have it all planned out and starting to write the first chapter. I hope people will read it because it won't be a Justin Bieber story.